Wednesday, December 9, 2009

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conspiracy in the sign of the cross

The book" conspiracy the sign of the Cross "by Egmont R. Koch and Oliver Schröm that deals with the Order of the Knights of Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, another major Catholic order, is another found object with some notable passages. They point to the one on the hypocrisy of the Vatican, as regards the action against injustice during and after the Second World War. Second, there is a reference to the since the Crusades existing "Zionist" desire of the Vatican, the Holy Places of Jerusalem and Palestine to have in his possession.

Franz von Papen, who is now Ambassador to Vienna, the annexation of Austria prepared, was promoted for his services to the pope lay Order of the Grand Cross Knight. His services Papen for Hitler himself did estimate: "had the" providence he intended to "essential to the birth of the government" to contribute to the national survey, he once said of him in front of the Catholic sponsored Working Group of German. "Because the structural elements of National Socialism is not only the Catholic View of life is not alien, but they correspond to it in almost all respects. "

p. 54

The bulwark against Bolshevism was Pope Pius XII. seems worth the destruction of 1,700 cities and 70,000 villages and the extermination of European Jews. The "defense of the foundations of Christian culture," as he described the attack on Russia, made homeless over 25 million people and cost millions of lives. At Auschwitz, Treblinka and other extermination camps was silent the "Vicar of Christ," was even as the Jewish community in Rome as it rounded up under his window: More than a thousand Roman Jews were the Nazis on 18 October 1943 deported to Auschwitz death camp - two thirds of them women and children. Only 14 men and one woman survived.

Ambassador Ernst von Weizsäcker reported then to Berlin, "The Pope, although reportedly assailed by various sides, to be carried away to no demonstrative utterance against the deportation of Jews from Rome,"

But he was decidedly against. establishment of the State of Israel and always pleaded for the international status of Jerusalem and the holy places of Palestine.

p. 59/60

Under the leadership of Cardinal Frings was issued six days later, on 26 August, a "Resolution of the Fulda Bishops' Conference of the American military government." In it the courts were accused of German "after a right that was previously unknown in Germany," to condemn. An absurd argument! Finally could it be any case law in Germany for crimes committed as they were previously never before: namely, the deliberate and planned state-organized mass murder of Jews.

On 14 September 1948 gave the U.S. Commission's report. It came to the conclusion that most death sentences should be enforced. Frings then sent "In the interest of international understanding," a protest telegram to the American military governor, General Lucius D. Clay. Help Protect got the zealous cardinal from Rome. Giovanni Battista Montini, the Pope's Secretary of State had to know the Cologne Cardinals, His Holiness had instructed him to take everything to the "go" to the death of the condemned "Germans to change" if possible. Montini, later Pope Paul VI., Intervened itself nor even the American president.

p. 74

The telegram to the State Department was "top secret". It reported U.S. agent Vincent La Vista, the Vatican is "the largest single organization that is involved in the illegal movement of emigrants' . La Vista, a lawyer by profession, was together with several undercover agents were sent to Rome, where they immediately set to work. On 15 La Vista in May 1947 reported to Washington: "There are a large group of Nazi Germans who come to Italy for the sole purpose of getting fictitious identification documents, passports and visas to travel further then most directly through Genoa and Barcelona to Latin America. "How were such problems

to Red Cross passports with false personal details, La Vista, knew from personal experience. He had accompanied two undercover agents, which the committee was the International Red Cross (IRK) was explained, they needed a written confirmation of their identity. This would in turn get to one of the Catholic Relief Committee. There would Monsignori, without asking many questions, issue the related documents. In this way came Adolf Eichmann, chief organizer of the Final Solution to his travel documents. He was under the alias Ricardo Klement flee to Argentina.

addition Adolf Eichmann, the Catholic priest of a series of Nazi-celebrities with false documents to flee helped:

Alois Brunner, Eichmann's deportation and is responsible for specialist for the murder of 120 000 Jews. Destination: Syria.

Franz Stangl, commandant of Treblinka concentration camp and charged with 700 000 times the murder was broken out of prison in Linz. Destination: Brazil.

Walter Rauff , "inventor" of the mobile gas chambers, in which over 180 were killed 000 Jews. Destination: Chile.

Josef Mengele , the infamous doctor at the Auschwitz concentration camp, wanted for hundreds of thousands of murders. Destination: Chile.

Josef Schwammberger as camp leader in the Polish cities and Rozwadow Mielec as well as commander of the ghetto Przemysl responsible for countless murders. Destination: Argentina.

The visa came from the Vatican. "At first the" inexplicable, reported show La Vista, "but further investigations, that the Vatican simply put the missions of Latin American countries where the Church has traditionally had great influence, under such pressure until they have former Nazis and fascists in their country allow entry - as long as they are anti-communists. Currently this is in Rome with all Latin American consulates and missions, the common practice. "


Before the Nazis were able to sell to South America, had they usually solve a problem: They had only come once safely across the border into Italy. Attending them were priests to help. Along the major mountain passes had been set up loopholes, why these routes were called in intelligence lingo "rat line" . And because the numerous monasteries offered safe hiding places, the "rat line was also" convent route "called."


cynical enough that the Catholic Church helped many Nazis to escape, while for the Jewish victims in the Third Reich had done nothing worth mentioning.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009

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Pope goes before the canonization of the EU founding fathers

The following article from the Daily Telegraph of 4 December 1999 once again reveals that the European Union was a creation of Roman Catholic politicians that the EU was founded on Roman Catholic principles and seeks to build a Roman Catholic superstate, from the Atlantic coast of Portugal to the borders the former Soviet Union reaching - a new Holy Roman Empire.

Pope declares the EC is heaven sent

Pope said the EU was sent from heaven

The Roman Catholic Church, the founders of the European Community on the path to sainthood has brought.

Roman Catholic bishops began the canonization of Konrad Adenauer, Alcide de Gasperi and Robert Schuman, which the planning of the EU is attributed.

The news followed the recent Synod for Europe, held in Rome.

"The press department of the Vatican confirmed that the canonization is in its early stages, was reported to me by Margaret Hebblethwaite of Tablet . "It is unusual for a politician to be canonized, but the Pope is currently producing saint-stop. The reason given was that these men The EU had set up on Roman Catholic principles "

Chiara Lubich, a lay audience at the synod, says:".. The European Union is not only a blueprint of humans, but of God "The canonization of politicians, he said, would , show that Europe was "built on a rock."

€ A spokesman for the skeptical European Foundation in London was transferred from the news in amazement.

"This is really absurd. You should not make policy in such an obvious way as our own. People are living in a dream world if they thought that the creation of a European super-state religious is worthy of recognition. "


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European flag on the "Miraculous Medal" back

" The designers of the European flag got the idea for the twelve stars of the Miraculous Medal, the draft of 1836, the St. Catherine Laboure during an appearance in Paris passed by the Blessed Virgin was "

The above article entitled" Would you believe? "by Seamus P. Cahill was in the August issue 1999 of the" published Ireland's Eye. " He comes from a Roman Catholic source and confirms what we claim for many years.


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The 25 most evil people of the 20th Century - Joseph Stalin SJ


Josef Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, Ioseb Besarionis Dze Jughashvili; Russian: Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili Иосиф Виссарионович Джугашвили) (18 December 1878 - 5 March 1953), better known by his adopted name, Joseph Stalin ( Иосиф Сталин, Iosif Stalin, Stalin, meaning "the Steel").

Joseph was influential Catholic parents, Vissarion "Beso" Dzhugashvili and Ekaterina 'Keke' Geladze born. Beso His father was a successful and relatively wealthy local business man. However, he is in later biographies alternately as a poor, destitute and described as a violent alcoholic.

Whatever be the real truth always, Joseph was at the Catholic, taken by Capuchins run school in Gori. He made his statements in 1892 as best in class and at the age of 14 years for admission to the "orthodox" theological seminary in Tiflis (Tbilisi, Georgia) has accepted a Jesuit institution, to be trained as a Jesuit priest.

Despite opposing the historiography of Jesuit priest led Seminar The Jesuits remained on Russian territory, after the Order was banned in 1820 by Alexander I., where they retained control of several institutions, including the seminary in Tbilisi.

Stalin himself gave in his famous interview with the Jewish journalist Emil Ludwig (Cohen) not the Jesuit control of the institution:

Ludwig: What drove them to be a opposition? Was it bad treatment by their parents?

Stalin: Yes. My parents were uneducated, but they have treated me badly in any way. But it was a different matter at the Orthodox theological seminary, which I visited at that time. In protest against the unprecedented system and the Jesuit methods that prevailed at the seminar, I was ready to be a revolutionary, and was, indeed, a, a believer of Marxism as a really revolutionary teaching.

Ludwig: But do not give that the Jesuits have good sites?

Stalin: Yes, they are systematic and persistent in working to achieve goals dirty. But their main method to spy on their way into the souls of the people to spy is to sneak, and their feelings of outrage. What is it good one? For example, the spying in the hostel. At nine clock the bell rings for morning tea, we go to the dining room, and if we return to our rooms, we find that a search has taken place and all our chests have been ransacked ... What good things could have it?

