"It's just amazing!"
By Darryl Eberhart, Editor of "Tackling the Tough Topics (TTT)"
28th June 2006 (updated: 20 October 2007) (www.toughissues.org)
What will I tell them now is "simply amazing". A considerable part of the "alternative media" tell us that "the Jews" (ie, "the [Masonic-Zionist] Jews") the New World Order GIVING including banks, the current U.S. government, the U.S. Congress, Hollywood and the mass media. Well, let's talk about Hollywood and the mass media. Because if the Masonic-Zionist Jews did Hollywood and the mass media CHECK I'm pretty confused. You may ask, "Why are they confused?". I'm glad you asked.
Dear reader, the biggest killer of Jews over the past 1000 and some years was the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. The ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH is also the biggest killer of independent Christian groups have been (ie, the Albigensian and Waldensian Christians) - the biggest killer of Protestants (ie, French Huguenots, Irish Protestants and Bohemian Protestants) - and one of the biggest killers of Orthodox Christians (eg perpetrated the genocide of the Serbian Orthodox Christians in the Roman Catholic-controlled Fascist Croatia in the 1940s). When the mass media and Hollywood are conducted by the Masonic-Zionist Jews, then WHY do not they reveal the extensive support of the Roman Catholic Church of fascist states, the Jews in Europe during the Second World War, slaughtered?
Ante Pavelic greets Cardinal Stepinac (Archbishop of Zagreb).
The bishops and archbishops of Croatia by the Ustasha granted full support. Here you can see them along with Ante Pavelic during one of their regular meetings with him.
First, let's take a small section on the well-documented history of the ROMAN CATHOLIC examine mass murder of Jews. Please note the following quotes:
"Jews by the thousands across Europe were slaughtered through, as the Catholic Crusaders their way to, the Holy Land 'beat to it to recover from both the Jews and the Turks for the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH." - Dave Hunt ("A Cup of Trembling", 1995, page 159)
"One of the most evil people in history died on that day [16 September] in 1498 Tomas de Torquemada arranged as [ROMAN CATHOLIC] General Inquisitor of Spain, burning more than 10,000 people at the stake, it's because they do not coincide with his religious views. He used the Inquisition for religious and political motives, believing that the punishment of [Note Author: so-called], heretics' and non-Christians - chiefly Jews and Muslims - the only way would be to achieve political unity in Spain. Most feared and hated by millions, he persuaded [the English King] Ferdinand and [the Queen] Isabella to rid Spain of Jews. More than one million families were expelled from Spain during this time. The country never recovered from the resulting decline "- Ron Hembree (" A Daily Joy ", page 272)
." The Catholic priest, [Monsignor] Fr Jozef Tiso, head of the Nazi puppet regime in Slovakia of 1939-45 sent the Jewish population of this tiny country, 70,000 in number, to the extermination camps in Poland "- Dave Hunt (" A Cup of Trembling "; 1995, page 191).
greets Jesuit Tiso Hitler.
Tiso is the Roman salute.
"For a Jew were Hitler and [the Italian Fascist dictator] Mussolini, Christians'. In fact, they were Roman Catholics from birth, and despite their heinous crimes against humanity they were never excommunicated by their church. The same was true of [Nazi SS leader Heinrich] Himmler and many others in the Nazi hierarchy. In fact, the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH has a long history of persecution, expulsion and massacre of Jews, are the subject of Hitler, in justifying the Holocaust "- Dave Hunt (" A Cup of Trembling ";. 1995; Page 158 )
Hitler with Reich Bishop Muller and Abbot chess ladder, surrounded by party bosses. September 1934.
Archbishop Cesare Orsenigo, papal nuncio to Germany, talk to Hitler during a formal reception in Berlin in January 1936.
priests salute Hitler.
Here's a little of this historical record of ROMAN CATHOLIC slaughter of Jews:
(1) 1095 AD - Pope Urban II (Pope: 1088-1099) calls from the First Crusade. Here is what the historian Will Durant has written concerning this papal-instigated blood rush. "When Pope Urban II proclaimed the First Crusade in 1095, there were some Christians [ie, Roman Catholics] is desirable to kill the Jews in Europe before, as far continued to fight Turks in Jerusalem. Godfrey of Bouillon, the leader of the shaft of the crusade had assumed, announced that he would avenge the blood of Jesus to the Jews by not one of them alive would, and his companions proclaimed their intention to kill all the Jews that the Christianity would not accept [Note Author. Ie] the Roman Catholic interpretation of it, "
(2) 1096 AD - Roman Catholic Crusaders slaughter half the Jews of Worms, Germany, on its path through the city.
