The conspiracy - they are "Jewish" look can WARNING: This issue of the TTT newsletter may be the "comfort zones disturb "some people seriously". However, the TRUTH much more important than any of our "comfort zones".
DEDICATION: This edition of the TTT newsletter is dedicated to all those who expose the evil, corruption and tyranny wherever occurring and when it - whether in government or in the "church" (to the false teachings of any church involved) ! (Please see Ephesians 5:11)
IMPORTANT NOTE # 1: I (the author of ETI & TTT-News Letter)'m not a Roman Catholic, I'm definitely not anti-Catholic as far as it relates to individual Catholics. My father and 90% of my relatives are Catholic, and my best friend is Catholic, and most of my friends are Catholic. However, I am against the highest degree of secret societies (of the hierarchy of the Jesuit order to the hierarchy of Freemasonry). This is because exercise these secret societies control the leadership of the Roman Catholic Church (through the Jesuit Order and the P2 Freemasonry) and have used this hierarchical system widely used for malicious purposes, such as the Inquisition, the "holy" crusades and religious genocide. These secret societies exercise from the same control over the management of most major non-Catholic Christian denominations. I am also against any religious hierarchy, which even at the same level or about the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God - or the same level, or about God's Holy Word (ie the Holy Bible) and his Ten Commandments!
IMPORTANT NOTE # 2: we can no longer afford to come to the crucial issues to be silent for fear of any particular group on the head - in this case the Catholics. Please take this quote from Dave Hunt carefully considered: "We are to love one another as Christ has loved us. The pop psychology trivializes that command and put it with a 'positive' attitude is. The first duty of love is forgotten to tell the truth (Ephesians 4:15). True love caresses and soothes not work if the correction are needed, but points to the error, harm and deceive her lover. Christ says, 'I rebuke and chasten those who I love. Be zealous and repent! " (Revelation 3:19). Instead, today dominates the commonly held view, love rule out a transfer, ignore the truth and strive for unity at any price. But that can only end in disaster. "
Why do I write more and more about Catholicism?
The author of the ETI and TTT newsletters has in recent newsletters, more to the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, and especially the Society of Jesus, written, because I discover more and more about the deep hatred and hostility on the Roman Catholic Church to independent, Bible-believing Christians, Protestants, Orthodox Christians and Jews. We Americans were largely ignorant mainly in terms of well-documented history of the Roman Catholic Church, as they committed brutal religious genocide against all the aforementioned groups (by the Inquisition, "holy" wars and "holy" crusades). ((Please note my TTT newsletter entitled "Death by Government and Death by Church", "Bloody Hands & Wicked Hearts" and "Deceitful Revises and Editors of History" on the following web sites: and (click on "Tackling the Tough Topics" - 'box' in the left column on the home page. )) Sadly, many Americans believe the "ecumenical rhetoric" of the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church - ie that they "would have changed their practices," and now all the "separated brethren" love. However, my analysis of the Papacy shows me that this is just a list [ie, a stratagem - according to Webster's Dictionary: "a trick or plan to achieve some purpose"]. The "intention" is, all non-Catholic Christian faiths [ie control] under the "roof" to bring the papacy!
Yes, the papacy has changed despite its "ecumenical rhetoric" over the centuries, not a bit in the following categories:
• his deep hatred of Jews, all independent Bible-believing non-Catholics, Protestants and Orthodox Christians (most recently in 1940 found We, the Roman Catholic Ustasha militia in Croatia, led and driven by Franciscan priests, monks and friars, as 600,000 to one million Serb Orthodox-Christian men, Women, elderly and children to slaughter - many of the victims before brutally tortured)
• his long-cherished dream of all non-Catholic religious groups who regard themselves as Christian, to bring under its monopolistic, totalitarian, ecclesiastical control; • be
long-held dream of leading a totalitarian one-world religious organization and
his long-cherished dream of all world leaders - especially those in "Christian" countries - to bring under the temporal power of the Pope. (That would mean that the papacy would be the top player in a one-world government - just as many Centuries, the top player and "conductor" on the European continent was! Kings bowed before popes, in fact)
Indeed, power -. Absolute power - has long been the "game" in the Vatican. History has documented the deep hatred of the Vatican against religion and freedom of conscience. The U.S. Constitution with its Bill of Rights, which guarantees such freedom was long hated by the Vatican (a good example of this please see the "Syllabus of Errors" [the encyclical Syllabus Errorum "], in 1864 by Pope Pius IX published.). I've heard that at the Knights of Columbus in America, an abbreviation is common. This acronym is "MAC" ["MAC"]: "Make America Catholic". America is the last "barrier" on the way to the Vatican and the rest of the globalist rich and power elite in their dreams of the one-world government and one world religion. America is scheduled for a religious genocide - another Inquisition - as occurred in the 1940s in Croatia? I think the danger is very real and potentially imminent - and that is why I wrote more and more about the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church, its long-held dreams of world domination, their Love of fascist regimes and their well-documented history of torture and religious genocide!