In Tbilisi was Stalin's best friend Krikor Bedros Aghajanian classmate, the future Grégoire-Pierre Cardinal Agagianian, a powerful and unscrupulous Roman Catholic cardinal, who later passed them to death camps in Siberia under Stalin's direct rule.

While accounts of his time in Tbilisi, many times were changed, it is generally accepted that Stalin was the star pupil of the seminary. As a result, remained shrouded in mystery, the events of 1899.

In the last week of his student days, when he had seven (7) completed years as a pupil of the Jesuits, different from Stalin to varying reports or was expelled. None of the representations can adequately explain how a student of the seminary for seven years does not suddenly 12 months later, influential and active in the coordination of the Georgian social-democratic movement made its appearance - a performance that could be impossible to achieve without significant support.

is the more credible and more controversial conclusion that Stalin lacked as a full Jesuit priest from the Jesuit seminary, and his first order of the Georgian ground to infiltrate against the Russian czarist government and to lead.

The fact that Stalin was awarded an academic position at the observatory from Tbilisi, his Jesuit qualifications and completed study lends credibility again. His double life as a secret leader of the Maiaufstände of 1901 less than 2 years after graduating from the Jesuit seminary demonstrated his skills as a Jesuit principal agent.

After he escaped arrest by the Tsarist secret police (Okhrana), Stalin fled to Batumi, where he was hidden by the Rothschilds through one of its oil refineries located there in safety. 1902, when the authorities learned from his hiding place, were instructed local Cossacks to take him prisoner. However, the oil workers rallied together behind Stalin, a number were killed and arrested together with Stalin. Later this whole event has been reversed, with Stalin, instead of remaining in hiding, who organized a strike and an arson attack against the oil refinery - all of which defies the common perception of his circumstances.

1903 Stalin exiled to Siberia for three years. Nevertheless, the Jesuits managed to bring some months later false papers in the prison camp and liberate Stalin, on 4 January 1904 returned to Tbilisi.

His new orders from the Jesuits had an underground newspaper called "Credo" to push, which blackens the International Lenin's Marxist ideology in favor of fascist social democratic model of Roman Catholicism. began when the Russian-Japanese War in February 1904, Stalin was once in the whole of Georgia actively in the organization of resistance and concentrated attacks against the Menshevik faction of the Communists.

On 9 January 1905 Stalin was able to ignite the spark that had requested his master, when he successfully organized a mass demonstration of workers with anti-tsarist and communist banners in Baku. Then alerted he secretly the Cossacks that the demonstration was an armed uprising. The Cossacks responded as expected and several hundred protesters and sparked so the Russian Revolution killed in 1905.

During the following months, did Stalin emerged as the guerrilla leaders by the insurgency in all of Georgia maintained. Nevertheless, the movement never reached a critical mass and Stalin were ordered to redirect its efforts in the infiltration of the highest order of the Bolsheviks. In December 1905, secured a meeting with Lenin, Stalin, but did not make it his confidence and support to win, and returned to Tbilisi, virtually a free agent.

In February 1906 Stalin organized the assassination of General Fyodo Griiazanov to prove the Bolsheviks his qualifications. He also went on bank robberies and extortion to stage and the Bolsheviks to send money to prove his trustworthiness.

These events were compelling enough to Lenin, Stalin can participate in the Social Democratic Party meeting in London in 1907. After he returned to Georgia, Stalin was on 25 March 1908 arrested again. He was sentenced to two years exile in Siberia, but after seven months of the Jesuit influence within the czarist government allowed his escape in February 1909th

were about this time around, the Bolsheviks on the verge of extinction in the face of their leaders who stayed in jail or in exile, and a lack of new recruits and funds. Stalin called for a reconciliation with the Menshevik faction, which rejected Lenin. Then Stalin called for a great witch hunt to root out suspected double agent. A number of key supporters of Lenin and the intelligentsia were chased out and some murdered - later records brought to light that none of them was a traitor. Stalin was arrested again in 1910 and 1913 again for four years.

As a result of the February Revolution in 1917, Stalin was released from prison and taken to St. Petersburg, and He immediately founded the Pravda, the official Bolshevik newspaper, with significant capital and equipment, which arrived literally overnight, while Lenin and the rest of the leadership still in exile.

Pravda has been a major instrument of the revolution and Lenin to take given the power and influence of Pravda Stalin forced into leading committees.

Lenin, like most Bolsheviks saw Stalin as a double agent of the Jesuits. Your most obvious evidence was the fact that Stalin had escaped death in prison and the extraordinary and unprecedented clemency toward him brought by the tsarist government was - while agitators, which only a fraction of the acts of Stalin were found guilty of brutally tortured and killed. While the suites and "near misses" in the life of Stalin have been documented, the fact that he apparently was the "revolutionary with the most happiness" in the twentieth century will not be discussed.

had won the 1922 Bolshevik Although the civil war, but left the whole country bankrupt. The Rothschilds and the American Jesuit bankers on Wall Street made a simple offer - it would help to finance the new Soviet Union and to help her off the hook, provided that Stalin would get assigned a leading role. That is why Stalin was on 3 April 1922 as General Secretary of the Central Committee made a position which he expanded in the sequel to the most powerful.

sought Despite his position Lenin still looking for ways to counteract the influence of Stalin, and in December 1923 came to a head in such a way that Lenin, Stalin was planning to eliminate finite. In January 1924 gave the Supreme Jesuit General Vladimir Ledóchowski the order of Stalin, which allowed him to kill Lenin, and on 21 January 1924 Lenin was poisoned at the age of 53 years to death. In order to suppress

any rumors about a lazy approach Stalin published in Pravda Revocations against "claims" that never existed, such as those that Lenin had been mentally ill or that he had even died of syphilis.

was from this point on, Stalin was the most powerful and undisputed ruler of the Soviet Union.

One of the first acts of Stalin was to prohibit the Russian Orthodox Church, which allows thousands to be seized churches and schools in the Catholic Church - a highly controversial program that for the most part to date has not been reported is. 1939, the Russian Orthodox Church was virtually extinct.

Of the other persecutions under his rule in the Ukraine and the deportation of Jews also notorious in the tens of millions died. But what is rarely published or not at all is that the head of the death camps of Siberia none other than the Catholic Cardinal Grégoire Agagianian was his former classmate at the Jesuit seminary in Tbilisi.

There is a further and more deeply disturbing to note that Catholic name, the nature of the atrocities in Siberia on. While it was acknowledged by some historians that a number of concentration camps in Siberia had stoves to burn dead bodies, the lack of sufficient mass graves were found destroy itself by using lime to evidence.

This can indicate that the furnaces must have been of storage for disposal of bodies in frequent use in the thousands. Furthermore, the fact that people have not been dead when they were fed to the furnaces. Unlike the Nazis, who at least used by a nerve gas to the people unconscious but still alive to make before the furnaces of the death camps were supplied, it seems that Stalin and Catholic Cardinal Agagianian had no use for such sensitivity.

Tens of millions of people burned alive in satanic rituals, Vatican in Siberia - at least three times as many as those of the Catholic dictator, Hitler, and not a single book that takes account of these major anomalies, it has managed to light.

was the end of his life on a major row between Stalin and the Catholic Church, with Stalin, who was in his final year exceptional arrangements for the suppression of the Catholic Church, including the execution of the Lubyanka General Alexander Poskrebyshev - the hanging of Vlasov in the Lubyanka regulated - and the NKVD General Nicolai Vlasik.

Shortly after Stalin poisoned and died on 5 March 1953.


Stalin in his early years as a priest candidate.

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Communism and the Illuminati

Handout # 17 / / 9 February 2006

Here are some generally unknown facts about "Communism and the Illuminati:

• some people, even in the" alternative media "tell us that brought" the Jews "are both Communism and the Illuminati. But is this true? There were powerful forces "behind the scenes" at work that brought us both Communism and the Illuminati?

• You can bring a good argument, that applied "modern communism" was born quite likely to run by the Jesuit reductions (ie, municipalities) in Paraguay in the 17th and early 18th century! Yes, Jesuit priest forced Indians in Paraguay in "communities" where their "slave labor" was exploited by the Jesuit Order. Eric Jon Phelps, author of Vatican Assassins tells us: "The [Paraguay] reductions [that municipalities] produced unprecedented wealth for the [Roman Catholic-Jesuit] Order through the use of hundreds of thousands of [Indian] of slaves ... The Order utopian reductions, has been perfected on the basis of socialism / communism, central banks joined called "warehouse" a universal equality and universal male and female labor. The goods that were produced by this slave labor were supplied to the international trade in the [Jesuit] order huge fleet of "black ships".