(3) 1099 AD - ROMAN CATHOLIC Crusaders, the Pope of Rome [ie, Pope Urban II] sent to a "sacred" mission, make it to the walls of Jerusalem. With the capture of the city drive the Crusaders, the Jews in the synagogue and set fire to it then. These ROMAN CATHOLIC Crusaders slaughtering almost all residents of the city - men, women and children - Jews, Muslims, and probably even some Christians! (The Roman Catholic Crusaders had previously massacred the inhabitants of the city of Antioch [in southern Turkey] - men, women and children - had when they conquered it)
(4) 1236 AD - ROMAN CATHOLIC Crusaders slaughtered the Jews in the Anjou and Poitou region of Western France from. The historian Will Durant tells us: "[Roman Catholic Crusaders] invaded the Jewish settlements of Anjou and Poitou. [These ROMAN CATHOLIC Crusaders] commanded that all Jews be baptized; refused as the Jews, trampled the Crusaders 3000 of them under the hooves of their horses death "
(5) 1243 AD - All the Jews in Belitz, Germany. (near Berlin) are burned alive by Roman Catholics. According to historian Will Durant was their alleged crimes that "some of them had defiled a consecrated host."
(6) 1298 AD - All the Jews in Røttingen by ROMAN CATHOLICS burned to death. According to historian Will Durant her alleged crime was "a desecration Messoblate.
(7) 14 Century - ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH blames the Jews for the "Black Death" (probably the bubonic plague) to be responsible. Here is what the author Dave Hunt in his book "A Woman Rides the Beast [bibl. A woman sits on the animal]" (1994) wrote about this period in history: "From the time when the popes ruled Rome the plight of the Jews was far more painful than it had ever been in the hands of the pagan rulers. Gentiles were to blame for any Evil Christians attributed. Now the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH wrote all the blame on the Jews. The cause of the "black death accused 'the Jews were rounded up by the thousands in revenge and hanged, burned and drowned" (page 267)
(8) 1481 AD - the beginning of the ". English Inquisition." The hierarchy of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH koreographiert an orgy of torture and burning people alive - called the Inquisition. Although they originally intended and hautpsächlich to Jews and Muslims, the Inquisition will also targeting those Christians whose beliefs do not completely on the same line with the doctrines and practices are the Roman Catholic Church. In the first two years (1481-1483) at least 2,000 individuals are burned alive. Author Dave Hunt, in his book "A Woman Rides the Beast" (1994) states: "In Spain alone exceeded the number of convicted three million, with about 300,000 burned at the stake [during the period of the English Inquisition]." (Page 79; Hunt quoted from RW Thompson's book "The Papacy and the Civil Power")
(9) 1941-1945 AD - The Jewish Holocaust happened in Nazi-Fascist-controlled Europe. Up to six million Jews were murdered and starved to death. The ROMAN CATHOLIC Participation in the Holocaust is extensive. The Roman Catholic German Knight of Malta Franz von Papen is one of the main contributors who are involved in bringing Hitler to power. The support and the unanimous vote of the German, Roman Catholic Centre Party for the "Enabling Act" of March 1933 is crucial to what Adolf Hitler takes a two thirds majority he needed to dictatorial power in Germany to take over. The Jesuit 'father' Himmler (uncle of Heinrich Himmler) is a high-ranking officer in the Nazi SS (which was admittedly modeled after the Jesuit order). A number of Roman Catholic priests pulls the black Uniforms of the Nazi SS to. The Vatican signed a concordat with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. ROMAN CATHOLICS be used as a puppet dictators in a number of fascist countries. In Slovakia, for example, the Jesuit priest Monsignor Tiso used as a dictator. Additionally, are Roman Catholic Knights of Malta at the head of three powerful intelligence agencies during the Second World War (William Donovan heads the American OSS - which later the CIA, and the German General Reinhard Gehlen, head of the Nazi secret service on the Eastern Front, and the Russian Anton Turkul leads the Soviet secret service and used Jesuit priests as couriers). By elements used in the war's leading political groups, the Vatican is able to ensure the slaughter of a large number of his favorite groups: Jews, Protestants (in northern Germany and Prussia) and Orthodox Christians. At the end of the war the Vatican for many Nazi war criminals and fascist help on the "Vatican rat lines" to escape by making them in monasteries and in Europe hidden until they take refuge in such countries as the United States, Argentina, etc. can.
As Italy Germany signed a concordat with the Vatican in 1933. When the Concordat was signed: Cardinal Pacelli (later Pope Pius XII.). In 1933 he was secretary of the Vatican. Far left: Franz von Papen, a sinister Nazi and devout Catholic. He was Hitler's ace diplomat and served as an agent of Rome in Hitler's struggle for power.