"Black Pope" (as Darryl Eberhart, author of TTT): an Italian nickname for the Supreme Jesuit General - the head of the Society of Jesus (ie, the Jesuit Order) - the real power behind the throne "of the papacy.
"Bolshevik" (according to Webster's New World Dictionary, second college edition): "1 originally a member of the majority faction of the Social Democratic [Workers'] Party of Russia, after the seizure of power in the [October] 1917 Revolution, the Communist Party was formed. 2. a Communist, especially the Soviet Union ... "
" facade "(according to Webster's New World Dictionary): (Meaning # 15):" a person or group that is used, the activities or intentions of another person or group controlling to conceal or disguise "
" Illuminati "(according to Webster's New World Dictionary):" 1. Persons who have special intellectual or spiritual enlightenment or claim to own. 2. any of various companies, usually secret, which is composed of such persons. "
"Jew" (according to Webster's New World Dictionary): "1 a person is comes from the ancient Hebrews of biblical times or be considered as derived. 2. a person whose religion is Judaism. "
(please see also the entry" The Jews ", which according to the faith of a certain segment within the patriotic movement and the" "is defined.
alternative media)" Papacy "(according to Webster's New World Dictionary): "1 the position, authority or hierarchy of the Pope. 2. the amount of time before there is a Pope. 3. the succession of popes, popes together. 4. the government the Roman Catholic Church, led by the pope "
" wrong track "[" red herring "]. (according to Webster's New World Dictionary): (Meaning # 2):" One thing is that used to attract attention from the essential theme to distract "
" scapegoat "(according to Webster's New World Dictionary):".. A person, group or thing to which the blame for the mistakes or crimes is pushed by other "
" false dismissal "[" sheep dipping "] (under the author Craig Roberts in his excellent book" The Medusa File "): "An individual who, apparently dismissed 'was, was, on paper,' adopted by the military, but while walked his absence, forward his seniority, his carriage, his retirement years, and other benefits, just as if it would have left the service never. After his service with the CIA to the person to return to their normal department [in the military service] and continue as if it had never gone away. ... During the Cold War and later Vietnam, it was completed [ie, the apparent dismissal] to the CIA - now it is called, the company 'because of the number of contract agents that are out . - A system of "plausible deniability" to provide "
((author comment to the previous definition: the Vatican has the same for centuries on its Jesuit" coadjutors temporalis "made [worldly agents] - that is, his" Jesuit of the short robe "- men, governments infiltrate, publishing houses, newspapers, other religious communities, seminaries of other churches, revolutionary movements, etc., in order to steer in the direction of the Vatican (or the Supreme Jesuit General) want))
" fog " (according to Webster's New World Dictionary): (Meaning # 2): "Something that is said or done in order to conceal or mislead."
"The Jews" (according to a certain segment within both the patriotic movement and the "alternative media"): "The group of pull the stings that dominate (allegedly) the world, the USA, and the New World Order -. consisting of Zionists, Jewish neoconservatives in the current U.S. administration, Israel, Mossad, Jewish Freemasons and Jewish bankers"
The Author of TTT believes that the evidence shows clearly that the term "the Jews" when he in this Which is used as a cover - is used to generate a mist - - as a facade to lay a false trail - so as to divert attention away from the real pull the stings, which operate behind the scenes ".
"Vatican" (according to Webster's New World Dictionary): "1 the papal palace, consisting of a group of buildings in Vatican City. 2. The papal government or authority "
" Vatican City "(according to Webster's New World Dictionary)." independent papal state, founded in 1929 as an enclave in Rome ... "
"Zionism" (according to Webster's New World Dictionary): "a movement that once the re-establishment, now in support of the Jewish nation state of Israel."
"Zionist" (as author of TTT): "a member of the Zionist movement (ie Zionism), "
IMPORTANT NOTE: The author of TTT TTT will take on some earlier newsletter regarding that deal with some of the topics that will be applied in this current newsletter. Those newsletters can be viewed, visit the following websites: and (Click on "Tackling the Tough Topics" - 'box' in the left column on the home page.)