• the modern version of the Illuminati in 1776 by the Jesuit-trained Adam Weishaupt founded the Catholic Church canon law at the University in the Jesuit taught Ingolstadt in Bavaria. Weishaupt pretended to leave the Jesuit order to build the Jesuit Tarngruppierung called the Illuminati, the bloody French Revolution (1789 - 99) instigated. The Jesuit-trained Adam Weishaupt died in "good graces" of the Roman Catholic Church. [Note: meet the goals of the Illuminati in very many points with the Communist Manifesto, see "The Invisible Hand, Ralph Epperson]

many dictators • the history, including fascist and communist criminals were either trained Jesuit and / or were advised by Jesuits. Here are some: (1) Napoleon Bonaparte was advised by the Jesuit priest Abbe Emmanuel Joseph Sieyes. (2) The Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin was Jesuit trained at the Jesuit Seminary in Tiflis, Georgia, just like his friend, the Catholic Cardinal Agagianian (these two men supervised the Soviet gulag) (3) of the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini wure advised by the Jesuit priest Pietro Tachi-Venturi. (4) of the Jesuit-trained Cuban dictator Fidel Castro was advised by the Jesuit priest Armando Llorente. We see here how an evil emerging pattern?

• The American physician and historian Emanuel M. Josephson tells us: "... whenever a totalitarian movement erupts, whether Communist or Nazi [Note: or fascist] can be a Jesuit in the role of a "consultant" or leader to be found ... "

• the Jesuit-trained Joseph Stalin 1922 leader of the Communist Party appointed in the Soviet Union. Interestingly, that was the year in which the Jesuit priest Edmund Walsh of the Jesuit Georgetown University in Bolshevik Russia was to direct his "relief mission. That was probably a coincidence, right?

• Do not let us never forget that the Jesuits love to use the Jews as "scapegoats" to cover the nefarious activities of the Jesuits. That is why Jews in the Soviet gulag camp commandants appointed. That is why a Jew is the chairman of the Federal Reserve often.


Saturday, November 14, 2009

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Contemporary Anti-Semitism based on anti-Jewish tradition of Christianity

Now and again we read of the claim that the Catholic Church was infiltrated by Jewish forces. To prove the Jewish origin of some popes is headed. How absurd that is, one can see from the centuries-old ecclesiastical anti-Judaism, which reached even into the last century and is set only after the Second Vatican Council, an official closing point, and the ongoing turmoil between the Vatican and the Jewish community. Examples from recent history would include:

The protest against the Jewish community

- the Latin Good Friday prayer
- the beatification of Pope Pius XII.
- the lifting of the excommunication of Bishop Williamson of the SSPX

Holocaust denier Horst Mahler claimed before his going to prison at all, the "Jewish conspirators" would be with the debate about Pius brother Williamson "our" Pope and attack the whole of Christendom. How it would fit with a supposed Jewish infiltrated Catholic Church, as it is claimed, not by Mahler but sometimes from the same area, probably remains a mystery.

The lifting of the excommunication of the brothers Pius and the Holocaust denier Williamson were shown to the public as a breakdown of the Pope, which in this Case was simply bad advice. Was it a mistake, or is behind a particular position?

Alan Posener: Trying the affair of Williamson and the Pius brothers dismiss as a breakdown, was a stupid move by Benedict's defenders. For if the pope does not know what he does, he is unsuitable as pope. Ratzinger knows, of course, but exactly what he does. He was already involved as head of the CDF, the issue of Pius brothers and knows their writings. Let me be clear: the SSPX is not a conservative, but an openly reactionary organization that preserves the ecclesiastical anti-Judaism, which is more or less institutionally anti-Semitic words. The Brotherhood advocated the abolition of the secular state and its replacement by a theocracy similar to Iran would, drugs, prostitution, pornography, blasphemy, homosexuality, and so on and ban the death penalty re-introduce. Benedict knows this, yet he runs the approach to these people and comes to meet them far, for example, with the revaluation of the Latin liturgy, the abolition by the Second Vatican Council, ostensibly led to the elimination of the Pius-brothers of the church. In reality, however, fit the Pius brothers not the whole direction of the council. And it also does not fit Benedict.


Has by Pope Benedict changed the tone towards the Jews? There were fierce criticism of his speech at Auschwitz ...

Alan Posener: Well, there was also praise for the speech by the Jews, for example, by Henryk M. Broder. He praised Benedict, which he spoke of the "evil", but this does every Christian when he says the Our Father. And Auschwitz was not just an expression of "evil" per se, but a concrete ideology, the ideology of racism and antisemitism. Where the modern anti-Semitism is based in turn on a two thousand year old tradition of Jewish anti-Christianity. which, however, Benedict spoke in Auschwitz nor of the guilt of Pope Pius XII, who was silent on the Holocaust, or the Germans who helped Hitler to power. Instead, he put the Germans as victims of a "small band of criminals" is, and the Catholic Church as a bulwark against Nazism. Here history is being rewritten.
Benedict is not anti-Semitic, but he denies the link between anti-Judaism and antisemitism, he is blind and deaf to the criticism from the Jewish side, at about the beatification of Pius XII or the new Latin Good Friday prayer in which Catholics for the conversion of Jews pray to Christianity.

Rabbi Homolka: "The Catholic Church has its anti-Semitism is not under control", 1518,542556,00 html

Homolka has right here in my opinion.. The justification has less to do with the fact that the Jews see as a chosen people is not respected, but because here actually addressed a sore point: the historical anti-Judaism the church was revived. In the Good Friday prayer mentioned it is a re-authorization an old, traditional conflicts evocative passage. It is really rather conciliatory words - they deceive only pretend to be that - an emphasis on religious differences, and in my opinion, a clear, officially propagated signal, that the Jewish religion is not regarded as fully satisfying. Why then deliberately stand in this hornets' nest had, it might come to their own at any conclusions.

The RCC has not really changed, even though it may appear to many Sun Many of the old council decisions are implicitly still valid. The accusation that Jews were "murderers of God" and the like, which was then exploited by the Nazis for propaganda, is actually a centuries-old doctrine of the RCC, the official Second only to the Vatican Council was abolished. Christian critics such as Dave Hunt sometimes doubted the sincerity of the alleged conversion of the Roman Catholic Church since Vatican II - and were sometimes even by Pope Benedict confirmed (*). Some Christian fundamentalists in America "pray" by the way also for the Jews, which they attributed think the fate, in the Armageddon either to convert to the true faith or to go to hell. Support of Israel and the invasion of Iran in this messianic vision only exploitable steps to the goal.

On the website you can also read about the Vatican officially, that the RCC continues to the only true church holds. In the end, it is well beyond the fact that all those who the pope as the supreme ruler of God and the doctrines of the RCC (eg, Eucharist, Holy Communion liturgy) are not accepted as absolutely valid to regard as heretics and are handled accordingly.

At 31 March 2007, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Secretary of State confirmed the rumors that the Pope would soon release a motu proprio that allowed the priests the celebration of Mass according to the pre-conciliar Missale Romanum of 1962, again in general.


(1) The Missale Romanum of 1962 contains the Good Friday prayer "For the conversion of the Jews "(Pro conversione Iudaeorum). Even if this Missal which the Jews downgrading of terms" are deleted faithless "(perfidus) or" unbelief "(Perfidia) corresponds to the Good Friday prayer otherwise the form of the text, as in the Good Friday liturgy prayed since the Middle Ages. The fact that the "blindness" (obcaecatio) of the Jewish people are talking and that "in darkness" (tenebrae), convert it blatantly the Council's Declaration Nostra Aetate "is contrary [...]


It is obvious what was done with a re-authorization of the Tridentine Missal: a prolonged disruption of the second since Vatican Council so hopefully begun in Catholic-Jewish dialogue. Many dedicated personal and theological efforts would be made on both sides deliberately destroyed. We hope that Pope Benedict XVI. not allow this corruption of the Christian-Jewish relations.

Benedict, who attended Vatican II as a young theologian, has long complained about what he Consider the erroneous interpretation of the council by liberals, saying it was not a break from the past but rather a renewal of church tradition .

The Pope and the Jews

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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

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The rat lines: the Vatican supported the escape of Nazi war criminals

The Vatican supported after 1945 flight of Nazi war criminals to South America

The Holy Father suggested by his Secretary of State Montini that "draw together experts from the Vatican with Argentine experts, an Action Plan should . Objective: Nazi collaborators, but also German Nazi criminals to Argentina eject. Adolf Eichmann was one of them. As the organizer of the Holocaust in 1960 by Israelis in Buenos Aires was kidnapped, protested the Argentine cardinal and head of the Catholic Action, Antonio Caggiano: "It is our Christian duty to forgive him for what he has done."

Eichmann was about the "rat line" come Caggiano the offing when he was ordained in Rome in March 1946, a cardinal.


carmine: Nazis, CIA and the Vatican

The small clique is initially for a native of Austria Bishop Alois Hudal, the rector of the Pontifical Santa Maria dell Anima, one of three seminaries in Rome. [...] He Ratlines the first, the Nazi criminals to Austria to Genoa and from there organized resulted in the freedom of Latin American or Arab countries, equipped with Italian identity cards, fake birth certificates, visas and the International Red Cross passports: for example Franz Stangl the commandant of Treblinka, Gustav Wagner, commanding officer of Sobibor, Alois Brunner, Adolf Eichmann, Richard Klement , just to name a few.

