The Holocaust - the mass sacrifice of more than eighteen million Protestants, Orthodox Christians, ethnic Jews and minority groups by burning them alive in furnaces less than seventy years, before the Catholic dictators Adolf Hitler SJ and Fri Joseph Stalin SJ the largest and most elaborate human sacrifices en masse in the history dar.
were Great as the military and logistical means to apply from 1939 to 1945 for this "project" of Rome have been arranged to end a crucial role in the demise of the Third Reich played . Efforts were made to the largest sacrifice number of non-Catholics effectively around the clock specifically for this purpose-built stoves, represented a huge logistical effort - not least, required the complete genealogical analysis of a large part of Europe.
If not for the genius of the emerging U.S. technology companies such as would have been as Innovative Business Machines [IBM], which confirm the first computer for the task designed to save who and who to kill, except if there were there were not hundreds of millions of dollars that pharmaceutical companies put into the research of advanced nerve gas to people for easy transport to the furnaces in Gas chambers to make unconscious, then the plan would have been impossible.
But mainly because of the willing complicity and support of allied leaders, not to hinder the Vatican project, it was the Nazis, 1944-1945 by fire more innocent people than to kill taken together with all the other years.
all pictures of the camps that were made by the Allies since the early 1940s, were maintained at the highest level of secrecy under wraps. Since the Second World War, clear and unambiguous evidence emerged that the allied command staff even went as far as the logistical movements and expected process rate the victims of the train movements by tracking to record the sacrifice of camps. In the end they did not allow the dropping of a single bomb on the Vatican's Nazi death camps.
At the end of the war was the first thing the Allies under Eisenhower to demolish all the statues of the Virgin Mary (which the camp was dedicated) outside of the hundreds of death camps. Many of the furnace blocks - before any other buildings - in many camps were quickly removed and destroyed. Some camps, like the only people sacrificing camp, which was intended for the combustion of children (Łódź), was virtually erased from history.
to the Time when the Nuremberg trials began (secretly by Jesuit Father Edmund Walsh guided Georgetown University), many key Nazis were placed behind the Holocaust feigned death, or added to ensure the new countries and identities, the total number of victims was the "acceptable" level of six million fixed and neither was the Roman Catholic Church, mentioned the Roman Catholic statues at the camps, even the occult ever officially at the trials of hundreds of guards and officers.
"We did not know" became the official guideline of denial, the indoctrinated the public the winning side was. Conveniently, even evidence was in a former Gestapo headquarters "found", who called it the "Final Solution of the Jewish question". The window of the sacrifices was reduced from 1939 to 1945 in just three years (1943-1945) to downplay the complicity of the Allied leaders. And yet of all the terrible and criminal lies that were brought forth by the CFR-led U.S. military and the RIIA-led British military, the argument that people were gassed to death because it is "cheaper" was the final and lasting insult to some of the darkest days of human history remains.
Twenty million people could be killed in the same way as did many other dictators throughout history, simply by Massenbegräbnisse or disposal of the body through the creation of large pits, as described by during the epidemics in Europe hundreds of years ago was done, the times called for so many lives.
And yet the evil farce that the Holocaust was just a hateful racist, purposeful Nazi system of a "cost saving" destruction, the accepted view - an absurdity that defies all the evidence in the opposite direction. That the main architects of this terrible Time period to this day remain protected, is a mockery of every Jew, every Russian Orthodox, Greek Orthodox every, every Protestants, Baptists each and every person who has been sacrificed in the ovens.
It is against these souls that lies with us better badge. It is in their memory and peace, that this brief article will explore the truth behind the Holocaust - Who was really behind it, why? And why justice has not yet their light shine on these millions of victims left.
a dramatically different story than what was taught them
For many readers will have the introduction to this His article is a serious cause for concern. First, like for many, the fact of the complete and total involvement of the Catholic Church from the highest levels out in the sacrifice of millions of innocent human beings sound absurd. For others, claims that Stalin and even Heinrich Himmler were Jesuit priest will sound far-fetched.
And yet is not merely the question of "Who was really behind the Holocaust? And why "in the game, but the need to clearly express the truth that three times more people died in the camps human sacrifice than what they have told them - and that the same people that this have done, were never punished, and now have even more resources and power than they had seventy years ago.
many good historians and researchers of the Holocaust have known when she worked up what evidence remained that large and intentional gaps in our knowledge. This sincere men and women of the academic world know in their hearts and in her excellent mind that the "do not know" what the Allies after the war, the said, just a big lie, was the disguised something else.
Future generations sake it is time to put things in perspective - it's time to say the truth, who's really behind it and why. I therefore ask you and anyone who starts reading this book to end it urgently, before considering your final conclusions.
