Thursday, November 5, 2009

Can I Watch Bait Bus On My Ipad

: The EU, a company of the Vatican

An interview with Jon Rappoport Richard Bell, a historian of the Banks, stockbrokers retired

Q: So, accelerate, foreign investors, their withdrawal of funds from the U.S..

A: A considerable sum is shifted to Europe.

Q: So is this current stock market debacle, one by the European Community (EU) operation performed?

A: That's true, but too simplified. Dr Paisley has indicated that the EU was a step operation is?

Q: Can you elaborate?

A: First came the [European] Economic Community. Then we had the European Community. Now we have the European Union. At each step, the people were told "This is a good and limited concept." But it was all a joke. It was always about creating a giant Euro-Super-State, under the control of a few people.

Q: And so?

A: That was the Vatican was omnipresent during the operation stage, the parties urging forward the idea of unity in the foreground REPRESENTATIONS. What is a winner always. People like the concept. Paisley shows on that unit is used as a soft beater to make people forget who is doing the wrong thing and who does the right thing. UNIT as a propaganda tool means: No one is really bad. Close alliances with everyone. Merge into one. This is a disastrous strategy.

Q: And the Vatican is pushing ahead with the mission of the EU, because?

A: Because make friends and influence people and do it on nice and to press for unity, the current strategy of the Vatican, in these times. He uses this gentle approach to create greater political structures through which they can exercise control. People forget that a devout Roman Catholic, if he is at the head of a large organization can function with ease as a front for the Vatican. If you have ten men like these, each of them powerful, each of them brought with the help of the Church in its positions of power, they consider a major power of control - which owes its loyalty to the Vatican.

Q: Do you call such a man

A: Jacques Delors, who was at a certain date, the President of the European Commission. He met with Dr. Carey, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and they spoke of this "shared spirituality" that was needed. But for the Vatican, this expression is only a cipher for the "one true church". His Church. People are afraid to understand that the Vatican itself ALWAYS regarded as legitimate ruler of the world. I can not express more clearly than this. And all this Rumfüßeln with other religions and churches is just gibberish, behind which lies the true agenda. Paisley cited in his article, a letter from Pope John Paul II to the Archbishop of Prague - "We can imagine Europe not simply as a market or economic exchange as a place for the dissemination of ideas, but above all it must be convinced his community of nations that combine their future and live like brothers do all cultures and spiritual traditions respecting ...". They know that this is a hoax, because if there is one thing that the Roman church - behind the scenes - not respect, then there are the various spiritual traditions. " This is the soap. This is the New Age stuff, the warm fleece. This is the facade, behind which licks its chops, the Vatican, as he intends an EU that is fully organized for another assumption of up here and prepared. Up here is the Vatican itself this is no joke. They are nearly two thousand years of planning and conspiracy, and work towards the goal of domination. But people have the Idea back because they think that the Vatican is weak and lost and could never tell billions of people to go into a church to fall on their knees. But they see that the Vatican has above all, patience. The long-term goal has thousands and thousands of steps. I know of numerous contacts over the years. Towards the end of my career on Wall Street, I told my friends usually - to paraphrase a quote I had read - "The Jews are not Jews, the Wall Street run for the pleasure of the British financiers that an illusory have idea of the primacy of England, and these in turn serve to the good pleasure The Vatican, which remains in the shadow ". It is more or less a straight line and the upper end of the line gives them the group that appears at the most vulnerable. Appears. This is the final word. If they read Tupper Saussys excellent book "Rulers of Evil" [ruler of evil], they will discover that the first translation of Sun Tzu's classic treatise "The Art of War" in a Western language in 1772 was made in French. By Joseph-Marie Amiot, an astronomer at the court of the Emperor of China. Amiot was a Jesuit priest. The Jesuits know everything about the weak appearance to win and they are perhaps the greatest users of Sun-Tzu World . And they stuck in there for the long haul.

Q: What then is the role in this plan, the EU is playing?

A: The decoy.

Q: Explain.

A: The decoy was placed in the vicinity of the impostor and lets it look as if the game easy to win. The decoy is the man of it look easy. I strain the meaning of the phrase a little. But a loss leader is a shiny penny, attracting the attention. The EU represents UNIT. Unit is the shiny penny, calling out: "Look! We can do it. We can all live in harmony. Everything we do must We sit down and talk to long enough, and all our divisions and conflicts will be resolved. " The bait attracts the masses. The decoy can believe the mass that was something very good. The decoy is the magnet, if they want, which attracts the customer, the followers, the good-minded people, people of hope. It is the oldest trick in history. And the people who perform this trick in a large scale are very, very shrewd. They want total domination, but they pave a bypass road, because this is the way to arrive. They put up a facade that is the decoy and the decoy looks very, very well. I do not mean the Feelings of anyone hurt, but the Vatican is a decoy Jesus, the ultimate decoy. Of course, their version of him is so far away from the old idea that there is not even funny. But I digress.