The swastika driver: Explosive details about the escape of senior Nazi criminals

The Tyrolean historian Gerald Steinacher has followed after intensive work, the source "rat line", on which escaped Nazi thugs like Adolf Eichmann and Josef Mengele. Steinacher's conclusion: There was not any secret societies such as the SS-legendary "Odessa," which pointed the way to war criminals overseas, but two institutions that seemed beyond such suspicions: the Vatican and the Red Cross .


Related Books:

Gerald Steinacher: "Nazis on the run. As war criminals escaped through Italy to Ocean " 2008
Mark Aarons, John Loftus' Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis, and The Swiss Banks ", 1992
Ernst Klee:" Persil tickets and false passports, how the churches the Nazis helped ", 1991
Mauri:" Vatican Ratline : The Vatican, The Nazis and the New World Order "


trial: Nazi gold funded the rat lines of the Vatican org_id = 890 = 8941 & kb_header_id

Lukas Mihr - The rat line

3sat culture time - Nazis on the run

Line Operation Council
? v = _gLJFRQUy2o

The rat line - for help to escape Nazis South America 1945-1955

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

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pagan sun worship and Catholicism

The transubstantiation

If man now old enough, he can take part in Holy Communion. In Babylon, the sun god was worshiped Baal. Using different names this religion then found its way into Egypt. On the altars of Egypt were discovered sun-shaped wafers, which were baked from unleavened dough. These little cakes were consecrated by the Egyptian priests, and thus magically transformed into the flesh of the sun god Osiris (transubstantiation) and that they ate their God.
The Roman Catholics believe that the priest has the power to Christ to get out of the sky (Council of Trent, page 11), to nail him to the cross and sacrifice him at the fair again.


In Egypt, the IHS was on the wafer for Isis, Hourus, Seb ("The Two Babylons; page 164).


[Note: This is possible in principle, and Seb as Seth, the great opponent (and murderer) by Osiris was, however, makes a trinity Isis - Horus - Osiris more sense]

It is clear from the foregoing that the image of the sun which was above or on the altar of one of the recognized symbols that Baal or . worshiped the sun. And here, in a so-called Christian church, a gleaming silver platter "in the shape of a sun" is so placed on the altar, that everyone who worships at the altar, in humble adoration must kneel before the image of the sun. So one has the question: Where this may have its origin, if not in the ancient sun worship, worship Baal? And if the host is attached so that the silver sun facing the round wafer, the roundness of such an important element in the Roman mystery is, what can the other be to show as those who have eyes to see have that the host itself just another symbol of Baal or the sun?
When the sun god in Egypt as a "seed and was worshiped in Babylon as" grain ", the host in Rome is worshiped just the same. "Bread corn of the elect, have mercy," is one of the fixed prayers to the host from the Roman litany in Meßfeier.601 And at least one of the mandatory requirements, such as those taken Host should be is exactly the same as in the old worship of the Babylonian deity.

Alexander Hislop - The Two Babylons, p.149

regard to the pagan character of the bloodless sacrifice of the Mass we have already worked out a lot. But there is something to consider, in which the working of the mystery of iniquity is still more evident. On the Host are letters that are worth reading, too. These letters are: IHS What mean these mystical letters? A Christian is said that these letters mean, "Jesus Hominum Salvator", ie "Jesus, the Saviour" of men. If we but a Roman admirer Isis (for the imperial period, there were innumerable devotees of Isis in Rome), take a look at how he will read it? Of course, its own system of idolatry accordingly, "Isis, Horus, Seb," that is "the mother, the child and the father of the gods" or, in other words, "the Egyptian Trinity." Can anyone imagine that this double meaning is random in nature? Certainly not. Just the spirit that turned the pagan celebration of the feast of the Christian Oannes in Johannesburg, where we maintained the same all his former paganism was planning to send that pay the initials IHS apparently tribute to Christianity, while in fact belongs in the core the homage to paganism.

Alexander Hislop - The Two Babylons, p. 150

The principle on which transubstantiation is based, is certainly of Babylonian type, but has not been established that this principle has been used as the papacy.


The Host, the consecrated wafer, the great god of the Roman Church. This host is kept in a gold and silver and precious stones decorated shrine.

Alexander Hislop - The Two Babylons, p.231

Stand Plate (stele) dated to 824-811 BC. Which shows the king Shamshi-Adad V.. The cross on his chest is a symbol of pagan sun worship. Note that the arrangement of the pieces of clothing that the Pope's image is very close to - including the large "X"-cross on the chest.

As far as I know, there is no evidence that the Babylonian system, the flat round wafers piece, the "bloodless sacrifice of the Mass", the other regarded as a symbol, that was ever said that it was in the God transformed it represents. But the doctrine of transubstantiation is of Nature, unique magic, it claims, transform by pronouncing of some powerful words of one substance to another, or removed by a clever trick a matter entirely and replace it with another.

Alexander Hislop - The Two Babylons, p. 233

figure of the Assyrian sun god Shamash, the sun disc on an altar. Shamash holds the insignia of his power, the rod and the ring in his hand. British Museum, 9 Century BC


Pagan Sun Worship and Catholizism 7Emikesch/wheel.htm 7Emikesch/monstr.htm 7Emikesch/sunburst.htm 7Emikesch/verita.htm

Alexander Hislop - From Babylon to Rome
PDF: http : / /

David W. Daniels - Babylon Religion
Jack T. Chick - Smoke Screens

Saturday, November 7, 2009

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sister Pascalina: Pacelli (Pius XII.) financed Hitler

On 28 June 1919 the Allies presented the Versailles Treaty signed by Germany. The dictation, as the Germans called ("dictated peace"), completed only their devastation - it mandatory to take the sole responsibility for the war, large parts of the territory of the kingdom of tearing away, and the German naval and military power to practically nothing reductive.

The moment had come for the introduction of Vladimir Ledóchowskis "charismatic dictator."

He entered the story in the Briennerstraße 15 late on a stormy night during the winter following the dictates of ...

Mission accomplished

sister Pascalina recalled the moment for her biographer, Paul Murphy and Rene Arlington ( La Popessa , Viking 1983).

The Nunciature [papal embassy] was asleep. Pascalina heard a knock at the door. She answered by a young Austrian soldiers stationed there to find a corporal and a Catholic, a letter with her foal with an introduction by a leading Bavarian politician who cite him for acts of bravery during the war.

Pascalina instructed the young man in the waiting room and woke Archbishop Pacelli [later a signatory to the Reich Concordat, and later Pope Pius XII]. Their meeting was quick. The soldier promised to the spread of atheistic communism in Munich and elsewhere to keep in check.

Pascalina heard say Pacelli: "Munich was good to me, such as Germany. I pray [to] Almighty God that this country remains a holy land in the hands of Our Lord, and free from communism. "

Then she saw Pacelli the soldiers," a large stock of church funds to support the emerging revolutionary and his little struggling band of anti-Communist type ".

"Go conquer the devil's work," the archbishop said to him. "Help to spread the love of the Almighty God."

Pascalina sister never forgot the young soldier's face or his name - Adolf Hitler. "

"Briennerstraße 15" is so named for the address of the papal nuncio to Bavaria, where Pacelli its first visit by the then received by fighting Austrian revolutionary who wanted to be the charismatic dictator of Germany, Adolf Hitler. " Accordingly:

right on his assumption of the position of General Vladimir Ledóchowski then fled from Rome (after all, Austria was now at war with Italy) and established an office with two assistants in the castle of his mother Zizers, Switzerland, a.

1917 invited Mathias Erzberger Ledóchowski, a Member of the German Catholic Center Party, one at a secret Trefffen.

Erzberger later reported friends that the General had persuaded him to support a strategy of destroying [b] the unified Reich under the Protestant Kaiser Wilhelm II, with the aim of the Catholic nations of Central and Eastern Europe in a pan-Germanic federations under a charismatic dictator [/ b] charged with the submission of the communist threat from the East to bring together.

Dr. Hans Canossa, the fact pattern of the deputies by Zizers documented, observed that "every political maneuver that Erzberger hired since his interview with the Jesuit General has only served to this Jesuit political strategy to push forward. "(Manfred Barthel, The Jesuits, William Morrow, p. 254-255)

Eugenio Pacelli had served the diplomatic service of the Church since his ordination 1899th His international fine perceptions have been mentioned by the Jesuits, one of them - he adored - Vladimir Ledóchowski. I say "deified" because this is the exact word that used an older Jesuit, whom I consulted in Rome to describe Pacelli's relationship with Ledóchowski. He had known both forms in person.

Vladimir Ledóchowski was a Polish aristocrat, who until proved in 1906 so exceptional talents in the international diplomacy was that the Supreme Jesuit General Francis Xavier Wernz (under guidance of Pacelli's Nachdiplomsstudien in canon law by) led him to Consultor General for Germany, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Bosnia, Serbia, Croatia and Poland, and Belgium and the Netherlands appointed.

