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The Secret History of the Jesuits: the Nazi

preface of the book "The Secret History of the Jesuits "by Edmond Paris:

Of all the factors that played a role in the international life of a century full of turmoil and upheaval, is one of the most crucial - however it is best recognized - is in the pursuit of the Roman Church . Your worldly desires, their influence extended to the east, made them the "spiritual" ally of the Pan-Germanism and his accomplice in the attempt to obtain supreme power, which twice, in 1914 and 1939, brought death and destruction upon the nations of Europe.

The public is virtually unaware of the overwhelming responsibility that the Vatican and is carried to the Jesuits for the start of two world wars - a situation which may be partly explained by the huge finances to the Vatican and the Jesuits are available, what gives them power in so many areas of influence, especially since the latest conflict .

was in fact the role they have played in these tragic events, to the present, rarely mentioned, except by advocates, is studiously to conceal it. It is with the intention to correct this and establish the true facts that we discuss in this and other books of the political activity during the contemporary period - a Activity as it relates to the Jesuits.

This study is based on irrefutable archive documents, publications of well-known political figures, diplomats, ambassadors and eminent writers, most of them Catholics, even certified by the imprimatur.

These documents bring the secret actions of the Vatican and his perfidious activities to light, causing conflicts between nations, if it served his interests. By means of substantiating articles, we point to the role that was played by the "church" at rise of totalitarian regimes in Europe. These certificates and documents represent a devastating indictment represents, and so far has not advocate trying to refute it.

On 1 May 1938 reminded us of the "Mercure de France", which was 4 years previously said

"The Mercure de France said on 15 January 1934 - and no one objected - that it was Pius XII, of Hitler, has made '. He was not so much by legal means to power, but because the Pope, the Centre Party (German Catholic Party) did not affect ... Think of the Vatican, that he has committed a political error by Hitler opened the way to power? Which seems not to be ...". The

seemed not to be so as of this writing was what was on the following day after the Anschluss, when Austria was united with the Third Reich - later, when multiplied the Nazi attacks were - during all of World War II.

Rather, the successor of Pius XII entrusted., John XXIII, 24 July 1959 his personal friend, Franz von Papen, the honorary title of the Secret Chamberlain. This man was a spy in the United States during World War II and was one of those responsible for Hitler's dictatorship and the port. You must suffer from a peculiar form of blindness not to see such clear facts.

Mr. Joseph Rovan, Catholic Author comments on the diplomatic agreement between the Vatican and the Nazi Reich on 8 July 1933:

"The Concordat gave the Nazi government, almost universally recognized as predators of throne, if not brigands, composed, seal an agreement with the oldest international power (the Vatican). In a way, it was the equivalent of a diploma in international respectability. " (Le Catholicism politique en Allemagne, Paris 1956, p.231, Ed. Du Seuil)

Reportedly, the Pope, not satisfied with his "personal" support for Hitler, in this way, the Nazi Reich, the moral Support of the Vatican granted! At the same time when the terror began on the other side of the Rhine to rule, and silently accepted and approved, was the so-called "Brown Shirts" 40,000 people had already been sent to concentration camps. The pogroms multiplied to the sounds of the Nazi march: "When Jewish blood spurts from the knife, then it does us good again" [or "... then it is twice as good"]

saw Pius XII even worse without being stirred up in the following years. It is not surprising that the Catholic heads of Germany competed in their submission the Nazi regime against encouraged, as they were by her Roman "master". You have to read the deranged delusions and verbal acrobatics of opportunistic theologians like Michael Schmaus. He was later made by Pius XII to a "Prince of the Church" and the publication of the "La Croix" 2 September 1954 and "the great theologian of Munich" - or even once a certain book titled "Conservative Catholic heritage," someone wrote about:

"This volume, together with texts from the main Catholic theorists Germany from Gorres to Vogelsang, he leads us to believe that National Socialism was born simply out of Catholic beliefs. "(Gunther Buxbaum," Mercure de France, January 15, 1939).

The bishops, by the Concordat to be related to Hitler to swear an oath of allegiance tried always to outdo each other in their "devotion":

"Under the Nazi regime, we constantly find the fervent support of the bishops in all the correspondence and the statements of church dignitaries. (Joseph Rovan, op.cit. P.214).

Despite the obvious difference between Hitlerischem Catholic universalism and racism, these two doctrines in the opinion Franz von Papen's "harmonious in line" was brought, and the reason for this scandalous line was that "Nazism is a Christian response to the spirit of 1789".

Let us come back to Michael Schmaus, professor at the Faculty of Theology in Munich, wrote:

Bold and the church is a set of fonts that will help the development of the Third Reich, as It combines a Nazi state to the Catholic Christianity ... Completely and thoroughly investigate Catholic and German support these writings the relations and contacts between the Catholic Church and National Socialism: they open the way for fruitful cooperation, as outlined in the Concordat ... The National Socialist Movement is the most energetic and massive protest against the spirit of the 19th and 20th century ... The idea of a people of one blood is the focus of all their teachings and all Catholics will obey the orders of the German bishops have to admit that this is so ... The laws of the Nazis and that of the Catholic Church have the same intention ... "(Meetings between Catholic Christianity and Nazional-socialist ideology, Clarendon, Münster 1933).

This document confirms the primordial role played by the Catholic Church was the rise of Hitler, in fact it was a pre-canned out agreements. It illustrates perfectly the kind of hideous agreement between Catholicism and Nazism. Hatred of liberalism that is the key to everything comes out very clearly.