Q: So they say that the Vatican is looking out for a group that is very, shall we say, may seem a humanitarian and he uses this in order to attract followers.

A: Of course. What they think, on which they spend their time doing? But in their secret "Catechism" is the creation of groups purporting to do good works, in reality, the creation of decoys. That is one half of what Vatican TUT.

F: people as a whole would seem rather hypnotized to believe this is NOT.

A: That's why I also do not like to talk too often. It's frustrating. People look at me as if I had stepped on their estimated cat.

Q: Ok. Let them take us one step further. How about this? "The Vatican, acting by some actors in the EU, waged war against the U.S. stock market."

A: Now they really tick.

Q: And the subject is?

A: To all powerful, which is not entirely within the power circle of the Vatican, to weaken.

Q: Even though one which causes a weakening of chaos?

A: Especially if it creates chaos. Just the atmosphere, which thrives in the Vatican. Chaos is always synonymous with new supporters who are looking for a way to calm their fear.

Q: You say this is merely a momentary operation, which followed a very old strategy.

A: A strategy in which the Vatican is the master.

Q: Well, in all her years on Wall Street, they encountered people who knew all this, who saw the larger dimensions of this game?

A: That's me. Mostly they kept their Mouth. Basically, they ask me: "What a player does on the middle or lower level in a highly corrupt game when he found some of the larger dimensions of this game?".

Q: Well, they might say, this question, in a sense, applicable to all of us when they expand the meaning of something.

A: Exactly. That is the question, is not it? We may not be willing and knowing participants in the direction goes into the game, but we are involved in the game, in which one or the other kind I myself was a man who twists the truth to make money in certain directions in directing it. And finally, because I am very stubborn was because I was very selfish, it took me a while to wake up and escape to my own case.

Q: Here is another Paisley Quote: "Informed planning for the realization of the European Union offers a tremendous opportunity to establish the influence of the Church of Rome to extend. Remember, there were Roman Catholic lay people who were behind the formation of the European Union, and now promote their growth, "

. P: And they see something different. What is one of the most important economic war for market share on the planet?

Q: The one between the U.S. and what is now the EU.

A: Yes.

Q: Part of why the EU was formed was to give Europe a chance to compete with the U.S. in this field.

A: Yes. And above it all settled, the weakening of the "far too independent nation," the U.S. in his sights was the Vatican. And a step in this operation is weakening the current demolition of U.S. companies and the stock market. What was the secret of a started operation of the EU, behind which is common to the Vatican.

Q: Are there no doubt other forces at work in weakening of the U.S. trading markets.

A: There are. But the great unnoticed - that is what I descriptive.

Q: Let us return to the decoy. Who is behind him?

A: In a very lenient situation, it is merely a fraud. But if they are really ugly, they talk about someone who acts like a demon.

Q: Do you mean that literally?

A: Yes. But other people would talk about this I am someone who someone else OWNS.

F: Take a very devout Roman Catholic businessman of very large assets.

A: Yes. Someone who owes the church and their agents everything he has - because they have arranged a lot for him. This is a sort of decoy, which draws people to his side. And behind him is the holding force - the people who own it, which, if they do anything to destroy what he cherishes. And the business man knows this in it somewhere inside he knows it and is frightened of it. The bait and the demon.

Q: A good title for a book.

A: Yes.

Q: On that note, here is a further statement quoted by Paisley. This is from Paul Henri Spaak, who was described as one of the founding fathers of the European Economic Community, the forerunner of the EU: "We [Europe] does not want another committee. We have already too many. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to the loyalty of all the people [of Europe] to maintain order and to lift us out of the economic morass in which we sink. Send us such a man, and he was God or the devil, we will receive him "

A: Yes.. I read this quote closely. It gives off quite a taste, right?

Q: Yes.

A: All types of sympathetic vibrations. On one level it seems almost a cry for Satan to be. On another after the fascist dictator who wields a magic wand over Europe.

Q: The Vatican supported Hitler to certain types and felt he could control him.

A: And was not. If Hitler had conquered Europe, would the Vatican, with its widely distributed and well-placed, excellent agent, who control sooner or later. Hitler was, despite some of his statements, rather in love with the church.