"Consultor General" is the equivalent of a cabinet post. It authorized Ledóchowski the future of its nations to thread alliances that lay buried like so many land mines. This is not an unusual feat for a Jesuit strategists. In fact, the company Jesus (the private CIA, the Pope and true mother of spies is) is well known for the "Othelloisierung" of nations - to be prepared for mutual destruction, such boasts as Othello's familiar but deceptive advisor Iago in front of the audience: "Well, if he kills Cassio and Cassio him, or kill each other, either way will be to my advantage. "

Note: Ledóchowski was the nephew of Cardinal Mieczyslaw Halka Ledóchowski. He had to experience in childhood, as his uncle at the time of the Kulturkampf in Bismarck with 12 months imprisonment, exile, then was punished. This experience could be influential and decisive for future revenge, acted out to have been practiced in the form of "counter-reformation." See also:

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Continuing Counter Reformation: possible motivation for the world wars

"Bismarck is the snake in the paradise of humanity. By this snake, the German people will be tempted to try to be more than God himself, and this rise is followed by a self-humiliation, as no nation has yet to cost them. Not us - but the Lord knows whether there has not a grain of sand in the mountains of eternal retribution is already solved, that - in decline for landslide growing - run up in a few years at the clay feet of this kingdom and it will turn to rubble, this realm, which, like the Tower of Babel, God Despite it all melt has been built to the glory of God. "

Pope Pius IX. Quoted on the 18/01/1874, the third anniversary of the Empire, before an international meeting in Rome pilgrims
in: Prussian Allgemeine Zeitung, Episode 03-07 of 20 January 2007

"The supremacy of Protestant Prussia had to be prevented and should dominate because the kingdom of Europe - to avert the federalism of the Germans - had an empire to be reconstituted, which would be the Catholics of the lord "

Mercure de France:" Pius XI and Hitler. "15 January 1934, quoted in Edmond Paris, The Secret History Of The Jesuits ", p. 171

" With the recovery of Poland's western territories [ie, the German eastern territories], the destruction of the Prussian state and the destruction of German Empire has reached its goal the Counter-Reformation. "

Polish Cardinal Stefan Wyszinski, 1965
Cited in: Else-solver, "Poland and the falsification of its history", 1982

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The Vatican's support of National Socialism

The secret terrorist

Chapter 7: Second World War

The Second World War was the most extensive and most destructive war in recorded history. Hundreds of thousands of people died in this war. Most people have no idea why this war was fought and what was the reason for this war. Wars do not just happen. They are planned and executed by people high in government for their own benefit. President Franklin D. Roosevelt said, "happen in politics nothing by chance. When it happens you can bet it was planned that way. " Let's take a look at who planned the Second World War. were

popes and their Jesuit agents and are the instigators of war, and while the world has real pain, Rome has champagne. - Jeremiah J. Crowley (a former Catholic priest), Romanism: A Menace to the Nation, Menace Publishing, p. 144

The Pope was just as it had in World War II as Hitler and Mussolini, the Catholic and therefore so guilty of the murder of six million Jews. In fact, Popes were in most if not all European wars for centuries and they have instigated. - F. Paul Peterson, Peter's Tomb Discovered Recently in Jerusalem, p. 63 (Quoted in: Is Alberto for Real, Sidney Hunter, Chick Publications, p. 41). One may fairly say

specifically, that the Roman Church began in 1914, the series of hellish wars. It was then that the death toll, which they have always demanded by the people, began to swell to a veritable torrent. - Edmond Paris, The Vatican Against Europe, The Wickliffe Press, p. 48

These are not the only reputable authors, the papacy blame as the instigator of World War II and all other wars. In light of these statements, it is horrible from a recent meeting held in Assisi, Italy to hear, at the John Paul II was quoted as saying "Violence never again! Never again war! Terrorism never again! ". The papacy has instigated wars and instigate them still going on, and the Pope has the audacity to make this statement!

America is engaged in a war against terrorism. The above statements indicate that the papacy is responsible for making this war against terrorism is necessary. George Bush said in USA Today, 17 September 2001 that his government a Crusade against terrorism prepared. In the recent history of the Crusades were religious wars that were fought for papal interests. President Bush told us that his war is being fought against terrorism to advance papal interests?

Adolf Hitler was to blame for all kinds of atrocities during the Second World War. Was he really responsible for these atrocities, or did he merely carrying out orders? Mind you, who pulled the strings in Hitler's Germany.

occurred in Germany, the papal nuncio in Berlin, Dr. Pacelli and Franz von Papen, secret chamberlain The Pope, one for a "covenant with Rome" and focused on the fall of the Weimar Republic. The German Catholics were disposed hostile to Nazism, but were made aware that the Pope himself "voted sympathetic to Hitler" was. Accordingly, voted the Catholic center, axis of parliamentary majorities, on 30 January 1933 for full rights for Hitler.

This operation was followed promptly, as in Italy, the conclusion of a Concordat, which was most advantageous to the Roman Church. The German bishops swore loyalty to the leader and Catholic youth organizations were combined with those of the Nazis. - Edmond Paris, The Vatican Against Europe, The Wickliffe Press, p. 15

The Vatican helped Hitler to gain power and then helped him to consolidate his grip on Germany. This was partly achieved by the Catholic Party of Germany "advised" was to vote for Nazi candidates.

The Catholic vote gave Hitler the majority he needed to legally form a government around 1933. In addition to this, the Vatican ordered Catholic members of the Reichstag parliament to support a regulation that gave Hitler the power, by Adopted to govern. This measure gave Hitler dictatorial powers he needed to destroy the German Communists.

The whole Vatican-Hitler agreement was negotiated in secret before Hitler became chancellor of Germany in 1933. In June of that year, Hitler and the Vatican signed a concordat with conditions under which the church swore allegiance to the Nazi regime ...

Drawer Illustration:

Shortly thereafter took the Catholic Franz von Papen, second in the leadership after Hitler, the essence of the Hitler-Vatican alliance very succinctly in these words: "The Third Reich, he said, "is the first power that recognizes the high principles of the papacy, not just practiced." - Avro Manhattan, The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance, Ozark Books, (quoted in Sydney Hunter, Is Alberto for Real, Chick Publications , p. 42, 43) [/ i]

What an amazing statement. Von Papen says that the atrocities that Hitler committed suicide during the Second World War, the "principles" of the papacy were! Can there be any doubt about the fact that the papacy is just as evil as Hitler and his regime was?

Hitler himself admits that he by the methods of the Jesuit Counter-Reformation was encouraged to carry out his ideological war ... [We] have witnessed the open support of Catholicism every step towards that was taken from Nazi-Fascism to burden to all nations authoritarian regime. - Leo H. Lehmann, Behind the Dictators, Agora Publishing, p. 36, 38, 39

placed an accurate representation of the history of the Catholic-Jesuit threat through the heart of the Hitler regime. It was the Catholic von Papen and the Catholic Center Party to Hitler in 1933 brought to power, and to show his gratitude, Hitler's Third Reich, a model of papal principles in its worst form. Hitler was only a pawn in the hands of the Jesuits of the papacy.

who supported Hitler in the war-ravaged Germany? Remember, Germany had been reduced to shreds by the First World War and the infamous Versailles Treaty.

Immense sums of money belonging to investors of our National Bank were handed over to Germany without any collateral ... Billions upon billions of our money was from the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve pumped banks in Germany ... On 27 April 1932 sent the Federal Reserve facility $ 750,000 in gold to Germany, belonging to American bank investors. A week later were sent another $ 300,000 in gold in the same way. Around the middle of May there were 12 million shipped in gold from the Federal Reserve Banks to Germany. Almost every week there was a shipment of gold to Germany. - HS Kenan, The Federal Reserve Bank, The Noontide Press, 1966, p. 158

As we saw in the previous chapter, the Federal Reserve Bank is a creation of the Jesuits. They use to finance their crazy puppets like Adolf Hitler. " Kenan argues that the Federal Reserve financed Hitler and the Nazis. When will the Federal Reserve Bank controlled by Americans and run, how can it finance a mortal enemy like Hitler, who stood for all that our Constitution condemned? In light of Kenan's statement, the Federal Reserve Bank is not American, she is our enemy that finances our enemies. Therefore, it makes sense that a Jesuit controlled bank provides a Jesuit controlled puppet like Adolf Hitler with funds.

they let us turn to the Jesuit-controlled Germany under Hitler from the land of Spain and Francisco Franco. Spain was experiencing cramps towards the end of the 19th century. It moved back and forth between a Roman Catholic monarchy, and a test of a free republican government. Ultimately, in the 1930s, baby bodies were discovered under several convents in Spain. Doctors found that these infants had died of suffocation. You see, nuns and priests had affairs, and the unwanted babies were killed at birth. Ds Catholic people of Spain, which knew nothing of this terrible crime was shocked by these discoveries, and many laws were enacted that restricted papal power in Spain. According to the ex-Jesuit Alberto Rivera:

exploded in 1936 the new English Inquisition. It was "The English Civil War ', and secretly staged in the Vatican ... The pope excommunicated

the heads of the English Republic and declared war between the Holy See and Madrid ... under the banner of the Vatican were Muslim armed forces in the Canary Islands and then attacked southern Spain on ... When the Inquisition reached its goals, Spain was in ruins, bleeding and beaten, but safely back in the hands of the Vatican ... General Franco eventually became the Roman Catholic dictator of Spain. Franco's government was on 3 August 1937 recognized by the Vatican, just 20 months passed before the civil war to an end. - Jack Chick, Alberto, Parts 1, 3, 6, Chick Publications, pages 12,21,28,29.

