Saturday, February 6, 2010

Best Vaccuum For Tile

Functional training / Functional Fitness

In this post I would like you roughly tell you about "functional fitness".
This Training is to train movements and therefore not isolated muscles, as it so often is common on machines in gyms and bodybuilding.
The advantage of functional training is the practicality.
is through the interaction of various muscle groups and the nerves of the body prepared for a lot more to the complex movements of everyday life, work or sport and you can also record really tremendous strength gains. Also in the weight loss Functional fitness has its importance. (On the importance of functional fitness in the weight reduction I will discuss in another moment :-))
are ideal for this purpose exercises with your own body weight (Body Weight Exercise = BWE), because is usually trained in these exercises, the interaction of various muscles.
course, there are exercises with tools that are suitable for functional training, such as kettlebells, barbell, dumbbell, gym ball, tubes, etc.

here once with a training plan for the whole body ( little emphasis on the upper body), with whom I am working at the moment!
(About the change in training, I also will discuss at another time:))

5-10 minutes to warm up in the upper grip pull-ups

reverse dips (ranches legs)
Pistols (one legged squats)
A hand raised pushups (alternating)
lunges (alternating) with additional weight
feet elevated pushups
barbell calf raise (additional weight)
Tischklimmzüge with elevated feet (underhand grip)
Plank 1 min

I lead all the exercises consecutively (circles).
Pro exercise, I do 6-12 WDH. In exercises where a change takes place, I do 6-12 WDH per page. Of that I'm
3 passes between each pass 1 minute break! Planks I
vary in the degree of difficulty for each circle. In the first circle as I lift every 30 seconds alternating the arms, legs in the second and third I have 1 min. increased to the disk of the weight of the LH and so on. (May vary as more as you wish:))
The Pistols I consider myself partly / partly to support yet to be for balance: (

For beginners could the plan look like this:

5-10 minutes warming up

Tischklimmzüge in the upper grip
reverse dips
deep knee bends (possibly with support assistance)
wall push-ups / Push-ups (as appropriate)
lunges, alternating
yoga pushups
calf raises
Tischklimmzüge underhand
3 X 5 sec. Plank (a short pause!)

2-3 rounds with 1 minute rest in between!
It can be used, the number of repetitions as in the first plan, or
Beginners can also try first in a step-down pyramid. And make
per 3WDH exercises, 3 sec pause, 2 WDH. 2 sec. Pause 1 WDH Exercise Exchange

I wish you all a lot of fun while exercising ...


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