Wednesday, November 11, 2009

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The rat lines: the Vatican supported the escape of Nazi war criminals

The Vatican supported after 1945 flight of Nazi war criminals to South America

The Holy Father suggested by his Secretary of State Montini that "draw together experts from the Vatican with Argentine experts, an Action Plan should . Objective: Nazi collaborators, but also German Nazi criminals to Argentina eject. Adolf Eichmann was one of them. As the organizer of the Holocaust in 1960 by Israelis in Buenos Aires was kidnapped, protested the Argentine cardinal and head of the Catholic Action, Antonio Caggiano: "It is our Christian duty to forgive him for what he has done."

Eichmann was about the "rat line" come Caggiano the offing when he was ordained in Rome in March 1946, a cardinal.


carmine: Nazis, CIA and the Vatican

The small clique is initially for a native of Austria Bishop Alois Hudal, the rector of the Pontifical Santa Maria dell Anima, one of three seminaries in Rome. [...] He Ratlines the first, the Nazi criminals to Austria to Genoa and from there organized resulted in the freedom of Latin American or Arab countries, equipped with Italian identity cards, fake birth certificates, visas and the International Red Cross passports: for example Franz Stangl the commandant of Treblinka, Gustav Wagner, commanding officer of Sobibor, Alois Brunner, Adolf Eichmann, Richard Klement , just to name a few.

The swastika driver: Explosive details about the escape of senior Nazi criminals

The Tyrolean historian Gerald Steinacher has followed after intensive work, the source "rat line", on which escaped Nazi thugs like Adolf Eichmann and Josef Mengele. Steinacher's conclusion: There was not any secret societies such as the SS-legendary "Odessa," which pointed the way to war criminals overseas, but two institutions that seemed beyond such suspicions: the Vatican and the Red Cross .


Related Books:

Gerald Steinacher: "Nazis on the run. As war criminals escaped through Italy to Ocean " 2008
Mark Aarons, John Loftus' Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis, and The Swiss Banks ", 1992
Ernst Klee:" Persil tickets and false passports, how the churches the Nazis helped ", 1991
Mauri:" Vatican Ratline : The Vatican, The Nazis and the New World Order "


trial: Nazi gold funded the rat lines of the Vatican org_id = 890 = 8941 & kb_header_id

Lukas Mihr - The rat line

3sat culture time - Nazis on the run

Line Operation Council
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The rat line - for help to escape Nazis South America 1945-1955


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