When Franco near the end of the late civil war in Spain marched in Madrid, when he reinstated the Catholic government and the Popular Front government fell, the Protestants established some years earlier, he said: "I have four columns of soldiers with me. I also have a fifth column in the city of Madrid, the city is betrayed in my hands when I get there "- Albert Garner, The Devil's Masterpiece. The Mystery of Iniquity, Blessed Hope Foundation pages, 70 , 71

At 31 March 1934 signed the Pact of Rome and Mussolini and Hitler promised support for the insurgency. The "Holy war" broke out. 1937, in the middle of the war, the Vatican gave de jure recognition of Franco's government, his sword-bearer, who was to be later awarded the Supreme Order of Christ. "Blessed are the weapons when the gospel blossomed as a result of them!" Soon, the Catholic Action spread their tyranny over the whole country ruined. Pax Christi! - Edmond Paris, The Vatican Against Europe, The Wickliffe Press, p. 15

Benito Mussolini was with the Jesuits of Rome, considered high. He was her man of destiny, which the Vatican back in 1929 again led to the papacy.

What happened in Europe between the two massacres? In Italy, secret negotiations took place between papal agents and Mussolini, "the man of destiny" instead. The priest Don Sturzo, leader of the Catholic group, had erstimmt in November 1922, full rights for the Duce. Then came the Lateran Treaty in order to seal the union between fascism and the Papacy, the conquest of Ethiopia - blessed by the clergy - and on Good Friday 1939, the invasion of Albania - Ibid. Page 15

According to Pius XI.

Mussolini makes tremendous progress and is, with elemental force, all standing in his way . Defeat Mussolini is a wonderful man - you hear me? - A wonderful man .. The future is his. - Ibid p. 69

For today Rome sees the fascist form of government as closest to his standing in dogmas and interests. We have praised not only the [Jesuit] priest Father Coughlin, of Mussolini's Italy as "a Christian democracy," but also the Civilta Cattolica, house newspaper of the Jesuits, says quite frankly ... "Fascism is the form of government that most closely matches the views of the Church of Rome." - Pierre Van Paassen, Days of Our Years, Hillman-Curl, Page. 465.
[Cardinal] Spellman was offered by Roosevelt an unprecedented opportunity that would require it to leave his archdiocese for months ... The amazing proposal, brought forward the Roosevelt was that Spellman should act as a secret agent for him in the four corners of the world. It would be the order of the Archbishop, to contact the leaders in the Middle East, Europe, Asia and Africa. It would be news for the president to bring ... and act as Roosevelt's eyes and ears ... The President offered him an opportunity to exercise more power than any other American religious figure ever held. Spellman would be a parity of treatment move among the major figures on the world political stage ... But few people were sure about what did the archbishop during his extensive travels. His clandestine work raised questions at home about the role of a religious figure who is deeply involved in government affairs. - John Cooney, The American Pope, Times Books pages, 124, 125

Spellman's first loyalty was Pope Pius XII. And yet it was used by Franklin Roosevelt as his personal agent.

we again read from Roosevelt:

Roosevelt and Eisenhower approved of the forced return of some six million [Orthodox Christian] people back to Russia, many of them tortured and killed, after they reached their destination. Two Russians who have written about this abominable decision of these two American leaders are Nikolai Tolstoy and Alexander Solzhenitsyn. The Americans called this repatriation 'Operation Keelhaul, "according to the form of Marine torture [careenage], in which the prisoner with a rope looped around his body, is drawn under the keel of a ship through to the mussels on the bottom of ship are cut too deep.

These six million Individuals were not only soldiers who had fought alongside the Germans against the Russians, but there were also women and children among them ...

Although it was Churchill and Roosevelt, who met this incredible decision to send millions of anti-Communist Russians back to certain death, it was General Dwight Eisenhower, "Operation Keelhaul" fully stretched, with no apparent remorse. - Ralph Epperson, The Unseen Hand, Publius Press, p. 301

Roosevelt was not only Spellman as his agent, but he also led the Jesuit goal of the destruction of so many Orthodox Christians as possible from. The Jesuits sought the Orthodox Christians of Serbia in the First World War, crush, and with this return at the end of the Second World War, they destroyed many millions of Russian Orthodox Christians more. Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Churchill carried out the bloody Jesuit plan with considerable success.

The Jesuit General, Count Halke [sic] of Ledóchowski was determined to organize on the basis of the general anti-communism, a certain degree of cooperation between the German Secret Service and the Jesuit order ...

Ledochowski considered by the upcoming war Settlement of accounts between Russia and Germany as inevitable ... And write the Basel news (March 27, 1942) did not hesitate: "One of the questions that arises from the German operations in Russia, which are of paramount importance for the Vatican, the question of the evangelization of Russia."

; this is of Father Duclos himself confirmed in a book that is handled by the imprimatur, "During the summer of 1941 Hitler resonates with all Christian forces ... [He] authorized Catholic missionaries in the new eastern areas to go ...

"Once it was forgotten that Cardinal Baudrillart and Monseigneur de Mayol Luppe the LVF [French Infantry Regiment] were recruited for the crusade against Russia." - Edmond Paris, The Vatican Against Europe, The Wickliffe Press, pages 240, 241 eradicated

While the Orthodox Christians of Russia have been the papacy was a similar massacre in Yugoslavia CARRIED. A few of the many books written about the atrocity of World War II, are "Convert ... or Die "by Edmond Paris, The Vatican Holocaust" by Avro Manhattan, and "Rave Ning Wolves" by Monica Farrell. All of these books discuss the murder of about a million Orthodox Christians during the Second World War by the Catholic Ustasha. On the cover of Farrell's book, we read: <      This is the report on torture and murder committed in Europe from 1941-1943 known through an army of Catholic Actionists as the Ustashi, led by monks and priests, and even with the participation of nuns. The victims suffered and died for the cause of freedom and religious freedom. The least we can do is to report on their pain to read and to keep in mind that it does not happen in the dark ages, but in our own enlightened generation. Ustashi is another name for Catholic Action. - Monica Farrell, Ravening Wolves, Protestant Publications, book cover.

The mass expulsion or forced conversion of Orthodox Christians to Roman Catholicism was on the agenda. All measures aiming at the elimination of the Serb in Croatia were carried out under the political slogan, proclaimed by a Croatian Minister: "We should first third of the massacre of the Serbs, to refer the second third of the country and force the final third to adopt the Catholic faith, whereby they are absorbed by the Catholic element - Lazo M. Kostich, Holocaust the Independent State of Croatia, Liberty, p. 18

The papacy tried in the late 1990s, still, the Orthodox Christians in Serbia to exterminate. The papacy used the United States as their thugs in this conflict by bombing Serbia. The true slayer of the "Balkans" is the Pope and the Catholic Church, not Slobodan Milosevic. They drag the wrong person for war crimes. <

pictures and further details on the massacre in Croatia during the WWII:
The Vatican Holocaust in Croatia

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The Secret History of the Jesuits: the Nazi

preface of the book "The Secret History of the Jesuits "by Edmond Paris:

Of all the factors that played a role in the international life of a century full of turmoil and upheaval, is one of the most crucial - however it is best recognized - is in the pursuit of the Roman Church . Your worldly desires, their influence extended to the east, made them the "spiritual" ally of the Pan-Germanism and his accomplice in the attempt to obtain supreme power, which twice, in 1914 and 1939, brought death and destruction upon the nations of Europe.

The public is virtually unaware of the overwhelming responsibility that the Vatican and is carried to the Jesuits for the start of two world wars - a situation which may be partly explained by the huge finances to the Vatican and the Jesuits are available, what gives them power in so many areas of influence, especially since the latest conflict .

was in fact the role they have played in these tragic events, to the present, rarely mentioned, except by advocates, is studiously to conceal it. It is with the intention to correct this and establish the true facts that we discuss in this and other books of the political activity during the contemporary period - a Activity as it relates to the Jesuits.

This study is based on irrefutable archive documents, publications of well-known political figures, diplomats, ambassadors and eminent writers, most of them Catholics, even certified by the imprimatur.

These documents bring the secret actions of the Vatican and his perfidious activities to light, causing conflicts between nations, if it served his interests. By means of substantiating articles, we point to the role that was played by the "church" at rise of totalitarian regimes in Europe. These certificates and documents represent a devastating indictment represents, and so far has not advocate trying to refute it.

