Edit: Contest over! THANKS TO ALL WHO TOOK PART!
It's done, I went to no longer come to the Write, forgive.
I had already mentioned it can win ..
Once a Battle Royale DVD set.
the first part of "Battle Royale" of 2000
Tatsuya Fujiwara as Shuya Nanahara
Taro Yamamoto als Shogo Kawada
Aki Maeda als Noriko Nakagawa
Takeshi Kitano als Kitano
Kou Shibasaki als Mitsuko Souma
Masanobu Ando als Kazuo Kiriyama
Chiaki Kuriyama als Takako Chigusa
About the cast can not really Maulnes ... \u0026lt;3
story short:
The film is set in a dystopian alternate Japan of the future in which every year classes of high school students selected to kill himself in a death match against each other after the government adopted the BR Act, a school reform at the turn of the millennium, rising unemployment and rebellious high-school dropouts. The film deals with the implementation of such a game.
A true Japanese classic that EVERYONE should have seen once.
meanwhile there is the really successful part of the 2nd 2003:
Battle Royale II:
Cast :
Tatsuya Fujiwara as Shuya Nanahara
Ai Maeda as Shiori Kitano
Shugo Oshinari as Takuma Aoi
Ayana Sakai as Nao Asakura
and much more ...
Battle Royale 2 Requiem is the sequel to the film released in 2000 Battle Royale . He plays three years after the first film and tells the events of the current Battle Royale. This time the students should not kill each other, but the leader of the Wild Seven killed, the has barricaded himself with his people on an island. The Wild Seven (German: Wild Seven) are the survivors of the previous Battle Royale, including the first part.
information on the DVD's:
Both films are in German, but can be watched in Japanese with subtitles. The second part is a kind of special edition with 2 discs and bonus material!
Maybe_Canbe @: # # MayDreamOfJapan Contest Battle Royale DVD Set http://t.co/cNhP2pp
; May's Dream of Japan Contest Battle Royale DVD set http://maydreamofjapan.blogspot.com/2011/01/gewinnspiel-battle-royale-dvd-set.html
If you have any Have any questions just post a comment.

Finally, the end result of my vote:
read here What you liked / what would you like to read here!
J-Dorama Recommendations 38%
J-Music Beiträge 15%
news, Japanese actor / musician etc. 15%
Random Geschwafel aus May´s Nähkästchen 15%
J-Movie Empfehlungen 7%
Anime/Manga Beiträge 7%
Fanart contributions 0%
Nothing, I've run here ...
is here where the hell out? 0 %
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