The Europe of 1930
the seed from which spawned the idea for the greatest human sacrifice of innocent life, for the first time to see the changing political fortune of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe after the First World War.
The First World War marked a turning point for the Vatican. The defeat of Austria-Hungarian Empire, because of the war freed the popes - after almost five hundred years - intervene on contracts which allowed the descendants of the Holy Roman emperors royal houses, right in the papal election. The destruction of the German and French noble influence was "sweet revenge" in response to their persecution by enlightened policies of secularism (secular) in the years that the "Great War" led.
was the first time in five centuries, the Catholic Church free to chart its own course, without fearing the influence of the royal family - with one exception - Germany. Once the German royal family was destroyed the Church would completely be free.
but remained their immediate enemy is the driving force for greater social reforms - the end of the corrupt capitalism, to promote science, education and equitable social values - a world which, if ever realized, to be a will in which the Roman Catholic Church would not exist.
Pope Pius XI.
It was Achillle Ratti ( Pope Pius XI. ), who planned for his papal bull Ubi Arcano (December 1922), a new counter-strategy against "modernism" to encourage Catholic men and women, promote and carefully select who would pursue the best interests of the Church in their respective societies, without priests and nuns.
The result of these strategies, plans and regulations by Pope Pius XI. should be to make the powerful Catholic power structure in the whole world into a gigantic political party - one that easily any candidate, president, prime minister could beat - one that could go to choose their own leaders with absolute loyalty to Rome.
Consider the following fact - what politician, candidate today in a Christian nation for an office would be stupid enough, the Roman Catholic upsetting church? And yet, contrary less than 100 years, many industrialized nations, the Jesuits (yet again) and saw the Vatican as the center of evil.
1919, then a Hauptgünstling of Pope Pius, Eugenio Pacelli already selected a suitable candidate for the Church in Germany - a young, embittered Catholic intelligence officer named Adolf Hitler the Pacelli during his early years in Munich at least met once a week, as well as Hitler's supporters and donors, as well as his supervisor.
1933 the Catholic Church had its goal of their wildest dreams beyond reach, with devout Roman Catholic dictators who now controlled Italy, Germany, Spain, Croatia, Russia (Fr. Stalin SJ) and key countries in South America. It was likely this year - the Vatican and the Jesuits, the greatest power held for over six hundred years in their hands - that the "final solution" between Cardinal Pacelli, Graf Fri Vladimir Ledóchowski (the Supreme Jesuit General) and a handful of hard-liners of the Curia, was hatched, including the Munich Archbishop Cardinal Michael von Faulhaber.
The creation of an environment of hatred, racism against Minorities
Until the 1930s was the government of the United States "technically" still in the diplomatic war with the Vatican, because of the Jesuit assassination of Abraham Lincoln given seventy years earlier. But after the election of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as President was the Catholic Church a powerful ally and like-minded people.
Father Edmund A. Walsh SJ conferred with the 33-degree Freemason General Douglas MacArthur in Tokyo, 1948
Thanks to the work of the Jesuits at Georgetown University, Edmund Walsh, SJ Fri - probably one of the most powerful Americans 20th Century - Supported FDR and Wall Street Hitler and Catholic dictators as "good for business." Hundreds of millions of dollars now invested in rebuilding the German economy.
With America for the first time in history as a solid ally of the Vatican only were the United Kingdom and a handful of European governments and minorities are a threat to Rome, where we really the Jesuits, the English monarchy, Parliament and the intelligence since the reign of King George III. has controlled.
Count Vladimir Ledóchowski SJ
Count Vladimir Ledóchowski SJ then called forth a torrent of literature and propaganda against minority groups, particularly against Jews, including the infamous Protocols of the Elders of Zion - a document that, when it is only revised by adding the word "Jew" replaced by "Jesuit" , a frighteningly accurate template is for what Roman Catholic dictators were told to do.
Within one generation, had the world on away from philosophical discussions of secularism (secular) and why "God is dead" more serious debates about eugenics, racial purity and how dangerous "anti-social" Minorities deal was turned.
In 1937 was the anti-Semitic, anti-minority directed hatred that was orchestrated by Fr Ledóchowski SJ and his jesuit army has become so profound that most Catholic dictators feel comfortable with the idea that the public would not erupt in turmoil if minorities were "safely" be removed from society.
appeared at the same time, however, a powerful new enemy against the propaganda of the Jesuits, the hatred and fear rejected - Pope Pius XI. The pope himself had become a passionate critic of the hate-filled racist policy, which now of Roman Catholic Dictators were executed through Fri Ledóchowski SJ and the hardliners.