"He [Note Author: Professor Carroll Quigley, author of the book, disaster and hope '] tells us, how does the banking system, what is going on because all these organizations [ie, covert organizations and secret societies tie] to the banking system - and the secret societies build on Lazard Brothers [ie, Lazard Freres] on. And most people think, certainly, that this is a Jewish organization. It is not at all Jewish. Push forward the Jewish bankers to conceal what these people really do. And of course we can go back in history, and find out we would find that the same forces that were associated with this group, instrumental in the creation of the 'Protocols [of the Elders of Zion]' were involved, as agent for the cruel persecution of the Jews in Russia and Germany were used. And the Jews were pushed to serve as scapegoats, while the man was never allowed to know who really pulled the strings behind the scenes. Let us hear it
So what Professor Carroll Quigley of the international Finance says it noted here is NOT Jewish "(29.12.1994) Dr. Stanley Monteith
(Author, presenter of the show." Radio Liberty ")
" In reality, no one could justifiably be angry at the Rothschild's, when the The Jews themselves Warburg's part of the Rothschild empire helped finance Adolf Hitler. " There were only a few of the Rothschilds and Warburg - if any - in the Nazi concentration camps. They sat - away from the war - in feudal hotels in Paris or emigrated to the United States or England. Of all the groups most of the Jews under the hand of power seekers have suffered. A Rothschild has much more in common with a Rockefeller than with a Jewish tailor from Budapest or the Bronx. "
Gary Allen (author of" The Insider ")
" Why would the Jesuits, their implacable enemy, the Jews use to make their plans to rule the world forward? The Jesuits never do anything outside in the open where they can be exposed. If they are recognized as the perpetrators, they will be blamed and suffer the consequences, but if they use someone other than you can use the cause of the problems of the world ', especially an enemy they can destroy in the course, they have also two of their Objectives. The Jewish people is the perfect scapegoat. As the Rothschilds are Jesuit agents operating under a Jewish cover, their use raises in the formation of the Illuminati in 1776, the effective burden of this conspiracy on the Jews. The Rothschilds are certainly not the only Jesuit agents that operate behind a Jewish facade. "
Bill Hughes [see warning below] (author of" The Secret Terrorists and The Enemy Unmasked ")
" International Finance and Banking are NOT in the first place, Jewish '. Many of the most powerful banking interests are run by non-Jews'. One of the most influential powers in international banking, the Knights of Malta, a Roman Catholic military order, which is controlled by the Supreme Jesuit General. Sadly, helps a certain segment, alternative media "to spread the LIE that" the Jews' conduct international banking. Interestingly, one is the title of the Rothschild banking dynasty, keeper of the papal treasure. " The Jews', as a people are, for centuries as a 'scapegoat' has been used by these international banksters and their secret societies such as the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta. The Jews' as to designate head of the banking industry, Hollywood, etc., is tantamount to the proverbial laying a false scent, meant that we lose the weather, the true masters' "
Darryl Eberhart (Author of" Tackling the Tough Topics "; 28. January 2006)
"Some people sincerely believe that the Jews or the Jewish bankers, are behind the conspiracy. There are many indications that bring people to this conclusion, but I can assure you that the evidence has been placed to draw attention away from the truth. This does not mean that within the fraternity no people with Jewish Descent would be, but those who support the movement, energized by their faith in Judaism and worship a different God. Anti-Semitism is a trap that has been interpreted to us away from the truth. "- Dr. Stanley Monteith
" A number of compelling arguments are given to us to convince them that the Jews or the Jewish bankers, our enemy. The first is: "Many of the Bolsheviks were Jews, and almost all of the original members of Lenin's Politburo [Note Author: the Executive Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union] were Jews'. There are several legitimate answers to this indictment:
• 1 although many were Jews of Lenin's followers were all [ie the Jews in the top management level, the leaders of the Bolshevik Revolution were] put to death except one in the following period, and that is to reward a poor way, the Jews, if they have the power were behind the Bolshevik Revolution. Leon Trotsky was Jewish. He was in Mexico found and brutally murdered.
• 2 all but one of the original disciples of Jesus Jews, but that makes Christianity a Jewish conspiracy [Note Author: all 12 original disciples were "Jews" (from a "religious viewpoint" seen) at the time when they were chosen by Jesus Christ, 11 came from Galilee, and one (Judas) came] from Judea.
• 3 ... [Author Antony Sutton] noted that many British fought during the Revolutionary War on our [the U.S.] side, but this made the revolutionary war is not an English war. "- Dr. Stanley Monteith
" Another argument [that is put forward to convince us that the Jews or the Jewish bankers are our enemy] is that Winston Churchill the Zionist conspiracy uncovered behind Bolshevism.
The answer:
Nevertheless, Winston Churchill in 1920 an article in the London Illustrated Sunday Herald wrote, "who claimed that Zionism was the power behind the Bolsheviks, the reaction of the world media was very strange. Most people who attacked Zionism, were vilified, but Churchill was always a favorable report. Did that's because he was part of the Brotherhood, and his article was an attempt to shift the responsibility for the Russian Revolution the Jews "- Dr. Stanley Monteith
((Note author to the previous quote: Churchill was a high degree mason and a druid priest, who was there to help the U.S. in both the First and Second World War to nudge. Dee Zahner, author of "The Secret Side of History" explains in the book: "To get the United States to declare war on Germany, forged [President Woodrow] Wilson to Winston Churchill with a plan for the sinking of the Lusitania." ))
"Another point that is mentioned [to convince us, that Jews or Jewish bankers are our enemies] is that Jacob Schiff put 20 million dollars available to finance the Bolshevik Revolution. ... Jacob Schiff has really helped the Bolsheviks? Because of the progressive deterioration of our people do not understand most Americans that there are two Russian Revolutions took place. The first was in March 1917 (or February, when they use the old Russian calendar), was the second [Russian Revolution] in October of that same year. ... The March revolution began in St. Petersburg as a contingent of military conscripts refused to fire on demonstrators opposing the government ... The Tsar was forced to abdicate. Alexander Kerensky was chosen to run Russia until elections could be held. When it was obvious he wanted to continue the war, approached the German High Command to Lenin, who lived in Switzerland. ... They offered him money and transportation to go to Russia and to overthrow Kerensky.