Knights of Malta Reinhard Gehlen, merit the construction of numerous intelligence agencies, also under recruitment of ex-Nazis.
One of the Austrian Jesuit double agent.
(10) 1941-1945 AD - In "Vatican Holocaust" occurred in Croatia. Although directed mainly against Serbian Orthodox Christians as much smaller numbers of Jews and Gypsies are targeted. This abominable, primitive and barbaric genocide of Roman Catholic priests planned, orchestrated and conducted - mainly of Franciscan monks, religious brothers and priests, together with senior Jesuit. The Roman Catholic Croatian leader Ante Pavelic teams up with high-ranking Roman Catholic prelate, as the Jesuit Monsignor Aloysius Stepinac (Archbishop of Zagreb) and the Jesuit Monsignor Ivan Saric (Archbishop of Sarajevo), to the Roman Catholic Ustashi military units to to use, 600,000 to one million innocent torture Serbian-Orthodox men, women, elderly and children to slaughter. This religious genocide contains the most brutal forms of torture, forced conversions, people burning alive, raping and killing girls and women, impaling small children on stakes alive, cutting out eyes of the victim is necklaces from manufacture to death, starvation of children, burying victims alive, crucifixion of Orthodox priests to wooden doors, and some other atrocities, which I did not feel they should be written in one article. Roman Catholic clergy not only consult frequently the Roman Catholic Ustashi military units, such as torture and murder is, but also actually participate in the atrocities. A Franciscan monk named Father Miroslav Filipovic acts as the cruel camp commandant at Jasenovac (one of the worst of the concentration camps).
NOTE: The above historical details were taken from my TTT newsletter entitled "Bloody Hands & Wicked Hearts" [bloody hands and wicked heart], which is published on www.toughissues.org.
This photo of Ustasha in 1943 made in Bosnia, before they executed their victims ended.
The Franciscan monk, Miroslav Filipovic, left as a priest with his cassock, right in the Ustasha uniform. Filipovic was the Commander of the Jasenovac camp. Nickname: "Father Satan".
The ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH has tried for many decades to incite their involvement in it whitewash, to track and slaughter of Jews throughout history to encourage through, and to orchestrate even and lead, and in particular their involvement in such atrocities during the Second World War II. Please bear in mind the following quote from author Dave Hunt, in which he analyzes the modern "condemnation" of the "anti-Semitism" by the Roman Catholic Church from the Second Vatican Council:
"Nothing could be more hypocritical than this statement. The church condemned forcefully, hatred, persecution, anti-Semitism ', but only by others, not of it itself is no mention made of the fact that during many centuries when the Catholic Church held power over society in the hands ., even kings and emperors of domination they the instigators and perpetrators of anti-Jewish orientation was as bad as anything the world had ever seen "(" A Cup of Trembling "; 1995, Page 165)
In fact, the ROMAN CATHOLIC participation in the support to ignite the Second World War, and then ROMAN CATHOLIC-controlled fascist regimes in Europe been documented to support this time, good. Please consider carefully the following quotes, the Roman Catholic participation shows "utmost" in the Second World War - a participation which resulted in the deaths of millions of both Jews and Christians:
"The public is virtually unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and the Jesuits for the start of two world wars - a situation which may be partly explained by the huge finances to the Vatican and the Jesuits are available, giving them power gives in so many areas of influence , especially since the recent conflict "- Edmond Paris. (" The Secret History of the Jesuits "; 1975; page 9)
" The Jesuits, uses in pursuit of control of [Adolf] Hitler's occult and homosexual Third Reich, puppet dictators throughout Europe . These were:
(1) Bavarian Germany and the Third Reich - [Adolf] Hitler [born-died:
(2) Italy - [born-died: 1883 to 1945] [Benito] Mussolini
( 3) 'Vichy' France - [Henri Philippe] Petain [born-died: 1856 to 1951]
(4) Spain - [Francisco] Franco [born-died: 1892 to 1975]
(5) Austria - Seyss-Inquart
(6) Poland - Frank
(7) Slovakia - [Jesuit] Priest [Monsignor] Tiso
(8) Croatia - [Ante] Pavelitch (author's note: alternate spelling: Pavelic)
(9) Belgium - Degrelle .
all these Roman Catholics, Jesuit-controlled, Jew-hating dictators were the biggest war criminal of all, the Papal Caesar Pius XII. and his master, the [Supreme] Jesuit General Vladimir Ledochowski, faithful "- Eric Jon Phelps. (" Vatican Assassins ", 2001, page 478)
" The Third Reich is the first power that the high principles of the PAPACY recognizes not only but also practiced "- Franz von Papen. (German Roman Catholic Knight of Malta; 14 January 1934)
The dark and devoted Roman Catholic and Knight of Malta Franz von Papen (front left) leads a Catholic Mass Procession.
