Josef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, Ioseb Besarionis Dze Jughashvili; Russian: Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili Иосиф Виссарионович Джугашвили) (18 December 1878 - 5 March 1953), better known by his adopted name, Joseph Stalin ( Иосиф Сталин, Iosif Stalin, Stalin, meaning "the Steel").
Joseph was influential Catholic parents, Vissarion "Beso" Dzhugashvili and Ekaterina 'Keke' Geladze born. Beso His father was a successful and relatively wealthy local business man. However, he is in later biographies alternately as a poor, destitute and described as a violent alcoholic.
Whatever be the real truth always, Joseph was at the Catholic, taken by Capuchins run school in Gori. He made his statements in 1892 as best in class and at the age of 14 years for admission to the "orthodox" theological seminary in Tiflis (Tbilisi, Georgia) has accepted a Jesuit institution, to be trained as a Jesuit priest.
Despite opposing the historiography of Jesuit priest led Seminar The Jesuits remained on Russian territory, after the Order was banned in 1820 by Alexander I., where they retained control of several institutions, including the seminary in Tbilisi.
Stalin himself gave in his famous interview with the Jewish journalist Emil Ludwig (Cohen) not the Jesuit control of the institution:
Ludwig: What drove them to be a opposition? Was it bad treatment by their parents?
Stalin: Yes. My parents were uneducated, but they have treated me badly in any way. But it was a different matter at the Orthodox theological seminary, which I visited at that time. In protest against the unprecedented system and the Jesuit methods that prevailed at the seminar, I was ready to be a revolutionary, and was, indeed, a, a believer of Marxism as a really revolutionary teaching.
Ludwig: But do not give that the Jesuits have good sites?
Stalin: Yes, they are systematic and persistent in working to achieve goals dirty. But their main method to spy on their way into the souls of the people to spy is to sneak, and their feelings of outrage. What is it good one? For example, the spying in the hostel. At nine clock the bell rings for morning tea, we go to the dining room, and if we return to our rooms, we find that a search has taken place and all our chests have been ransacked ... What good things could have it?
In Tbilisi was Stalin's best friend Krikor Bedros Aghajanian classmate, the future Grégoire-Pierre Cardinal Agagianian, a powerful and unscrupulous Roman Catholic cardinal, who later passed them to death camps in Siberia under Stalin's direct rule.
While accounts of his time in Tbilisi, many times were changed, it is generally accepted that Stalin was the star pupil of the seminary. As a result, remained shrouded in mystery, the events of 1899.
In the last week of his student days, when he had seven (7) completed years as a pupil of the Jesuits, different from Stalin to varying reports or was expelled. None of the representations can adequately explain how a student of the seminary for seven years does not suddenly 12 months later, influential and active in the coordination of the Georgian social-democratic movement made its appearance - a performance that could be impossible to achieve without significant support.
is the more credible and more controversial conclusion that Stalin lacked as a full Jesuit priest from the Jesuit seminary, and his first order of the Georgian ground to infiltrate against the Russian czarist government and to lead.
The fact that Stalin was awarded an academic position at the observatory from Tbilisi, his Jesuit qualifications and completed study lends credibility again. His double life as a secret leader of the Maiaufstände of 1901 less than 2 years after graduating from the Jesuit seminary demonstrated his skills as a Jesuit principal agent.
After he escaped arrest by the Tsarist secret police (Okhrana), Stalin fled to Batumi, where he was hidden by the Rothschilds through one of its oil refineries located there in safety. 1902, when the authorities learned from his hiding place, were instructed local Cossacks to take him prisoner. However, the oil workers rallied together behind Stalin, a number were killed and arrested together with Stalin. Later this whole event has been reversed, with Stalin, instead of remaining in hiding, who organized a strike and an arson attack against the oil refinery - all of which defies the common perception of his circumstances.
1903 Stalin exiled to Siberia for three years. Nevertheless, the Jesuits managed to bring some months later false papers in the prison camp and liberate Stalin, on 4 January 1904 returned to Tbilisi.
His new orders from the Jesuits had an underground newspaper called "Credo" to push, which blackens the International Lenin's Marxist ideology in favor of fascist social democratic model of Roman Catholicism. began when the Russian-Japanese War in February 1904, Stalin was once in the whole of Georgia actively in the organization of resistance and concentrated attacks against the Menshevik faction of the Communists.
On 9 January 1905 Stalin was able to ignite the spark that had requested his master, when he successfully organized a mass demonstration of workers with anti-tsarist and communist banners in Baku. Then alerted he secretly the Cossacks that the demonstration was an armed uprising. The Cossacks responded as expected and several hundred protesters and sparked so the Russian Revolution killed in 1905.