... During the First World War, the U.S. State Department has the responsibility to collect intelligence information. Whose records confirm the fact that Jacob was set to ship the Tsar, and after Kerensky had taken power, sent Jacob ship Kerensky a telegram, which congratulated him - but the Bolshevik Revolution took place not earlier than seven months later. ... When he [ie the author Antony Sutton] examined the intelligence files of the State Department, he found evidence that Jacob was set to ship against the Bolsheviks and urged the Foreign Office, to defy them.
... The document [ie, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion '] first appeared in 1905 in Russia, it claimed that Zionists were behind the wars and revolutions of the 19th century and planned the seizure of world domination. Many Russians believed the Protocols' and they began to destroy, to persecute the Jews and [to] their property. When the Tsar refused to intervene, Jacob Schiff, designed a plan to remove him from office. He fed Russian soldiers who were captured by the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese War in 1905 caught with revolutionary literature ... It is even possible that some of the soldiers who were involved in the March Revolution [1917], Jacob Schiff had read literature, so that it has a role in inflammation the March revolution may have played, but that was not the Bolshevik Revolution [which occurred seven months]. As Antony Sutton researched the secret files of the State Department, he found documents showing that English and American financial donor funds for the Bolsheviks provides, but this fact is never mentioned today. Could it be that the story of 20-million-dollar gift from Jacob Schiff was threaded to the Bolsheviks, to divert attention from the true source of their funding? "- Dr. Stanley Monteith
" The Protocols of the Elders of Zion "were during the early decades of the 20th Century brought into circulation in Europe, and many people gave them faith. This led, at least in part, to anti-Semitism that brought Hitler to power. [The Americans] Henry Ford brought the Protocols 'in the United States circulated and wrote a book entitled "The International Jew', which established the claim that the Jewish bankers were responsible for the First World War and the Bolshevik Revolution. Henry Ford supported the Nazis and Hitler acknowledged his support, by him [ie, Henry Ford] the highest German medal, awarded to civilians who was available. The Ford-Werke in the [Nazi] Germany supplied trucks, tanks and [other military] vehicles for Hitler's Wehrmacht. That would have been logical, if Henry Ford really believed that Jewish bankers were responsible for the Bolshevik Revolution, and Hitler turned against them. The problem is that Henry Ford as a factory complex in the [Communist] Russia [ie the Soviet Union] built around the ailing communist economy to help! Why Ford promoted anti-Semitism in the United States, supported Adolf Hitler in Germany [Nazism] and supported the Bolsheviks in Russia [communism], "Dr. Stanley Monteith
((Author's note to the preceding quote: no this "alleged discrepancies" is hard to explain. The conditions are that the Vatican and its Jesuits deeply in the kindling not only the First, but also of the Second World War were involved. During the Second World War, the Vatican not only Nazi Germany but also other fascist regimes in Europe, such as Mussolini's fascist Italy and the Catholic-fascist state of Croatia. In fact, the Roman Catholic Knights of Malta Franz von Papen and the Roman Catholic Centre Party in Bavaria have brought Hitler to power! On the other side of the European continent, we find a Jesuit-trained monster named Joseph Stalin, the directs Soviet Union during the Second World War, with the help of his Jesuit-trained friend Cardinal Gregory Agagianian (both trained by Jesuits who taught at the Orthodox [Byzantine Rite] seminary in Tbilisi, Georgia). Stalin's top intelligence man was Knight of Malta Prince Anton Turkul, the Jesuits began as his couriers! No wonder that banks in the West - particularly in the U.S. helped both Adolf Hitler's Nazi Germany and also to fund Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union. Thus was the Vatican and its Jesuits, by controlling both sides in the conflict in the situation, millions of their preferred "targets" to execute: Jews, Orthodox Christians (eg in Croatia) and Protestants (in northern Germany). For more information on these two world wars, they refer to the TTT newsletter entitled "World War I and World War II". For more information on the Jesuits and their Knights of Malta to read the four TTT newsletter entitled "Jesuits - Parts I, II, III & IV. "If you want more information about how the West (especially the U.S.) both Nazi Germany and Communist Russia (ie the Soviet Union) funded, then please order Antony Sutton's book" Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution and Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler ".
"The Protocols [of the Elders of Zion] 'were written in French, were smuggled into Russia in 1905, where they were translated into Russian, and later moved to Great Britain where she Victor Marsden translated into English." - Dr. Stanley Monteith
((Note translator: there are at least three sources that the author of the "Protocols" attribute to the Jesuits, the last two indirectly referred to the explicitly as a Jesuit Adam Weishaupt and his Illuminati:
first "Behind The Dictators: A Factual Analysis of the Relationship of Nazi-Fascism and Roman Catholicism "by Leo H. Lehmann, the first time published in 1942
second "The Federal Reserve Conspiracy & Rockefellers - Their" Gold Corner, "", 3 by Emanuel M. Josephson, 1968
"The Revolutionary Movement: A Diagnosis of World Disorders" by J. Findlater, 1933))
((Note Author: the previous six quotes by Dr. Stanley Monteith his excellent book "Brotherhood of Darkness" were taken from [... .]))