Q: What other sympathetic vibrations make it true in Spaak's utterance?

A: He asks for someone like a pope if the pope could move from being a symbolic figure in real life power. I also get the impression that Spaak is ready to dice against all odds, because he feels that the future of Europe at this time is in a very desperate situation.

Q: So was the formation of the EU in fact a desperate move, in some way.

A: At the level of businessmen and financiers and bankers in Europe was this medium on the plane. And if they are in this mindset, then they are prepared to do everything to the kind of power again to win back, which they feel that they are theirs by right. Their solution is always a form of fascism, no matter what appearance they give her. You have to remember that.

Q: The EU was a fascist movement.

A: Secretly, yes. Absolutely. Whether they have a Husband, who is yelling to the masses on a balcony or a bunch of men sitting quietly in a room and make all the important decisions, it is fascism.

Q: Paisley also quoted from -

A: You mean the Sunday Telegraph article?

Q: Yes.

A: I have him here.

Q: Read it before.

A: 21st July 1991. The headline read "incubation of a new papal plan. It reads: "Karol Wojtyla [the Pope] is preparing to calmly in front of the jacket to accept, which he believes he is his divine right - that of the new Holy Roman Emperor, ruling from the Urals to the Atlantic "

. Q: What do you think?

A: When they insert the word "secret", then I think they're right. You see, we live in an age where the humanitarian response -

Q: is the basic building block of propaganda.

A: Right.

Q: Why is that?

A: Because so many popular movements that aim to liberty and justice, have inhabited the landscape. So the strategy of the supervisor is there to go along. Just as in judo. You move with the movement of their opponent. Do not try to thrash on it happening. Part of the art of war.

Q: You are a great peacemaker and mediator.

A: That is correct.

Q: This is the highest trump card.

A: And the Vatican has a long history of talent to play that card.

Q: Is there a time come when it's too late, even if enough people see through this crap?

A: Yes. But they have to do certain things.

Q: Such as?

A: You have to put the propaganda openly. That's number one. You must do this. Then they need to build alternative structures. All kinds of them. And they have forgotten to ask the bad guys for help. The whole idea them to be nice to people who are doing everything they can to control it works, never. And if they understand the true motives and intentions of the enemy, they WILL NOT make that mistake.

Q: You will not assume that on-and-Cute-love, then get moved to repentance.

A: Correct.

Q: The bait and the demon.

A: The front and backside.

Q: Some have stories of demons from the emotions and the pain and the hardships and suffering of the people to whom they attach themselves to eat and enjoy.

A: I think it's a pretty good description of the Vatican, by throughout history. If they add, the people of their money and possessions bounce.

Q: So it would seem a bit strange to have the Vatican, the demonic evil stuff is called, to be fought and defeated.

A: I think the story is referred to as a distraction. You can find this in many areas. The enemy, they are based or have come up are, in fact YOU. It's pretty clever.

Q: Many authors have suggested that the Vatican has dropped the epitome of awfulness, within its own walls.

A: I enjoy these stories. Because I think they understand the Essential not think it to the Vatican to deception and control, from his beginning. Why try to finally build a global organization in order to dominate the way, believed to be that it leads to personal salvation? Why not just mark the path and the people let him go yourself? If they want? You can not force someone to go that way. If you do, they get a wrong result, a result of imitation.

Q: So they feel that secret societies are important in the reproduction of true human history. Since the Vatican is such a society in reality.

A: Yes, is correct. I am a person who has come to the conclusion that sitting down really people and meet in rooms that even if they share a common goal together - and they do - that's not enough to establish long-term projects and operations. It's just common sense. If they fight a land war, have they not meeting? Iron them their strategy is not smooth? This strategy does not hide it? Do they not many agents in the field of intelligence? Mislead these agents do not pretend to be something other than they are? Imagine what would happen before, when the generals simply expecting that they all shared Objectives were, and act for themselves. It would be an idiotic thing from the beginning. The Jesuits are the intelligence arm of the Church, works in exactly the same way as the CIA. give you information and guide them also in secret operations. I have more than a few very, very taken shrewd Jesuits who worked in the financial area. Surely they know what they are doing. Certainly, they retain their true targets close to the vest.


Q: How to talk like this I get the feeling that they have some experience with Vatican recruitment methods - of course, running over many cardboard figures of lower rank.

A: You're right. I have. It is to be made in the area lay Catholics to agents. I know many people whom one has come closer. The standard procedure was this: A Catholic businessman in a big city is contacted by a local association that the local Catholic groups. There are hundreds of them. They have different names. They all look kind or benevolent, or merely honorary.