"The [Roman Catholic] priests and the faithful must without hesitation, the great German State [ie, Nazi Germany] is upright, and the leader [ie Adolf Hitler], whose struggle for the building of [Nazi] Germany's power , honor and prosperity in line with the concerns of Providence [ie, the Vatican] is. "- The Jesuit Roman Catholic Innitzer Cardinal (Archbishop of Vienna, Austria)
Cardinal Innitzer with a strange look.
"The declaration of the [Jesuit] Monseigneur [Note Author. French spelling of "Monsignor"] Tiso, head of the Slovak state, which expresses its intention to build up Slovakia according to a Christian [sic] plan has the full consent of the Holy See - Vatican Radio (June 1940)
Monsignor Jozef Tiso
Monsignor Jozef Tiso
"Above all, I'm from Jesuits learned. Until now there has never been more imposing on the earth than the hierarchical organization of the CATHOLIC CHURCH. I transferred a large part of that organization directly to my own [Nazi] Party ... The Catholic Church has held up as an example ... I will tell you a secret. I start a religious [Note Author: the Nazi-SS]. In [Heinrich] Himmler [the head of the Nazi SS would be] I see our Ignatius de Loyola [Note Author: the founder of the Jesuit Order] "- Adolf Hitler (1889-1945; Roman Catholic Nazi leaders of Germany from 1933-1945)
[the author's comment to the previous quote. This quote Hitler was Edmond Paris' book "The Vatican Against Europe", 1959, pages 252, 256 removed,]
"The exchanged CATHOLIC priest [in Fascist Croatia in the 1940s] their robes to the uniforms of the dreaded [ROMAN CATHOLIC] Ustasha [militia - and later the Army] death squads, and led the most barbaric and brutal attacks on those [Serb Orthodox Christian] people and operated never known before in this century satanic torture. We're not talking about 800 years before. We speak of 1940 "- Jack Chick (" Smoke Screens ", 1983, page 25).
Kukavica Stane, a Franciscan monk, to see just as in the uniform of the Ustasha.
Ustasha soldiers wear the head of a Serbian Orthodox priest. In Dubrovnik had fascist Ustasha soldiers photographs from a soldier who wore two necklaces. One was a chain of out eyes, the other of torn tongues of murdered Orthodox Serbs.
"[This note Author: her book, Ravening Wolves'] is the report on torture and murder committed in Europe from 1941-1943 by an army of [Roman] Catholic Actionists known as the Ustashi, led by monks and priests, and even with the participation of nuns. "- Monica Farrell (" Ravening Wolves ") march
nuns together with Croatian Nazi Legion (Ustasha).
"A large part of the Catholic clergy of [Fascist] Croatia were fanatically behind [Croatia's supreme leader" Ante] Pavelic and his incredibly evil regime. There were even awarded medals by Pavelic to nuns and priests, betraying the fact. that many of them have played an active role on the side of the Ustasha army. Franciscan monk in particular joined the Ustashi battalions. "- Dave Hunt ("A Woman Rides the Beast", 1994, page 301)
middle Pavelic Croatian nuns. They were honored by Pavelic for their "heroic" deeds (see insignia on chest).
Pavelic with monks.
"[Roman] Catholic religious orders granted to the [Roman Catholic] Ustashi [militia - and later the Army] full and continued support. Prior to the establishment of the Independent State of Croatia (1941) were their abbeys hiding place for the Ustasha terrorists hid [where they] Ustasha printing presses, there were deposits Ustasha for subversive literature and even hand grenades, guns and dynamite.