IMPORTANT NOTE: For purposes of the remaining sections of this newsletter, when I use the term "the Jews" to mention, it happens in this context as a certain segment in both the "patriotic movement" and the "alternative media" used it (and him, we should add, sometimes "abused" to include all Jews of the world), that is, as a "generalizing label", the so-called "Jewish bankers", Zionists, Jewish Freemasons, Israel, the Israeli Mossad, B'nai B'rith, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the so-called "Jewish neo-cons" in the current U.S. administration, which Jews allegedly almost all of Hollywood and all major television networks, etc. . derive all lumps together as the [alleged] main component, which runs the NWO conspiracy.
The author of the TTT newsletter believes strongly that a substantial part of the so-called "alternative media" has been misled regarding the "real operator" of the NWO conspiracy (hereinafter referred to simply as "the conspiracy" hereinafter). Some of the "alternative media" may in fact for those "real operator" to work, trying to bring us to our focus too much on "the Jews" and Israel sent; on the "Mark of the Beast" and other high-tech -progress, etc., WITH THE INTENTION to hold the most truth-seekers like to find out who the "real operator" are!
A considerable part of the so-called "patriotic movement" also seems to mislead and deceive out what the "real leader" As for behind "the conspiracy." Some of these groups (including a large segment of the so-called [url =] "Christian Identity" movement [/ url] [descendant of British Israelism]) focus together and particularly to "the Jews" in general, "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Israel, the Israeli Mossad, the Zionists, the so-called" Jewish neo-cons " in the current U.S. government, Jewish Kabbalists, Jewish Boleschewiken, Jewish bankers, etc. (they love to point out that this and that was Jewish!)
But is it a big part of this "anti-Jewish" and "anti-Israeli" propaganda Instead, a giant "side curtain" to cover the "real operator" who are "behind the scenes" at work? If that certain segment of the "patriotic movement" and that certain segment of the "alternative media" tell us both that "the Jews" responsible for directing "Conspiracy", they then set intentionally (or in some cases, gross ignorance of) a huge "red herring" to divert us from the "weather" of the "real operator" behind the scenes? Certainly curious minds want to know who the "real operator" who stir up wars and revolutions, banking crises and plan and carry generate a host of nefarious activities and in their quest to enslave the people on planet earth! As Dr. Stanley Monteith
in a previously mentioned quote pointed out, that was his book "Brotherhood of Darkness" collected, "There are as many notes" that have been placed deliberately to the conspiracy "Jewish" look and leave "to [our] attention away to distract from the truth." So, let's look at some of the species depend, such as the "real operator" (the act "behind the scenes") to place their "evidence" (their "Notes") to let the conspiracy "Jewish" look.
The "real operator", which act rather sent "behind the scenes," love to place "evidence" to the international banking "Jewish" to make it look.
One of their anti-Jewish measures was the placement of some "evidence" that would leave many individuals believe that the Jews financed the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917 and guides. However, we have seen in a previous quote that it is NOT the Jewish financiers Jacob was a ship, the Bolshevik Revolution of October 1917 funded, but that there were in fact British and [other] American donors to increase financial support for the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia delivered.
Another obese tactic often used by the "real managers" is a prominent Jews to "Chair" is to appoint a financial institution, while the major shareholders "behind the scenes," not Jews. The so-called Federal Reserve as "Chairman" is often used for a Jew to make it look as if Jews derive the financial institutions of the United States. In reality, many of the top financiers in U.S. history have been non-Jews, some very powerful Roman Catholic Knights of Malta with the calculation. ((NOTE: The Order of Malta is a powerful Roman Catholic military order headquartered in Rome and controlled by the Supreme Jesuit General - the "Black Pope").)
In fact, the Vatican a few giant banking interests, his own Vatican bank has included.
((Note Author: one of the reasons for the assassination of Pope John Paul I was in 1978 in his effort to clean up many "irregularities" which he discovered at the Vatican Bank - and to fire his plans to the director of that bank ! For more information, please read my TTT, entitled "John Paul I".))
Ah, but let us return to the Knights of Malta. Here is an excerpt of my TTT newsletter entitled "The Real Controllers", dated to the 13th January 2006:
"The Hospitallers (Order of Malta were later to be) was one of three [Roman Catholic] religious-military orders, in the 12th Century were founded - the other two Knights of the Temple (or Temple) and the German Teutonic Knights [Ordo Teutonicus]. The Templar on us, the following reports from the World Scope Encyclopedia of 1955: 'The Templars were founded in Jerusalem ... The new orders were given accommodation close to the so-called Temple of Solomon ... He was formally confirmed in 1128 by Pope Honorius II ... The order was ... to the international bankers of their time. They were the forerunners of the great banking families like the Medici ... The Templars were King Philip IV and Pope Clement V's fall ... The Order [ie Knights Templar] was dissolved in 1312 and most of her assets was the Knightly Order of St. John's [later became the Order of Malta] given. " This is to remind indeed very important - that this Roman Catholic military order, the Order of Malta, which is located together with the Supreme Jesuit General in Rome, inherited a large part 'of the large capacity "Treasure"
slot! to the Templars as "the first international bankers'
Economic Activities be the income of the European Commanderies had to Outremer, the Latin states in the Holy Land transports:
The Templars dealt not only with the craft of war. These shipments founded the financial activities of the temple. First, the temple houses served in the East just as safes and vaults of the country, but even for the year 1135 first of rentals are guaranteed. Towards the end of the 12th Century made the Templars money bonds to a regular business activity. Your financial reputation was so good that even Muslims took their services. The Templars invented their own nature of letters of credit (the predecessor of today's banknotes) and advanced techniques of accounting .