The straw that broke the camel's back came in 1939 when the Pope was planning a papal bull issue, which made it practical for every Catholic to a serious sin to act against another person because of his origin, skin color or political views . The Supreme Jesuit General intercepted the bull before it was publicly announced as a new church law, and a few days later, the Pope was dead, another victim of the "poison cup" of society.
A few weeks later, Pacelli was made pope. A few months later began the Jesuit-controlled Roman Catholic dictators the Second World War.
The final solution of Pope Pius XII.
With the world now at war in late 1939, the Roman Catholic dictators had the perfect conditions exist under which the programs of "ethnic cleansing" on an unprecedented scale could be executed.
Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli
, the future Pope Pius XII. signed the Reich Concordat
generals of the English fascist Franco kiss her ring finger in 1939 by Pope Pius XII.
As evidence of his willful Malignancy was the team from Pope Pius XII. Ledóchowski and in 1929 Hitler forced the appointment of the then 29-year-old crass outsider Fri Heinrich Himmler SJ as the head of the SS (Nazi SS) agree. Pacelli and Ledóchowski Himmler helped protect, and guide, so that he at the outbreak of the Second World War, commanded a force of millions of regular police in Germany up to scientists and expert interrogators - ready to take action.
Contrary to the propaganda, the Knights of Dwight D. Eisenhower [the great Allied "crusaders" of New York's Archbishop Francis Spellman] and other was written after the war, the year 1939 marked the beginning of the implementation of the "Final Solution" by Pope Pius XII. the Jesuits and was designed, planned and arranged.
The plan was simple - to transport convince Roman Catholic dictators like the undesirables in "labor camps" where they are used and then later "cleared" were killed is, discreetly taking advantage of the reliable services of a specialized "untouchable" unit of the SS . Almost certainly never would human sacrifice, even satanic rituals anyone ever compared by high-level Vatican and Jesuit circles, nor the devoted to the SS troops under the command of Fr SJ Himmler be mentioned.
Just like the camouflage of the "work camp" today is still used to hide the extent of the Holocaust, it is certain that this type of disinformation to the German high command just as the Roman Catholic leadership bars in Spain, Italy and Croatia were leaked, which sent many of its citizens to death camps.
with an agreement for the Roman Catholic leader in force, millions of poor souls to make available, was released the next challenge, where to put it back and each clearly visible, strategic, occult meaning to hide.
Why Poland?
One of the obvious historical mysteries of the Second World War, "Why did the Nazis specific locations in Poland in order to place the victim in stock?" The issue is a set of standard answers and - above all was that Poland is an occupied country and that it in a central location was in the millions like cattle could be transported.
That is true. The Roman Catholic Poland was an obvious choice for the death camps - first, because it was an occupied territory, out of sight of the citizens of Germany, Italy, Spain and the rest of the world. It was also the focus of unsurpassed Jesuit-spiritual and temporal power in Europe, including the Roman Catholic Bavaria.
But there are other, even more specific reasons why the logic of the exact locations of the camp and feed the why. The first pieces of the puzzle is the hatred of Polish Catholicism to the satanic hard-liners in the Curia, the Pope and the Jesuits understood, and the personal feud Ledóchowski the family against the disgrace of their patriarch.
Graf Mieczyslaw Halka Ledóchowski, uncle of Fr Ledóchowski SJ, Cardinal-Primate of Poland from 1866 to 1886. The Polish Catholic Church has always been fiercely provincial and in 1867 ordered Cardinal Ledóchowski finally, that religious ceremonies in Latin, and are not carried out in Polish, the ban on Polish songs and that nothing should be published without his authorization.
Count Mieczyslaw Halka Ledóchowski
Those orders have enabled the local Polish clergy in anger - as the Irish church centuries ago - sought to place the mysteries of Christianity into a local community context. The Polish Catholic clergy rebelled against Cardinal Ledóchowski and successfully moved the Protestant-Lutheran Prussian authorities, including the Lutheran Prince Bismarck and Kaiser Wilhelm I to him in jail, to confiscate his family and to humiliate the family name forever. Finally, Cardinal Ledóchowski was released to Rome - a broken man in disgrace.
for Graf Vladimir Ledóchowski SJ, the Jesuit Black Pope and most powerful general in the history since Francis Borgia, Poland was a cursed place. Probably not a high-ranking Satanist hated within the Roman Catholic Church of Poland more. During the term of office of his uncle as he would with the Primate of Cybele (Sibylle) sacred shrines are familiar, based in Warsaw and on the course of Czartoryska Palace in Puławy are.