The Ustasha implemented their [pre-war terrorist] activities covered by members of the [Roman Catholic] religious orders, male and female. Nuns featured uniforms, badges and medical equipment for Ustashi organizations ready "- Avro Manhattan (The Vatican's Holocaust", 1986, page 99)
. As [the Croat, supreme leader 'Ante] Pavelic first seizing power, was out of the [Jesuit] Archbishop [Aloysius] Stepinac a pastoral letter of the Croatian clergy instructed to support the new Ustasha State. The involvement of Catholic clergy is well documented in either the active participation or the blessing of the Holocaust carried out by the Ustasha. A Franciscan monk, Miroslav Filipovic, led the Jasenovac concentration camp for two years, during which time he ordered the destruction of not less than 100,000 victims, mostly Serbian Orthodox. The [Jesuit] Archbishop Stepinac led the committee that is responsible for the forced, conversions, was' to Roman Catholicism on pain of death - and was also the Supreme Military Apostolic Vicar of the Ustasha army, the slaughter effected by those who refused [to Roman Catholicism] to convert. Stepinac was the Ustasha than the confessor 'is known and donated their members and activities is always the blessing of the Holy Mother Church "- Dave Hunt. (" A Woman Rides the Beast
", 1994, page 302)
Here we see one facing the Archbishop Stepinac Pavelic, who was arrested for war crimes, came to prison, died under house arrest and was beatified by Pope [John Paul II] 1998 .
Cardinal Stepinac, together with the Ustasha.
forced conversion in Croatia.
"Estimates of the number of victims [of the Vatican's Holocaust in Croatia in the 1940s] exceed a million. This is probably a realistic figure of Yugoslavia in its war crimes trials estimated that between 700000-900000 victims, [in] the two-dozen concentration camps 'tortured within Croatia, and were executed' and tens of thousands never reached the camp. Many were Jews, but most were Serbs Orthodox faith, which was given the choice between conversion to Roman Catholicism or death.
in both Yugoslavia and Ukraine took part in the Roman-Catholic priest, Bishops and Cardinals, with the full knowledge of the Vatican, the bloodiest and most barbaric massacres of the war and gave their blessing to it to give Aiming Roman Catholicism in control of these areas. "- Dave Hunt (A Woman Rides the Beast" , 1994, pages 303, 304)
"With one fateful 'synchronicity was Monseigneur Seipel, a Jesuit priest, chancellor of Austria, [at the same time] as [the Italian dictator] Mussolini thanks to Don Sturzo, Jesuits and CATHOLIC leader of the party that seized power in Italy. He had held this position until 1929, with an interregnum [transitional government] two years, and during those crucial years, he led the Austrian interior politics on the reactionary and clerical way, and his successors followed him on this path, which led to the inclusion of this country into the German block. The bloody suppression of revolts of the working class brought him [ie, the Jesuit Seipel] the nickname, no-mercy-Cardinal 'a - the' Cardinal without mercy '"- Edmond Paris (" The Secret
History of the Jesuits ";. 1975; page 139)
"It is believed that the Pope [Pius XI, that is.] Signor [Benito] Mussolini these services through the Jesuit Father Pietro Tachi-Venturi offer, which is often consulted by Mussolini in important matters will be. "- (Daily Express, 02/09/1935) British United Press
" [Nazi SS leader Heinrich Reich] Himmler's Catholicism was very important to him. He regularly attended the church, took part in communion, confession, and prayed. "- GS Graber (" The History of the SS ")
" Adolf Hitler was himself a Roman Catholic. Hitler was raised in a traditional [Roman] Catholic family. As a child and teenager, young Adolf attended mass regularly, had served as an altar during Mass, had hoped that a priest be, and had visited the school in a Benedictine monastery in Lambach, Austria. As an adult, Hitler remained a member in good standing in the Roman Papal States. At no time excommunicated him, the officials of the Papal States. When the German military conspired in 1944 to commit an assassination attempt on Hitler, and failed the conspiracy, provided the ROMAN CHURCH STATE in Germany, Te Deum 'to praise God for the escape of the leader. "- John W. Robbins ( "Ecclesiastical Megalomania" in 1999 and 2006, page 167)
"The SS was organized by Himmler according to the principles of the Jesuit order. The Staff Rules and spiritual exercises of Ignatius of Loyola [ie Author: the founder of the Jesuit Order] was required, formed a model Himmler tried to copy faithfully. Absolute obedience was the supreme rule, and each command had to be carried out without comment "- Walter Schellenberg (head of the Nazi Security Service)
[Editor's note to the previous quote. ROMAN CATHOLIC priest went to the black uniforms of the Nazi SS, served particularly in the Central Security Service of the SS]
"In the early days of May (1936), entered [the German Knight of Malta Franz] von Papen in secret negotiations with Dr. Schuschnigg (the Austrian Chancellor processed), its weak point [ie, he was a devout Roman Catholic] and showed him how advantageous a reconciliation with Hitler would be, as far as it concerned the interests of the Vatican, the argument may seem strange, but Schuschnigg was was very religious and von Papen the [German] chamberlain [ie, high officials in some royal families] of the Pope. Not surprisingly it was the secret chamberlain of the whole affair, drew on 11 March 1938 resignation of the pious Schuschnigg (pupils of the Jesuits) in favor of Seyss-Inquart ended, the leader of the Austrian Nazis. The following day [12th March 1938], the German troops invaded in Austria and the puppet government of Seyss-Inquart announced to connect the country to the [Nazi German Third] Reich. The event was welcomed by the Archbishop of Vienna, Cardinal Innitzer (a Jesuit), with an enthusiastic declaration "- Edmond Paris (" The Secret History of the Jesuits ", 1975, page 139).