Another popular tactic of the "real operator" is the Rothschild family to spend a significant "Jewish" family, which operates the international banking system. However, we have already seen that one of the title, which is supported by the Rothschild family, is "keeper of the papal treasure." Is not that a little bit interesting? And let's not forget what the author said Gary Allen, "A Rothschild has much more in common with . A Rockefeller as a [Jewish] tailor from Budapest or the Bronx "
Here comes what two other authors had to say about the Rothschilds:
" Knowing that the Rothschilds are an important Jewish family, I beat her in [the ] Encyclopedia Judaica [sic! -> Jewish Encyclopedia, 1901-1906] after and found out that they have the title, keeper of the papal treasure '... The appointment of Rothschild gave the Black Papacy [ie, the hierarchy of the Jesuit Order] absolute financial secrecy and confidentiality. Who would ever be a family of Orthodox Jews for the key to the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church Search "F. Tupper Saussy
(author of the book" Rulers of Evil ", speaker, musician, and patriot)
?" The Rothschilds were Jesuits [Note Translator, if at all, then rather Maltese, but which would have a similar effect by the hierarchy] that hide their Jewish background as a facade used to their sinister activities. The Jesuits, who had by Rothschild and [financier Nicholas] Biddle sought, then, to gain control over the banking system of the United States. "
Bill Hughes (Author of" The Secret Terrorists and The Enemy Unmasked ")
In fact, It seems that the Vatican and its Jesuits and Knights of Malta - and their good friends the Rothschilds ("guardians of the papal treasure") - far more financial institutions dominate the world than any other group on the planet!
III. DIE ("2) Russian Revolution (October 1917) - The Bolshevik Revolution
A certain segment of the patriotic movement and within the" alternative media "loves to tell us that Trotsky and many top politburo members of the Soviet Communist Party Jews were - and to us then enumerate their Jewish name. What they rarely mention Is that all but one of the top Jews in the powerful Politburo were executed. Trotsky himself was tracked down in Mexico and killed there. As Dr. Stanley Monteith pointed out in a previous quote: "This is a poor way to reward the Jews if they were the force behind the Bolshevik revolution." Indeed!
Some Jews were also appointed to camp commanders in the Soviet gulag system. Once again we seem to find a pattern: lift some Jews in positions of middle or even senior management, and then people think that the whole operation (or conspiracy) "Jewish" was.
However, if "the Jews, "the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917, funded and operated, then why the hell would they kill all but one of the Jews in the Soviet Politburo?
((In the same way one might ask the following questions:
• (1) if "the Jews" instigated the Second World War, and staged, why have specifically Jews to the goal of destruction on the European continent
•? (2) if direct "the Jews" the American mainstream media and Hollywood, then why does the Pope of Rome as a great press here in the U.S.? (Pope John Paul II was almost "deified" in the American press, both during his lifetime and during his funeral)
• (3) if "the Jews" as much of the American publishing business check, why do they reveal a not massive participation of the Roman Catholic Church in the transport of Hitler to power, Nazi Germany, supportive, supportive, Fascist Italy, Fascist Croatia in support, the war criminals after the Second World War to escape the Vatican rat lines, etc. help? Yes, and why expose these "Jews" who control the American publishing, not solid the Jesuit order, which a well-documented History not only of the plotting of wars and revolutions, but also responsible for the murder of large numbers of Jews?))
IV is the Illuminati and Adam Weishaupt
The following is an excerpt from my TTT, entitled "The Real Controllers:
" The modern version of the Illuminati was formed on 1 May 1776 by the Jesuit-trained Adam Weishaupt formed the Catholic canon law at the Jesuit University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria taught. Weishaupt was mistaken to leave before the Society of Jesus (that he was apparently fired '), so he could build a front group called the Illuminati (the could use the Jesuits for their own purposes). This Jesuit facade group, the Illuminati, provoked and orchestrated the bloody French Revolution of 1789-1799. Thus, by using these, Front grouping ', was the Jesuit order a large amount of viable, credible deniability "as approved in terms of their role in the French Revolution."
And yet there is a certain segment of both the patriotic movement than to tell the "alternative media" who love it, that was a "Jew" Weishaupt, thus deducing that the "Illuminati" certainly by "the Jews" founded were. ((More on this subject follows in the next section.))