These shrines of the 19th Century were of enormous importance for the ancient satanic-papal families. Apart from the Vatican itself - as the oldest and most important temple of Cybele - and Tivoli (outside Rome) were the two temples in Poland are the only other functioning temple in Europe.
Warsaw was a public place in order to highly malignant satanic ceremonies to hold and to feed the souls of the damned advantage - sacrificed in the fire. But the Czartoryska Palace in Puławy and beautifully decorated temple of Cybele from the 19th Century was perfect. When the SS
their "clean" campaign seriously began, the first district, the region was around Puławy. The next was the exact location of the specialized camp for the human sacrifice.
The satanic pentagram by Pope Pius XII. and the Black Pope
The ancient satanic families who dominated the Vatican for centuries, have known that damned souls - damned souls - are not at rest. The manipulation and use of this negative energy has always been at heart of black magic.
Historically, geometry and power forms also played a key role in the planning and ceremony genuine Satanists. To make negative energy to the human mind is no advantage Form considered more powerful than the pentagram. In order to form a pentagram
highest malignancy, were Pope Pius XII. and the Black Pope Ledóchowski need at least five victims camp - one for each point of the star. But a system of just five camps would arouse suspicion because of his condition immediately. Instead, the stock of human sacrifice and their exact geographical locations were deliberately concealed in a seemingly random and opportunistic landscape of labor camps and other death camps.
But in the heart of this complex system of internment, torture camps and camps remained the pentagram Sacrifice of Pope Pius and Fr Ledóchowski SJ exist - the channel, passed by the eighteen million souls - condemned by the satanic leadership of the Roman Catholic Church.
( click here for an enlarged view of the map )
this pentagram today can still trace easy to just hit by a map of Poland.
first First, they find Puławy on a map - the Palace and Temple of Cybele is just southwest of the city itself located.
second Now they go straight up and stop and southeast of Ostrow - this is the highest point of the pentagram and the location human sacrifice camp Treblinka.
third Now they go southeast on down - until they pass Puławy to the city in the Ukraine Orthodox are called L'viv. For west of this city was the human sacrifice Janowska camp - often misrepresented as a mere labor.
4th Now they go back west to Cracow, to just above the town of Bielsko-Biala. This was the site of massive human sacrifice camp Auschwitz.
5th Now they go north until you find the city of Łódź. This was the site of the only people sacrificing camp, which was purely intended for children - the human sacrifice storage Łódź
6th Eventually they go back to the east until they find the small town Włodawa - almost on the border with Ukraine - this was the site of human sacrifice camp Sobibor. Since they have
her pentagram of the purest evil. Since they have their pentagram of death, built in the attempt to derive the greatest amount of negative energy to a place in the history of mankind.
also were at least three other people sacrifice camp along the "ley lines" of the Pentagram created, including Belzec, Tomaszów Mazowiecki, and Majdanek.
The final question is probably why? Why would people be so evil? The answer lies in the center and the society for centuries has been shaped by forces - forces do not wish that the world moved on - people who pretend to be pious, but instead conspire to keep the world in misery. These powers have conspired to bring back the world into the Dark Ages of the Pope, and they destroy the modern era, which was born from the Protestant Reformation.
had at that time of Pope Pius XII. and the Black Pope of the Jesuits held the highest secular power - thanks to the willing conversion by Mrs. Heinrich Himmler SJ and Fr Alexander N. Poskrebyshev SJ, Soviet Lieutenant-General known as the "General of the Lubyanka" (NKVD headquarters in Moscow) and Stalin's right hand and unrestricted adviser within the Kremlin.
was possible that the subject is the same as in all other satanic leaders of the Roman Catholic Church over the centuries - to strike fear into the hearts of the enemy - - to restore control to empower the "Mother Church" and to regenerate in accordance with the vile, Counter-Reformation Council of Trent of the Jesuit Order.
If this is the objectives of the sacrifice of eighteen million innocent "heretics Liberals and "the most vicious of all methods was, it seems to have succeeded.
Today the Roman Catholic Church untouchable, all powerful and rich. In fact, the Catholic Church is now never been more powerful. So is the work of Pope Pius XII. and come to the Jesuits certainly benefit from the Vatican.
No mention of the complete and utter involvement of the Vatican in the crimes against humanity has been deleted from the public records - they can not stop - except for one fact - each person can assemble the pieces for themselves.
And one day if enough people do this have, then the stain of the murder of over eighteen million people (dubbed "heretics and liberals" in the Council of Trent and the fourth vow of the Jesuits) hide in the name of the Roman Catholic Church to continue to be impossible.
Read "Vatican Holocaust" Part II for even more astonishing and disturbing insights into the Great Vatican-Jesuit pentagram of evil.
Source: http://
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