On 1 May 1938 reminded us of the "Mercure de France", which was 4 years previously said

"The Mercure de France said on 15 January 1934 - and no one objected - that it was Pius XII, of Hitler, has made '. He was not so much by legal means to power, but because the Pope, the Centre Party (German Catholic Party) did not affect ... Think of the Vatican, that he has committed a political error by Hitler opened the way to power? Which seems not to be ...". The

seemed not to be so as of this writing was what was on the following day after the Anschluss, when Austria was united with the Third Reich - later, when multiplied the Nazi attacks were - during all of World War II.

Rather, the successor of Pius XII entrusted., John XXIII, 24 July 1959 his personal friend, Franz von Papen, the honorary title of the Secret Chamberlain. This man was a spy in the United States during World War II and was one of those responsible for Hitler's dictatorship and the port. You must suffer from a peculiar form of blindness not to see such clear facts.

Mr. Joseph Rovan, Catholic Author comments on the diplomatic agreement between the Vatican and the Nazi Reich on 8 July 1933:

"The Concordat gave the Nazi government, almost universally recognized as predators of throne, if not brigands, composed, seal an agreement with the oldest international power (the Vatican). In a way, it was the equivalent of a diploma in international respectability. " (Le Catholicism politique en Allemagne, Paris 1956, p.231, Ed. Du Seuil)

Reportedly, the Pope, not satisfied with his "personal" support for Hitler, in this way, the Nazi Reich, the moral Support of the Vatican granted! At the same time when the terror began on the other side of the Rhine to rule, and silently accepted and approved, was the so-called "Brown Shirts" 40,000 people had already been sent to concentration camps. The pogroms multiplied to the sounds of the Nazi march: "When Jewish blood spurts from the knife, then it does us good again" [or "... then it is twice as good"]

saw Pius XII even worse without being stirred up in the following years. It is not surprising that the Catholic heads of Germany competed in their submission the Nazi regime against encouraged, as they were by her Roman "master". You have to read the deranged delusions and verbal acrobatics of opportunistic theologians like Michael Schmaus. He was later made by Pius XII to a "Prince of the Church" and the publication of the "La Croix" 2 September 1954 and "the great theologian of Munich" - or even once a certain book titled "Conservative Catholic heritage," someone wrote about:

"This volume, together with texts from the main Catholic theorists Germany from Gorres to Vogelsang, he leads us to believe that National Socialism was born simply out of Catholic beliefs. "(Gunther Buxbaum," Mercure de France, January 15, 1939).

The bishops, by the Concordat to be related to Hitler to swear an oath of allegiance tried always to outdo each other in their "devotion":

"Under the Nazi regime, we constantly find the fervent support of the bishops in all the correspondence and the statements of church dignitaries. (Joseph Rovan, op.cit. P.214).

Despite the obvious difference between Hitlerischem Catholic universalism and racism, these two doctrines in the opinion Franz von Papen's "harmonious in line" was brought, and the reason for this scandalous line was that "Nazism is a Christian response to the spirit of 1789".

Let us come back to Michael Schmaus, professor at the Faculty of Theology in Munich, wrote:

Bold and the church is a set of fonts that will help the development of the Third Reich, as It combines a Nazi state to the Catholic Christianity ... Completely and thoroughly investigate Catholic and German support these writings the relations and contacts between the Catholic Church and National Socialism: they open the way for fruitful cooperation, as outlined in the Concordat ... The National Socialist Movement is the most energetic and massive protest against the spirit of the 19th and 20th century ... The idea of a people of one blood is the focus of all their teachings and all Catholics will obey the orders of the German bishops have to admit that this is so ... The laws of the Nazis and that of the Catholic Church have the same intention ... "(Meetings between Catholic Christianity and Nazional-socialist ideology, Clarendon, Münster 1933).

This document confirms the primordial role played by the Catholic Church was the rise of Hitler, in fact it was a pre-canned out agreements. It illustrates perfectly the kind of hideous agreement between Catholicism and Nazism. Hatred of liberalism that is the key to everything comes out very clearly.

In his book, "Catholiques d'Allemagne" writes Mr. Robert d'Harcourt of the French Academy:

"The angreifbarste point in all the episcopal declarations that the triumphant election of 5 Followed in March 1933, is found in the first official Document of the church, which contains the signatures of all the German bishops. We refer to the pastoral letter of 3 June 1933, in which the whole of the German episcopate is involved.

what sort of that document? How does it start? In a tone of optimism and with this happy-minded statement: "The men at the forefront of this new government we have, to our great joy, gave an undertaking that they themselves and their work on a Christian foundation. An explanation of the deeper sincerity deserves the gratitude of all Catholics. "(Paris, Plon, 1938, p. 108). Since

the beginning of World War II came and went many popes, but their attitude to the two camps that faced each other in Europe, had been invariably the same. Many Catholic authors were able to their surprise - and sadness - not hide, when they wrote about the inhuman indifference that Pius XII. in the face of the worst kind of atrocities to light, put perpetrated by those who were in his favor. Of the many testimonies we will quote one of the most moderate in its wording, brought against the Vatican by Mr. Jean d'Hospital, correspondent of the "moons":

"The Memory of Pius XII. Surrounded by evil forebodings. First, because this question can be asked by observers of all nations and even within the walls of the Vatican: Did he know of certain atrocities that were committed during that war waged by Hitler and started? As he had at all times and at all angles of the regular reports by the bishops at his disposal ... he could ignore what could mimic the German military leaders never: the tragedy of the concentration camps - the deportations of civilians condemned - the cold-blooded massacre of those who stood in the way '- the terror of the gas chambers, were destroyed when administrative reasons, millions of Jews? And if he knew of why he was not the first preacher of the gospel out, stretched out his arms in the shape of the cross, to denounce a crime without precedent, to shout "No!"? ...

pious souls are vain encyclical letters, speeches of the late Pope sift through, is there no trace of any condemnation of Hitler, the Antichrist built, Religion of Blood ... they will not find the condemnation of racism, which is an obvious contradiction to the Catholic dogma. " "Rome en confidence" (Grasset, Paris 1962, p.91 et seq.)

In his book "Le silence de Pie XII". published by du Rocher, Monaco 1965, the author Carlo Falconi writes in particular:

"The existence of such monstrosities (extermination en masse of ethnic minorities, prisoners and deported civilians) throws every norm of good and evil on the clusters. They violate the dignity of their individual being and the society as such to a degree that we have an obligation to condemn those who may have influenced public opinion, they were ordinary civilians or heads of state. to remain silent in the face of

such outrages would in fact amount to the regular participation. It would spur the baseness of the criminal, their cruelty and complacency poking. But if every man has a moral obligation to respond, when confronted with such crimes, then that in two dimensions for the religious societies and their leaders, and especially for the head of the Catholic Church.

Pius XII. never expressed a direct and explicit condemnation of the aggression war, even less than the unspeakable crimes committed by the Germans and their accomplices during the war.

Pius XII. did not remain silent because he did not know what happened: he knew from the beginning to the seriousness of the situation, or better than any other head of state in the world ... "(page 12)

It gets better! The Vatican announced the execution of these crimes a helping hand by some of his prelates "borrowed" in order to make them pro-Nazi agents, were the Monsignor Hlinka and Tiso. He also sent his own legate to Croatia - RP Marcone - the one with the help of Archbishop Stepinac, the "work" keeping of Ante Pavelic and his Ustashi had in mind. Look where we are always presented to the same "uplifting" look. As we have already shown it is not only these horrible taste and complacency, against which we appeal. The inexcusable crimes of the Vatican is the essential role that was played in bringing about two world wars. (3)

Listen what says Mr. Alfred Grosser, professor at the Institute for Policy Studies at the University of Paris,:

"The very concise book by Guenter Lewy, The Catholic Church and the Third Reich ' ([dt. First version:] New York McGraw-Hill, 1964) says that all documents agree to show that the Catholic Church collaborated with Hitler's regime ...

In July 1933, when the Concordat forced the bishops, the Nazi government to swear an oath of allegiance, the concentration camps were already open ... reading the material collected by Guenter Lewy quotes proves overwhelming. We find in them some damning evidence of figures such as Cardinal Faulhaber and the Jesuit Gustav Gundlach. " (4) • • •

[...] On 29 October 1965 announced "L'Osservatore Romano:

" The most reverend Father Arrupe, General of the Jesuits, celebrated on 16 October 1965 Mass for the World Council. "

Here is the deification of "Papal morality": the simultaneous announcement of a project, to Pius XII. and John XXIII. to beatify .

"For us to strengthen ourselves in our quest for a spiritual renewal, we decided the canonical process for the beatification of these two great and divine Pontifizes in motion to set that makes us so at heart. " (7)

Pope Paul VI.

(3) E. Paris, "The Vatican against Europe (PTS London)
(4) Saul Friedlander:" Pie XII et le IIIe Reich "(Ed. du Seuil, Paris 1964)
( 5) L'Osservatore Romano, 20th of October 1961st
(6) L'Osservatore Romano, 18th of September 1964.
(7) L'Osservatore Romano, 26th of November 1965.