Schuschnigg and Cardinal Innitzer.
"The German author Walter Hagen gives also the following discrete information: [! Sic], the [Supreme] General of the Jesuits, from Count Halke Ledochowski, was determined on the basis of the general anti-communism, a certain to organize the degree of cooperation between the German security service and the Jesuits'.
As a result, was created within the Central Security Service of the SS organization, and most of their main posts were held by Catholic priests, who wore the black uniform of the SS. The Jesuit, Father 'Himmler [uncle of Heinrich Himmler] was one of its top officers "- Edmond Paris (" The Secret History of the Jesuits ", 1975, page 168)
. Kurt Heinrich Himmler [was] Supreme Chief of the Gestapo , which meant that he held the reins of major power of the regime in his hands. Was it his personal merits, which he brought in such a high position? Hitler saw in him a superior genius when he compared him with the creator of the Jesuit Order [ie, Ignatius Loyola]? It is certainly not suggest what the testimony of those who knew him because they saw in it nothing more than mediocrity.
track the star with a borrowed, brightness? Was it really Kurt Heinrich Himmler, the ostensible chief, who ruled effectively over the Gestapo and the Security Service? The millions of people kidnapped for political reasons and sent Jews to their deaths? Was it the flachgesichtige nephew or [was] of the [Jesuit] uncle, former canon at the Bavarian Court one of [the Supreme Jesuit General] Ledochowskis favorites, a Jesuit, Father 'and chief officer of the SS "- Edmond Paris (" The Secret History of the Jesuits ", 1975, page 168)
?" When thousands of German anti-Nazi in Hitler's concentration camps tortured to death was when the Polish intelligentsia was slaughtered, when hundreds of thousands of Russians as a result of treatment died as a Slavic sub-humans, and were murdered than 6,000,000 people, because, non-Aryans' were based officials of the Catholic Church in Germany the regime that committed these crimes. The Pope in Rome [ie, Pius XII.], The spiritual Head and chief moral teachings of the Roman Catholic Church remained silent.
In the face of this greatest of all moral corruption that humanity was forced, in recent centuries mitanzusehen could the moral teachings of love and mercy church dedicated in no other way to be heard as vague generalities. "- Guenter Lewy (" The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany ", 1964, page 341)
" From the Eastern Front, returning [German] soldier told horrific stories of how in occupied Russia Jewish civilians - men, women and children - lined up with thousands and Machine guns were mowed down. In the spring of 1942 reported the leaflets, White Rose ', composed of a group of students and a professor of philosophy at the University of Munich, the murder of 300,000 Jews in Poland and asked why the German people remained apathetic so in the face of this outrageous time "- Guenter Lewy (" The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany ", 1964, page 287)
" This concealment [of the truth concerning the cooperation of the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH with the Nazi regime] was so strong and so successful that in Germany resign his office had not a single bishop. On the Contrary, Bishop Berning, who had served until the fall of Hitler, Goering as Prussian State Council, was awarded in 1949, the honorary title of archbishop. Herr von Papen [who helped to bring Hitler to power and of the concordat between the Vatican and Nazi Germany negotiated] was made in 1959 for secret papal chamberlain. Such rewards deeply into the Nazi regime involved men are a mockery of [the true] heroes who had died in the fight against Hitler "- Guenter Lewy. (" The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany ", 1964, page 321)
" Without the moderating hand of the VATICAN control would have the resistance across the country can be multiplied from the beginning. And had the CATHOLIC bureaucracy not shown from the beginning blind to the spreading anti-Semitic propaganda and persecution, would be the terrible misfortune that befell the Jews might never happen "- John Cornwell (Roman Catholic historian and journalist," Hitler's Pope.: The Secret History of Pius XII ", 1999, page 199)
" As good as any right-dictator of this period had been born a Catholic and educated - especially Hitler, Franco, Petain, Mussolini, Pavelic, and Tiso (who was a Catholic priest .) "- John Cornwell (Hitler's Pope"; 1999, page 280)
"Fascism is the regime that corresponds most closely to the views of the Church of Rome." - Civilta Cattolica (House of publication of the Jesuits)
Well then, we seem to have a well-documented history that:
(1) ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH at least since the time of the early Crusades, Jews have been slaughtered.
