The transubstantiation
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If man now old enough, he can take part in Holy Communion. In Babylon, the sun god was worshiped Baal. Using different names this religion then found its way into Egypt. On the altars of Egypt were discovered sun-shaped wafers, which were baked from unleavened dough. These little cakes were consecrated by the Egyptian priests, and thus magically transformed into the flesh of the sun god Osiris (transubstantiation) and that they ate their God.
The Roman Catholics believe that the priest has the power to Christ to get out of the sky (Council of Trent, page 11), to nail him to the cross and sacrifice him at the fair again.
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In Egypt, the IHS was on the wafer for Isis, Hourus, Seb ("The Two Babylons; page 164).
[Note: This is possible in principle, and Seb as Seth, the great opponent (and murderer) by Osiris was, however, makes a trinity Isis - Horus - Osiris more sense]
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It is clear from the foregoing that the image of the sun which was above or on the altar of one of the recognized symbols that Baal or . worshiped the sun. And here, in a so-called Christian church, a gleaming silver platter "in the shape of a sun" is so placed on the altar, that everyone who worships at the altar, in humble adoration must kneel before the image of the sun. So one has the question: Where this may have its origin, if not in the ancient sun worship, worship Baal? And if the host is attached so that the silver sun facing the round wafer, the roundness of such an important element in the Roman mystery is, what can the other be to show as those who have eyes to see have that the host itself just another symbol of Baal or the sun?
When the sun god in Egypt as a "seed and was worshiped in Babylon as" grain ", the host in Rome is worshiped just the same. "Bread corn of the elect, have mercy," is one of the fixed prayers to the host from the Roman litany in Meßfeier.601 And at least one of the mandatory requirements, such as those taken Host should be is exactly the same as in the old worship of the Babylonian deity.
Alexander Hislop - The Two Babylons, p.149
regard to the pagan character of the bloodless sacrifice of the Mass we have already worked out a lot. But there is something to consider, in which the working of the mystery of iniquity is still more evident. On the Host are letters that are worth reading, too. These letters are: IHS What mean these mystical letters? A Christian is said that these letters mean, "Jesus Hominum Salvator", ie "Jesus, the Saviour" of men. If we but a Roman admirer Isis (for the imperial period, there were innumerable devotees of Isis in Rome), take a look at how he will read it? Of course, its own system of idolatry accordingly, "Isis, Horus, Seb," that is "the mother, the child and the father of the gods" or, in other words, "the Egyptian Trinity." Can anyone imagine that this double meaning is random in nature? Certainly not. Just the spirit that turned the pagan celebration of the feast of the Christian Oannes in Johannesburg, where we maintained the same all his former paganism was planning to send that pay the initials IHS apparently tribute to Christianity, while in fact belongs in the core the homage to paganism.
Alexander Hislop - The Two Babylons, p. 150
The principle on which transubstantiation is based, is certainly of Babylonian type, but has not been established that this principle has been used as the papacy.
The Host, the consecrated wafer, the great god of the Roman Church. This host is kept in a gold and silver and precious stones decorated shrine.
Alexander Hislop - The Two Babylons, p.231
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As far as I know, there is no evidence that the Babylonian system, the flat round wafers piece, the "bloodless sacrifice of the Mass", the other regarded as a symbol, that was ever said that it was in the God transformed it represents. But the doctrine of transubstantiation is of Nature, unique magic, it claims, transform by pronouncing of some powerful words of one substance to another, or removed by a clever trick a matter entirely and replace it with another.
Alexander Hislop - The Two Babylons, p. 233
figure of the Assyrian sun god Shamash, the sun disc on an altar. Shamash holds the insignia of his power, the rod and the ring in his hand. British Museum, 9 Century BC
Pagan Sun Worship and Catholizism 7Emikesch/wheel.htm 7Emikesch/monstr.htm 7Emikesch/sunburst.htm 7Emikesch/verita.htm
Alexander Hislop - From Babylon to Rome
PDF: http : / /
David W. Daniels - Babylon Religion
Jack T. Chick - Smoke Screens
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