Note: the right most controversial Croatian Cardinal Stepinac was beatified on 03/10/1998 by John Paul II as well.

Catholic Confirmation Sample Letters

complain Holocaust victims against the Vatican Bank

Pius XII, the tainted saint

While the debate over the proposed canonization of Pius XII between the Vatican and its critics rages, could prove a continuing since 1999 lawsuit against the Vatican Bank and its final disposal of the case for or against Pius .

The continuing dispute Alperin against the Vatican Bank (USDC ND CA No.. C99-4941), filed in federal court in San Francisco and backed by a coalition of Serbian, Jewish, Roma and Ukrainian individuals and organizations, calls for compensation for Achsenplünderungen of Yugoslavia, laundered through the Vatican Bank in 1946, long after the atrocities the Second World War had been fully revealed.

The funds in question were the proceeds of the crimes committed by the Ustasha, the Nazi allied Croatian forces, genocide, which killed between 1941-1945 over 500,000 Jews, Serbs and Roma in former Yugoslavia and looted their possessions. In addition to the question of money and gold, the Vatican also has the highest leadership of the Ustasha offered shelter, including wanted war criminals.

has now, the testimony in the case of Alperin by a former agent of the U.S. Army counter-espionage, William Gowen, who investigated the Ustasha in 1947 for the U.S. Army in Rome, shortly before the direct involvement Pius stopped, instead of referring to Montini, Pius Under Secretary, later Pope Paul VI. was. Pursuant to the witness Monsignor Draganovic, a high Vatican official who was entrusted with the supervision of Croatian affairs in Rome and Montini direct message reported, was added, the lead head to have been behind the smuggling and dumping of the Ustasha "treasure" at the Vatican Bank .

To date, the lawyers of the Vatican down a hard line, insisting that the money laundering plan of the Vatican Bank for Achsenplünderungen no international law is violated, as the victims of the Ustasha, mainly Orthodox Christian Serbs, technically citizens of the "Independent" Croatia were. The unrepentant tone of the Vatican's poor can expect to Pius XII and the current controversy, which includes his elevation to sainthood.

While Jewish organizations like the Anti-Defamation League on Pius war may have focused index, the Vatican's coverage of genocide perpetrators and their funds after the Second World War may be even more significant.

For more information:
Dr. Jonathan Levy
Tel 843-837-8413

addition there following earlier statement:

Rechstanwälte of the survivors of the Holocaust are outraged that the Vatican Bank suggests that genocide and plunder are permissible acts under international law. Jonathan Levy, one of the lawyers for the survivors of the Holocaust, was uncertain whether the pope is even aware of what to apply, the lawyers of the bank: "On the one hand the Vatican is quick to Israel and Serbia in recent years pleadings, but basically says that it is OK to slaughter 500,000 people, steal their property and to hide in the Vatican Bank ... Pope Benedict should be concerned that the moral integrity of his Papacy is being undermined in federal court. "

the action against the Vatican Bank was originally based on information recorded in this book, written with John Loftus, who also serves as an expert witness of the plaintiffs in this process . This was supplemented by thousands of pages of declassified documents and the testimony of the former Army counter-espionage agent, William Gowen, who served in 1947 in Rome.

by the authors of the bestseller "The Secret War Against The Jews" (The Secret War Against the Jews) comes an explosive work that explores the connections between the Vatican and the Nazis. Equipped with a stir exciting new information defined "Unholy Trinity" (Unholy Trinity), the role of the Catholic Church in the history of the Twentieth Century.

more information about the massacres of the Ustasha and their connections to the Vatican:

Injuries Of A Balarina

Vatican and Jesuits behind National Socialism

1933: Adolf Hitler becomes German Chancellor. In the first part of this work, I have already explained, is that Hitler Others come with the help of the Vatican to power . It has a certain Catholic orders certainly a major role played, what is it with Bronder inter alia, stated: "Besides the cultural shame of the Roman Index, it is another very important institution of Catholicism, which has submitted to the National Socialism a direct model," the Jesuit Order (SJ), a 1534 by St. Ignatius of Loyola (d. 1556), a severely wounded English captain retired, of Jewish descent, as all three first Superior General of the Jesuits, founded Congregation, which is today the largest and most influential for centuries, the church - so that their general the "black Pope "calls. This order gave the model for the establishment of the SS and the NSDAP , the tight, military-like organization of the Jesuits was particularly admired - from men who were mostly gone through a strict Catholic upbringing, like Hitler and Himmler, or Goebbels and Strasser, a former Jesuit student. ... What, then, the Jesuit order was exemplary? He pulled the "Compania of Jesus" militarily, bear a special vow of military service for the Lord, of unconditional obedience to the pope. Here, the Superior General has an unlimited authority over the members and can send them anywhere, as required by the rules of the order, the so-called "constitution". In them is 500 times declared that every member can see the Christ in the General himself had to - to him with this and to shape using a rigorous, even brutal education for docile, never failing instrument in the hands of the Order. The subordination was viewed by the founders of the SJ as the secret of all power development and is still regarded as the soul of virtue: "Everyone was convinced that those who live under the obedience ... must move well and can govern as if it were a corpse (ac si cadaver essent perinde)! 1 About this army of black-clad "corpse" who have moved to high intelligence, turns the elected by the Provincial General sovereign and all officials begins and down. He also has criminal law. ... On the relationship between the SS and Himmler's Jesuit order also indicates confidant Walter Schellenberg. The Reich Leader SS had the best and largest library on the SJ and studied long nights in her to his black bands along the lines of the black crowds build up of the Pope. "Above all, I have learned from the Jesuit Order, the Reich Leader SS said 85th"

The similarity of the mind then also led to consequences: "Not once the Vatican has dared - or perhaps deliberately never - the Fascism, Nazism or similar movements to condemn in principle, as for example in the 19 Century with liberalism or the 20th Century was repeated with socialism. Because under the fascist regimes reached the Catholic Church increased power, from which she had previously never dreamed .... Besides the clergy were the Catholic laity within the Nazi party to remember by their leaders they represented a high percentage, especially in the critical and ideological building before 1933 offices so that one can not say wrongly, that Nazism was a strong Catholic root has. Such were, of the 26 Nazi Reich leaders, ie the highest management levels of the party, 12 to last professing Catholics ie about 46% by 1931. 32% of Catholics in the German people . Let's call only names like Hitler, the former choir boys of the Benedictines, and Dr. Goebbels, who had once as a Catholic Unitas student want to be a cardinal. ... From this end Christian-Catholic stance, Hitler has led the fight against the Jews, Freemasons, Socialists, and Bolsheviks, as he confessed to more than one body. For such a pious man, it was natural that he rejected also the freedom of thought. ... The Christian, if not always faithful church emotions Hitler was then in his book "Mein Kampf" which he composed in the Fortress of Landsberg and 1925 out there.

[...] Is it any wonder

there when those penetrated by religious fanaticism and ideological illiteracy influenced their Christian spirit kind of tolerance: " has never endangered the Third Reich the existence of the Christian faith or seriously damaged. On the contrary, here were Heydrich and Himmler, the SS for the first time in 1933/34 all previously dissolved in Germany acting free-thinking, free of religious and free-thinking organizations, banned, imprisoned their leaders, or as Max Sievers in the concentration camp (1943) killed. Had the church not be grateful? 87th "


1988: A particularly important chapter of all is the power politics of collaboration. To what extent the U.S. intelligence with the biggest criminals of the German Nazi regime worked, of which Christopher Simpson says in his book "The American boomerang. He writes:. The investigation of the Justice Ministry confirmed that a U.S. intelligence organization called Army Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC, counter-intelligence of the army) the Schutzstaffel (SS) - has recruited and Gestapo officer Klaus Barbie in early August 1947 for espionage activities, that it the CIC hidden from the French investigators of war crimes, and that it then means of a secret " Ratline "- short cut - away from Europe had conjured up, the Ratline was supervised by a priest who had gone into hiding even before an indictment for war crimes. ... The American intelligence financed, armed and trained a force of former Waffen-SS and Wehrmacht soldiers at a cost of about $ 500,000 annually and could still credibly claim that he did not know what his own contact agent .... The history of these Ratlines is therefore particularly important here because we learn through them, like the United States were involved in the rescue of a large number of Nazis and criminals of the Axis powers. The main Western Ratlines who have come to light so far, including those that smuggled Nazis, led the Vatican . When you get out, why and how the Catholic Church participated in the Nazi smuggling, one is closer to a better understanding of the postwar alliance between former Nazis and intelligence organizations of the United States a big step .... In a top-secret intelligence report of the U.S. Außenministeri-ums May 1947 states: "The Vatican ... is the largest organization that is involved in the illegal transfer of immigrants. It is the wish of the Vatican, every person irrespective of his nationality or political opinion, assist, provided that this person can prove that he is Catholic, "217th .


Democracy, assured Pius XI, who bear responsibility for the chaos that has come upon mankind, because in it too much freedom and rule the will of the people is seen as the supreme law;

Source: Dieter Rüggeberg in "secret policy - The roadmap to world domination"