V. ON A "villain" as a "JEWS" tampering YEARS AFTER HIS DEATH
We have already noted how the Jesuit-trained Adam Weishaupt of a number of people is presented as a "Jew". [...] Adam Weishaupt was a Jew - and that its labeling as a "Jew" is a fairly new "invention" (within the last 100 years). Nevertheless, the fact is that Adam Weishaupt was Jesuit trained and that he Roman Catholic Canon Law at a Jesuit higher education institution in Bavaria, Germany taught (in Ingolstadt). Why are most of those who lead that Weishaupt [allegedly] a "Jew" was not just on his Jesuit connections go? Why are these same individuals do not suggest that Weishaupt died in the good graces of the Roman Catholic Church?
I have seen how the "Jewish" label by some people not only to Weishaupt, but also to Stalin, Hitler, etc. attached. It is indeed quite simple, some hideous, murderous criminals years after his death simply as "Jews" (or "half-Jews") to stamp, but this is done in most cases, merely a "red herring" construed to prevent people going off, the "real operator" to discover behind the scenes? First, Jews settled throughout Europe, and in spite of the prohibitions against marriages of non-Jews were held such marriages. Thus, many Europeans could at least some "Jewish blood" carry with them. Makes it to the "Jews"? Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini were both practicing Catholics - neither of them has ever been excommunicated! Josef Stalin was educated by Roman Catholic Jesuits. Is it not important what practices a single person and really believe, than the as what he was born? If someone is Jewish to 5% or 10% or 50%, However, a practicing Catholic, and believe in Catholicism, and the "White Pope" and / or the "Black Pope" subjects, then that person as a "Jew" to be considered? And we get some colossal lie when people repeat such claims saying that this-and that a "Jew" is (or ¼ or ½ Jew Jew) if he is not really a Jew in any way, shape or form ?
seems in fact the stamping of various heinous crime of "Jews" to be a favorite tactic of those who direct things from behind the scenes - a tactic used by the conspiracy "Jewish" to appear, while the "real operator" seemed mainly to come from the highest levels of secret societies like the Jesuits and Freemasons - and even from the Vatican!
(NOTE: John Daniel, Car of the book "The Grand Design Exposed" excellent arguments provided that the Jesuits control the highest levels of Freemasonry!)
VI. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion ", THE FIRST AND THE SECOND WORLD WAR
We have already pointed out that the" Protocols of the Elders of Zion "as the author Leo Lehman were written by the Jesuits. Do not forget the "Protocols" was a document which was (according to Dr. Stanley Monteith) was designed to let people believe that "the Zionists behind the wars and revolutions of the 19th Century infected, and were planning to rule the world to seize. "
However, we, the author Edmond Paris in his book" The Secret History of the Jesuits "Another story regarding the actual" stars "and experts in instigating wars and Revolutions:
"The public is virtually unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits for the start of two world wars - a situation which may be partly explained by the enormous financial resources, the Vatican and its Jesuits are available, which gives them power in so many areas of influence, the last in particular since the conflict. "
Please see my TTT newsletter entitled" World War I and World War II "on the first two sites listed at the beginning of this newsletter. Two other TTT newsletter, which touch on these two wars, "The Real Controllers" and "Deceitful Revises and Editors of History". In fact, the history reveals quite clearly that the Vatican and its Jesuits both the First and the Second World War instigated, just as the author Edmond Paris is emphasized in the above quote!
passing "the Jews" the U.S. intelligence beings like us would think some have, or are there more powerful groups of men ("behind the scenes" action), the "true operator "the U.S. intelligence system are? An important fact to be discovered if one behind the "curtain" look, is that there are many Knights of Malta, the leading men have been in the intelligence being! (Remember, the Order of Malta is a Roman Catholic military find that the Supreme Jesuit General)
During World War II guided the three of us Knights of Malta, the top secret - Order under the direct command of the "Black Pope":
• William Donovan - The Office of Strategic Services (OSS - the forerunner of the CIA. )
• General Reinhard Gehlen - German intelligence on the Eastern Front, and
• Prince Anton Turkul (the Jesuits as couriers used) - Soviet intelligence
was interesting that at least five directors of the CIA have been Knights of Malta: William Donovan, John McCone, William Casey, William Colby and George Tenet. In addition was the long-term head of CIA counterintelligence very powerful (and head of the CIA-Vatican department) a Knight of Malta named James Jesus Angleton. Angleton was also the CIA's liaison officer for the Warren (pure detergent) commission to investigate the assassination of President John F. Kennedy "examined".
Other Knights of Malta were key position within the international intelligence system, as the British secret agent Kim Philby (who also worked for the Soviet KGB). For more information about the Knights of Malta and their participation in the intelligence sector, please refer to my TTT # 53 - "The Jesuits - Part III: The Knights of Malta".