(2) ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH a "holy" Inquisition began to move, which originally took many Jews in Spain to the target group.
(3) ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH hard in support of fascist Nazi Germany and other Regimes involved in Europe during the Second World War - at a time when up to 6 million Jews by them from the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH supported murderous regimes have been destroyed!
Let's remember that many of the "alternative media" tell us that the "Masonic-Zionist Jews" refer to the New World Order! Many of the "alternative media" tell us that this conduct Masonic-Zionist Jews, Hollywood and the mass media. If this conduct Masonic-Zionist Jews really Hollywood and the mass media, why the hell tell us CNN, Fox, ABC, NBC and CBS will not the whole story of the Roman Catholic involvement in the heavy stone set in the unleashing of the Second World War, in helping to Hitler to bring to power, in the filling of key positions in the Nazi SS, in support of a number of fascist regimes in Europe during World War II , the orchestration of the "VATICAN Holocaust in Croatia, and the Fascist war criminals escape aid granted at the end of World War II on the Vatican rat lines? Why does not Hollywood produced numerous films, to show us all these facts that the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH directly to the brutal genocide of the Jews and Christians in Europe during the Second World War II in connection get? Finally, we have seen by the numerous quotations in this article that has been the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH the greatest enemy, the Jews have ever seen - especially in the last 1000 years and more! Again I must ask: "If, Masonic-Zionist Jews control 'the mass media and Hollywood in America, why the hell they will not expose the greatest enemy of the Jews, that is the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH? WHY? WHY? WHY?
Let me tell them "why" this does not happen: That is because the "Masonic-Zionist Jews" NOT "the Leadership hold. Oh yes, they have some mean "management positions" within the New World Order (including some items under Hollywood and American mass media) and even some higher "management positions". Nevertheless, they are NOT the "top player" in the New World Order. The true "control" (which operate in the shadow "and" behind the scenes ") are the" secret societies ", such as the Jesuits, his Knights of Malta, and the highest levels of the Jesuit-controlled Freemasonry (steer them" control "and the middle managers). Some people in the "alternative Media love "it should be noted that the Jewish B'nai B'rith is a Masonic organization, and it really is. But who heads the Freemasons? Please consider the following quotes:
"... if they follow the Freemasonry high, through all its Orders, till they come to the great Masonic top of the world at the very top will find out that the terrible man and the leader of the Society of Jesus [ie, BLACK POPE ', the Supreme General of the Jesuit Order] and the same person. "- James Parton (American historian)
" This inner and invisible Freemasonry is international in magnitude, and it is within the Inner Circle that the Jesuits remain in hiding to contribute, and hatch the projects that serve their purposes "- John Daniel (The Grand Design Exposed", 1999, page 170).
"Without exception, every major player of the French Revolution [of 1789-1799] was either trained Jesuit, a Catholic prelate, or a member of the Illuminati [Note Author: a Jesuit facade organization], where they would come together in the Jacobin Club, to conspire and to accomplish this, Great Work '- which in the open system of the Jacobins, the mirror image of the complete hidden system of the Illuminati was - and in the background of the Illuminati were the secret Jesuit, master '"- John Daniel (The Grand Design Exposed.", 1999, pages 212, 213)
"There are other hidden and semi-secret organizations such as the International Bankers, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, the New Age movement, the Illuminati, and Freemasonry, which are all deeply involved in global public policy and active association the people of our planet under a New World Order ahead. Whatever the reason, they are all merely Fassaden' organizations behind which the true source of power [ie, the Jesuit Order] is hidden, and those using it to distribute their planning and channeling. And, as in any conspiracy is secrecy and the shift of attention and blame away from himself of the highest importance for success "- John Daniel (The Grand Design Exposed", 1999, page 9).
[in the forum to Freemasonry and Jesuit control [url = http://www.geistig-frei.com/forum/index.php?topic=13795.msg273116 # msg273116] here [/ url]]
I am recommending to the highest degree that they John Daniel's book read "The Grand Design Exposed". His 411-page Paperback provides convincing arguments that the ROMAN CATHOLIC JESUIT ORDER, the upper levels has taken over the British and French Freemasonry. [...]
Well, some might now ask: "Did the media not detected by some of the horrific pedophilia in the Roman Catholic Church." Yes they did - but how could they not help than to do this because so much information leaked about by numerous sources (such as many local newspapers)? They have merely reported what was necessary to show that they were aware of the problem, and so they would not completely lose its credibility with the American people!
