Bof, I must push ahead again ...
So, with the music news you have right of course. I've thought it eh not interested, and I wanted to keep all the good tips just for me. But when someone asks for it but ... : D who I had already? Gin, Opshop, zed and ... anyone? Then really is time for a very different genre! But that really prefer the next post
@ tobias: sorry, but my mail address was pretty long in the blog. I set it again sometime reins out? I would be interested in something that is honestly what you have done so here and seen. Did not know you were here already!
@ elisa: thank you XD and of course I would have thought niiiie that you no longer read!
so I really would have to start to do to you all a happy new year 2011. Did not I, but now I do: I wish you all a super exciting year 2011! we had the first year worldwide, but how you spend the Parents On a campground in the desert with his?? no, just like Christmas .... were all more or less happy when we went to bed with a good conscience could: S
sunset in Punakaiki |
for we have to be more comfortable daytime again experienced a great deal. Every single day I am describing now, because I usually hate my Lapland, but at least the most exciting things I want to get rid before my band info!
On Christmas Day we got up early in the morning gaaaaanz. Had, in fact booked a boat trip! Called himself a bit more spectacular a "cruise", but in principle it was a boots-... no, shipping! And through the milford sound. Is a beautiful fjord, which is quite far in. protrudes into the country and because he is a one of the world areas most rainfall is the site of countless waterfalls. Actually it is there everywhere down to the rocks! way we have held, inter alia, to the mirror lakes. Why the hot so you can consider yourself.
mirror lakes |
milford sound in the early morning |
Bowen Falls on Milford Sound |
The coolest part of the Milford cruise was a surprise of the captain. He is a ship with so much on the rocks moved up to the local waterfall splashed on the right's deck. Was pretty impressive. And, as we have of course all the time about setting up there kept wet. After all we had, despite all the statistics on this day is not rainy weather!
even more exciting, however, was something that we have made earlier in the north. In the village fox, if again someone wants to try google maps. There we are in fact flying helicopter! was total madness! shame I ticket for 'nen am blind to: (flew over and around the foxgletscher mt tasman (second highest mountain in the region) and even Mt Cook (Aoraki highest mountain in New Zealand or better) and are well. landed on first glacier! It was really mega! there were 300 of us and all the snow, because of the entrapped oxygen, if I understood correctly, in a great blue. Pretty awesome, if I may repeat that.
fox glacier |
mt cook |
Hach, I'm still the same nochwas suppress what I actually under should be "more spectacular" result. We were in fact queenstown BirdLife in a park and there I got my first real kiwi seen! alive, I mean! that are so plump that they are cute again. You can tell real that the natural enemies not too long had on their islet! When one sees the so-stalk around hunting with their long beaks, it must really think, that have no idea that they are actually threatened by extinction ... but totally funny! photos of it's not (completely forbidden), but of course there was some other motive in this park!
yellow-crowned pakariki |
few days ago we were at the pancake rocks at Punakaiki. The hot so because they look like stacked pancakes. Of course, has something to do with geology and geological eras, but do not ask me how this works. At any rate not bad, but the whole touristy there, make it something really bad. Is probably normal so ...
pancake rocks |
mist, battery all. must be going. update and more pictures hopefully soon!
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