Inspector Poirot (Agatha Christie in the film about novel "Murder on the Orient Express") takes the following position, after he had inspected the scene of the murder: "There are too many clues. As Dr. Stanley Monteith, in his book "Brotherhood of Darkness" quotes: "Wherever he [ie, Inspector Poirot] looked, he found conflicting evidence, and it suddenly became clear that the crime scene was staged to make it confuse. "
Dear reader, exactly the same thing is on" the conspiracy occurred. The "real operator" behind the scenes - the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, high degree Mason and the Vatican itself - have a number of "circumstantial evidence" placed around the "conspiracy" can look too Jewish. " Their purpose was to confuse us and hide in the course of their own participation and numerous nefarious activities, such as the instigation of wars and revolutions. To sum it up, they have used the following "tactics":
• (1) They are numerous "fronts" groups and organizations such as the modern "Illuminati", so people blame for wars, revolutions, etc., the front groups instead assign the "true operators," pull the strings behind the scenes. A good example of this occurred during the bloody French Revolution of 1789-1799, where the "Illuminati" took upon themselves the blame for what the Jesuits orchestrated and unleashed!
• (2) "stamping" a variety of mass-murdering monsters like Josef Stalin to "Jews" or "half-Jews" from years after the facts. The "stamp" as those that form the facade groups, such as the Jesuit-trained Adam Weishaupt non-Jews as "Jews" from.
• (3) to position Jews in significant medium and high management positions, such as the head of the Federal Reserve, members of the first Soviet Politburo, commandant of the Soviet gulag system, etc., to "the conspiracy" to give "a Jewish flavor.
• (4), release their lackeys and misled in the mainstream media and certain segments of the "alternative media" and certain segments of the so-called "patriotic movement" pass on the propaganda of the conspiracy of "the Jews" to their listeners and readers . Accordingly, we see these lackeys and misled the "beacon" to "the Jews" Jewish neocons, Jewish Masons, Jewish bankers, Israel, the Mossad, etc. are based, but never there where he should be judged - on the Vatican, the Jesuit Order, the Order of Malta, Opus Dei, etc.
The "real operator" behind the scenes have done a good job to confuse us and hide their nefarious activities. Through its takeover of our educational system and American publishing companies have erased a lot of history. So successful were these revisers of history, that relatively few Americans are aware of the following facts:
• The Jesuits (and the Vatican) were responsible for the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln in 1865. They even helped one of the conspirators, John Harrison Surrat to escape to Rome, where he was a member of the military Guard of the Pope.
• The Jesuits and the Vatican (the Jews) instigated both the First and the Second World War - and they are responsible for the misery, destruction and mass murder as a result of result!
• The Vatican supported Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, the fascist Croatia and all the totalitarian, hating Jews and murderous regimes in Europe during the Second World War.
• The Vatican helped many of the worst Fascist and Nazi war criminals in the wake of the Second World War to escape the punishment, in their infamous "Vatican rat lines". I could go on to continue on the nefarious activities of the Vatican and his Jesuit order - miteingerechnet the murder of many leaders such as King Henry III. from France in 1589, King Henry IV of France in 1610, Czar Alexander I of Russia in 1825, President Abraham Lincoln in 1865, Emperor Komei of Japan in 1868, President Benito Juárez of Mexico in 1872; Tsar Alexander II of Russia in 1881, etc.
assassination of heads of state, Instigation of wars and revolutions, falling governments, mass murder of various ethnic groups (such as the 600,000 to one million innocent Serb Orthodox men, women, elderly and children in Croatia in the 1940s) are well documented for hundreds of activities of the Vatican and his Jesuit order! If the Vatican, the Jesuit Order, the Order of Malta, Opus Dei, etc. to be exposed is not solid (and fast), then America will fall prey to their machinations, like other nations before in history.
It is certainly worth a paragraph from an earlier quote by Dr. Stanley Monteith on "the conspiracy" to Repeat:
"Some people sincerely believe that the Jews or the Jewish bankers, are behind the conspiracy. There are many indications that bring people to this conclusion, but I can assure you that the evidence has been placed to draw attention away from the truth. ... Anti-Semitism is a trap that has been interpreted to us away from the truth "
And here's another great quote for us to ponder:
." There are other secret and semi-secret organizations like the international bankers, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg group, [the] Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission, the New Age movement, the Illuminati and Freemasonry, which are all deeply involved in global policy and actively promote the unification of the nations of the planet under a New World Order. However ... these are all merely Fassaden' organizations, behind which hides the true source of power and the use of this to spread their plans and conduct. And, as in any conspiracy is secrecy of distracting the attention and blame away from themselves primarily to their success. "- John Daniel (author of" The Grand Design Exposed ")
first If you think that this issue of the TTT newsletter contains important information, than complete information on copies and give them free to others.
second Again, please visit the websites: and (click on "Tackling the Tough Issues" box in the left column of the page) and discover what other TTT newsletters on which we have referred in this issue of TTT. I recommend highly recommended that you read the following:
• "The Real Controllers of the USA"
• "Deceitful Revises and Editors of History"
• "Fifth Columnists, Trojan Horses, and Dual Loyalties "
•" Death by Government and Death by Church "(and)
•" Bloody Hands & Wicked Hearts ".
"Tackling the Tough Topics" newsletter, Issue 22 # 77 / / April 2006 / / Author: Darryl Eberhart
Source: Conspiracy.htm