No, the "Masonic-Zionist Jews" do not control Hollywood and the mass media in America. They do not control the international banking system (although there a few wealthy Jews are involved), the international intelligence scene or the New World Order itself! The Society of Jesus (which the Vatican, the wealthy and powerful Knights of Malta and the highest levels of Freemasonry controlled) is the top player on the geopolitical-financial-religious "chessboard" in the world!
The following famous men warned us about the Jesuits:
"They [ie, the Jesuits] are a secret society, a sort of Masonic Order with superimposed traits of outrageous hated, and a thousand times more dangerous. They are not merely priests, or priests of a religious faith, they are traders, and lawyers, and editors, and men of every profession (in this country [ie the U.S.]) with no external markings to be recognized, they are everywhere in our society.
you are educated men, prepared and sworn to put up at any time in motion in any direction, and for each service, commanded by General of their order, family, community or country bound by the common bond that binds people ; prescribed for life and the cause of the Roman Pontiff "- Samuel FB Morse (1791-1872, American inventor of the telegraph)
." My history of the Jesuits is not eloquently written, but it is supported by the undisputed authority, is very sensitive and very terrible. Their re-establishment [ie, the re-establishment of 1814 as a religious order by Pope Pius VII] is indeed a step toward darkness, cruelty, perfidy, despotism, [and] death. I like the appearance of the Jesuits did not. If ever there was an association of men who deserve the eternal damnation on earth and in hell, then this is the society . Loyola "- (1816; from a letter to Thomas Jefferson) John Adams (1735-1826, second president of the United States)
. It [the Jesuits] the deadly enemies of civil and religious freedom" - RW Thompson (Ex- Secretary of the U.S. Navy)
"It is my belief that if the liberties of this country - the United States of America - are destroyed, this will be the sophistication of the ROMAN CATHOLIC Jesuit priest, because they are the most cunning, the most dangerous enemies of civil and religious freedom. They have instigated most of the wars of Europe. "- Marquis de Lafayette (1757-1834, French statesman and general)
Notes added on 20th October 2007:
(1) I wrote this article originally on 28 June 2006. I completed this second revision early in the morning of 20 October 2007. Not much has changed with the second portion of the so-called "alternative media" did that give "the Jews" like to blame in two world wars - and the alleged leader of the "New World Order." They continue, "tons" of ignoring of historical evidence which shows clearly that the papacy Vatican-Jesuit-Knights of Malta cabal the instigator of those two world wars - and the "number one player" on the "checkerboard" of the New World Order is.
(2) Please make an investigation of these wealthy and powerful papacy Vatican-Jesuit-Knights of Malta cabal. At the end of some of my writings are published on www.toughissues.org, they have a fairly large number of recommended "information tools" are available, such as DVDs, audio cassettes and books. Please purchase as many as they can afford and then share them with others. And here are some other websites which contain important information about the papacy Vatican-Jesuit-Knights of Malta cabal included (I'll try to remember to list as many as I can - some of them have articles dealing with this cabal, and others have "Radio / Podcast" interviews of people who have written about this cabal - and some of them recommend other sources for further research on these wealthy and powerful cabal):
(1) www.ctwilcox.com (website of the Canadian actor and author CT Wilcox, and I highly recommend that a copy of his 345-page paperback " The Transformation of the Republic to acquire. ")
(2) www.arcticbeacon.com (website of the radio journalist Greg Szymanski)
(3) www.gordoncomstock.com (website of the podcast journalists' Gordon Comstock ')
(4) www.vyzygoth.com (website of the radio journalists' Vyzygoth)
(5) www.vaticanassassins. org (website of the author Eric Jon Phelps, I recommend that they purchase a copy of his CD-ROM "Vatican Assassins".)
(6) www.vaticandesignexposed.com (website of the author John Daniel, I recommend that they have a copy of his 411-page pocket book to purchase "The Grand Design Exposed")
(7 www.bereanbeacon.org) (Website of the author Richard Bennett;. I recommend that a copy of its 58-minute Color DVD purchase "The Inquisition")
(8) www.amazingdiscoveries.org (Seventh-day Adventist Church website;. I recommend that the purchase copies of Professor Walter J. Veith 's DVDs that deal with the Jesuit Order, secret societies and the Papal Rome) employ
(9) www.chick.com (website of Chick Publications;. I recommend that the book "The Secret History of the Jesuits" by Edmond Paris, and the book "Smoke Screen" by Jack Chick purchase from them)
(10) www.whitehorsemedia.com (site of Steve Wohlberg;. I recommend that they buy his book "End Time DELUSIONS")
. Source: http://www.toughissues.org/
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