Q: So is this businessman to a meeting.

A: Sure. Lunch, meeting. In the end, he joins the group. He is already a successful man, ambitious and very dynamic. Want to progress. So it is for a Year or so, put an opportunity on the road. One of his friends in the group it represents a loan counselor at a bank, and before it is provided he gets money to expand his business. Things begin to simmer on. This is a fairly slow process and at each step, the businessman checked thoroughly. Locker, because so far nothing really happened. But after another year or two, he wins a partner for a new venture. The partner is also a member of the lay Catholic association. The new company is flourishing. The businessman makes the local bishop. He is nominated for a kind of lay of the Year Award. He does not win, but increased his profile themselves. After years in which he did not go to church, he is now. He is picked up even once a month, the confession. After three or four years, he is presented a "financial expert" who is also from the same local group. The expert is in fact a Jesuit, but few people know that the Jesuit is his friend. He takes you on a journey to Rome and they have an audience with a cardinal. Short. It goes on and on. The businessman is thoroughly tested at every step along the path. He buys into a construction company. He is now rich. He does not think much about it, but his new lifestyle is actually derived from his Catholic friends. And all what they have done for him. Of course he would never do give up the new lifestyle. And now he meets on a business trip a woman in a bar it is quite nice and friendly. They sleep together. Every time he goes on business in this city, he meets her. Unbeknownst to him, their meetings are recorded on videotape. The Jesuit friend will one day make it to fit the theme of this woman. Because of the Jesuit friend knows them. He told the businessman that she is a prostitute, and although they may have demanded money from him now - and so the business man goes to confession and tells the story of his pastor. And so on and so on. And ten years later, the Jesuit friend, this man really has it in his pocket. And in the case I described, we come finally to political office. Running for office. And profit. And at the end of the trail, and later with a lot of money in the bank and many political favors, the businessman, an item is offered in a federal office. Has to do with foreign trade. He takes the place, pointed out the recommendation of his Jesuit friends. And finally, after many turns at the wheel, which I will not explain, this businessman is an ambassador. And is completely committed. He accepts commands, even if he may not think in this way about it. And he is an agent. It extends information to his friend. A lot of information. And it is becoming increasingly familiar. And now he tells of a larger program. It includes, to give the church more important in the lives of many people. The extension of the influence of the Church - because that's the point in all of this in reality, right? And this businessman joins another Catholic group and is made a knight. The businessman will never be considered an insider because he has some scruples. Therefore, it is used, how it can be used. And one day, for three minutes, he meets with the Pope as part of a group. It is the culmination of his adult life. He has passed a large amount of information to his Jesuit friend, for years.

Q: What kind of information?

A: From diplomatic channels, for example. Some of these channels contained precarious information. The church was at various delicate negotiations between the U.S. and a foreign nation interested.

Q: So you're saying they would take this with a factor of several thousand times of such agents -

A: A lot more than that

Q: OK -

A: And they get a huge flow of information that come to the Vatican's secret service. And that's just information, which I talking about. There's also favors of any kind, you know, if they read the first few pages of Saussys book "Rulers of Evil" [ruler of evil], who held them to see a list of Roman Catholics in the government, the key positions on U.S. foreign policy . Positions as director of the CIA, National Security Advisor, Secretary of State, Supreme Ambassador. And there is also a list of senators who run the various sub-committees within the Foreign Affairs Committee of the U.S. Senate (or initiated) - all Roman Catholic. Biden, Subcommittee on European Affairs. Sarbanes, International Economic Policy. Moynihan, Middle East and South Asian Affairs. Kerry, terrorism, narcotics and international communications. Dodd, Western Hemisphere and Peace Corps Affairs.

Q: Yes. I have seen the list. And that is just the beginning. Saussy continues, "virtually every aspect of secular life in America," to name, as he represents it to be managed as a regional council of a committee of a Roman Catholic members of Congress. It is staggering. Here just a few of these are: "... insurance, housing, community development, federal loan guarantees, economic safeguards ... Gold and precious metals transactions, agriculture ... Flood control, Minority projects, vaccines, medicines, labeling and packaging, drug and alcohol abuse ... Energy ... Bank regulation ... "

A: And the American people are still inclined, Jack Kennedy to be the only Catholic to hold that ever had a large secular political power in the U.S.. What if they think about a much too little, mentioned partial result of the JFK assassination is. Makes an excellent cover story, right? "There is no further significant presence of Roman Catholic power in the secular U.S. government. Jack is dead "



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