During the following months, did Stalin emerged as the guerrilla leaders by the insurgency in all of Georgia maintained. Nevertheless, the movement never reached a critical mass and Stalin were ordered to redirect its efforts in the infiltration of the highest order of the Bolsheviks. In December 1905, secured a meeting with Lenin, Stalin, but did not make it his confidence and support to win, and returned to Tbilisi, virtually a free agent.
In February 1906 Stalin organized the assassination of General Fyodo Griiazanov to prove the Bolsheviks his qualifications. He also went on bank robberies and extortion to stage and the Bolsheviks to send money to prove his trustworthiness.
These events were compelling enough to Lenin, Stalin can participate in the Social Democratic Party meeting in London in 1907. After he returned to Georgia, Stalin was on 25 March 1908 arrested again. He was sentenced to two years exile in Siberia, but after seven months of the Jesuit influence within the czarist government allowed his escape in February 1909th
were about this time around, the Bolsheviks on the verge of extinction in the face of their leaders who stayed in jail or in exile, and a lack of new recruits and funds. Stalin called for a reconciliation with the Menshevik faction, which rejected Lenin. Then Stalin called for a great witch hunt to root out suspected double agent. A number of key supporters of Lenin and the intelligentsia were chased out and some murdered - later records brought to light that none of them was a traitor. Stalin was arrested again in 1910 and 1913 again for four years.
As a result of the February Revolution in 1917, Stalin was released from prison and taken to St. Petersburg, and He immediately founded the Pravda, the official Bolshevik newspaper, with significant capital and equipment, which arrived literally overnight, while Lenin and the rest of the leadership still in exile.
Pravda has been a major instrument of the revolution and Lenin to take given the power and influence of Pravda Stalin forced into leading committees.
Lenin, like most Bolsheviks saw Stalin as a double agent of the Jesuits. Your most obvious evidence was the fact that Stalin had escaped death in prison and the extraordinary and unprecedented clemency toward him brought by the tsarist government was - while agitators, which only a fraction of the acts of Stalin were found guilty of brutally tortured and killed. While the suites and "near misses" in the life of Stalin have been documented, the fact that he apparently was the "revolutionary with the most happiness" in the twentieth century will not be discussed.
had won the 1922 Bolshevik Although the civil war, but left the whole country bankrupt. The Rothschilds and the American Jesuit bankers on Wall Street made a simple offer - it would help to finance the new Soviet Union and to help her off the hook, provided that Stalin would get assigned a leading role. That is why Stalin was on 3 April 1922 as General Secretary of the Central Committee made a position which he expanded in the sequel to the most powerful.
sought Despite his position Lenin still looking for ways to counteract the influence of Stalin, and in December 1923 came to a head in such a way that Lenin, Stalin was planning to eliminate finite. In January 1924 gave the Supreme Jesuit General Vladimir Ledóchowski the order of Stalin, which allowed him to kill Lenin, and on 21 January 1924 Lenin was poisoned at the age of 53 years to death. In order to suppress
any rumors about a lazy approach Stalin published in Pravda Revocations against "claims" that never existed, such as those that Lenin had been mentally ill or that he had even died of syphilis.
was from this point on, Stalin was the most powerful and undisputed ruler of the Soviet Union.
One of the first acts of Stalin was to prohibit the Russian Orthodox Church, which allows thousands to be seized churches and schools in the Catholic Church - a highly controversial program that for the most part to date has not been reported is. 1939, the Russian Orthodox Church was virtually extinct.
Of the other persecutions under his rule in the Ukraine and the deportation of Jews also notorious in the tens of millions died. But what is rarely published or not at all is that the head of the death camps of Siberia none other than the Catholic Cardinal Grégoire Agagianian was his former classmate at the Jesuit seminary in Tbilisi.
There is a further and more deeply disturbing to note that Catholic name, the nature of the atrocities in Siberia on. While it was acknowledged by some historians that a number of concentration camps in Siberia had stoves to burn dead bodies, the lack of sufficient mass graves were found destroy itself by using lime to evidence.
This can indicate that the furnaces must have been of storage for disposal of bodies in frequent use in the thousands. Furthermore, the fact that people have not been dead when they were fed to the furnaces. Unlike the Nazis, who at least used by a nerve gas to the people unconscious but still alive to make before the furnaces of the death camps were supplied, it seems that Stalin and Catholic Cardinal Agagianian had no use for such sensitivity.
Tens of millions of people burned alive in satanic rituals, Vatican in Siberia - at least three times as many as those of the Catholic dictator, Hitler, and not a single book that takes account of these major anomalies, it has managed to light.
was the end of his life on a major row between Stalin and the Catholic Church, with Stalin, who was in his final year exceptional arrangements for the suppression of the Catholic Church, including the execution of the Lubyanka General Alexander Poskrebyshev - the hanging of Vlasov in the Lubyanka regulated - and the NKVD General Nicolai Vlasik.
Shortly after Stalin poisoned and died on 5 March 1953.
Stalin in his early years as a priest candidate.
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