In his book, "Catholiques d'Allemagne" writes Mr. Robert d'Harcourt of the French Academy:

"The angreifbarste point in all the episcopal declarations that the triumphant election of 5 Followed in March 1933, is found in the first official Document of the church, which contains the signatures of all the German bishops. We refer to the pastoral letter of 3 June 1933, in which the whole of the German episcopate is involved.

what sort of that document? How does it start? In a tone of optimism and with this happy-minded statement: "The men at the forefront of this new government we have, to our great joy, gave an undertaking that they themselves and their work on a Christian foundation. An explanation of the deeper sincerity deserves the gratitude of all Catholics. "(Paris, Plon, 1938, p. 108). Since

the beginning of World War II came and went many popes, but their attitude to the two camps that faced each other in Europe, had been invariably the same. Many Catholic authors were able to their surprise - and sadness - not hide, when they wrote about the inhuman indifference that Pius XII. in the face of the worst kind of atrocities to light, put perpetrated by those who were in his favor. Of the many testimonies we will quote one of the most moderate in its wording, brought against the Vatican by Mr. Jean d'Hospital, correspondent of the "moons":

"The Memory of Pius XII. Surrounded by evil forebodings. First, because this question can be asked by observers of all nations and even within the walls of the Vatican: Did he know of certain atrocities that were committed during that war waged by Hitler and started? As he had at all times and at all angles of the regular reports by the bishops at his disposal ... he could ignore what could mimic the German military leaders never: the tragedy of the concentration camps - the deportations of civilians condemned - the cold-blooded massacre of those who stood in the way '- the terror of the gas chambers, were destroyed when administrative reasons, millions of Jews? And if he knew of why he was not the first preacher of the gospel out, stretched out his arms in the shape of the cross, to denounce a crime without precedent, to shout "No!"? ...

pious souls are vain encyclical letters, speeches of the late Pope sift through, is there no trace of any condemnation of Hitler, the Antichrist built, Religion of Blood ... they will not find the condemnation of racism, which is an obvious contradiction to the Catholic dogma. " "Rome en confidence" (Grasset, Paris 1962, p.91 et seq.)

In his book "Le silence de Pie XII". published by du Rocher, Monaco 1965, the author Carlo Falconi writes in particular:

"The existence of such monstrosities (extermination en masse of ethnic minorities, prisoners and deported civilians) throws every norm of good and evil on the clusters. They violate the dignity of their individual being and the society as such to a degree that we have an obligation to condemn those who may have influenced public opinion, they were ordinary civilians or heads of state. to remain silent in the face of

such outrages would in fact amount to the regular participation. It would spur the baseness of the criminal, their cruelty and complacency poking. But if every man has a moral obligation to respond, when confronted with such crimes, then that in two dimensions for the religious societies and their leaders, and especially for the head of the Catholic Church.

Pius XII. never expressed a direct and explicit condemnation of the aggression war, even less than the unspeakable crimes committed by the Germans and their accomplices during the war.

Pius XII. did not remain silent because he did not know what happened: he knew from the beginning to the seriousness of the situation, or better than any other head of state in the world ... "(page 12)

It gets better! The Vatican announced the execution of these crimes a helping hand by some of his prelates "borrowed" in order to make them pro-Nazi agents, were the Monsignor Hlinka and Tiso. He also sent his own legate to Croatia - RP Marcone - the one with the help of Archbishop Stepinac, the "work" keeping of Ante Pavelic and his Ustashi had in mind. Look where we are always presented to the same "uplifting" look. As we have already shown it is not only these horrible taste and complacency, against which we appeal. The inexcusable crimes of the Vatican is the essential role that was played in bringing about two world wars. (3)

Listen what says Mr. Alfred Grosser, professor at the Institute for Policy Studies at the University of Paris,:

"The very concise book by Guenter Lewy, The Catholic Church and the Third Reich ' ([dt. First version:] New York McGraw-Hill, 1964) says that all documents agree to show that the Catholic Church collaborated with Hitler's regime ...

In July 1933, when the Concordat forced the bishops, the Nazi government to swear an oath of allegiance, the concentration camps were already open ... reading the material collected by Guenter Lewy quotes proves overwhelming. We find in them some damning evidence of figures such as Cardinal Faulhaber and the Jesuit Gustav Gundlach. " (4) • • •

[...] On 29 October 1965 announced "L'Osservatore Romano:

" The most reverend Father Arrupe, General of the Jesuits, celebrated on 16 October 1965 Mass for the World Council. "

Here is the deification of "Papal morality": the simultaneous announcement of a project, to Pius XII. and John XXIII. to beatify .

"For us to strengthen ourselves in our quest for a spiritual renewal, we decided the canonical process for the beatification of these two great and divine Pontifizes in motion to set that makes us so at heart. " (7)

Pope Paul VI.

(3) E. Paris, "The Vatican against Europe (PTS London)
(4) Saul Friedlander:" Pie XII et le IIIe Reich "(Ed. du Seuil, Paris 1964)
( 5) L'Osservatore Romano, 20th of October 1961st
(6) L'Osservatore Romano, 18th of September 1964.
(7) L'Osservatore Romano, 26th of November 1965.

Note: the right most controversial Croatian Cardinal Stepinac was beatified on 03/10/1998 by John Paul II as well.


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