ask for your assistance
I need your help and support.
Sure it will give people the visit this homepage and perhaps think themselves to blame. That may be so, but my suggestion to create this site here is quite simple and straightforward.
Behind this is an organized group that It has set itself the goal to search the Internet for single women who are simply in your life, preferably with children and looking for true love.
I run here, no incitement against all men, which is far from me ....
There is a pattern as you go to these women approached and certainly a drain, until they have chosen as emotionally where you want it, that's why .... if any woman what I write now known occurs, is
PLEASE PLEASE ... fingers way here is not about love ... it's all about MONEY HERE .....
- first contacts are on Singel portal to a position in the form of emails
-he pretends to be Irishman from
-as a businessman who deals in precious metals
-it indicates the He has no family (mother is Indian, father of Scottish origin both deceased)
-he mentions a brother to whom he lost contact has
was-married twice (first wife by car accident, second divorce because she was out on his money)
-he pretends to be very careful, cautious Man from
-he pretends to be very religious in
- phone calls only with a withheld phone number
-it starts quite early in your family with his life involved, plans makes for a Common Future to come up with the goal to Germany (or other country)
- he wants to marry, send pictures of purchased wedding rings Ask, and you all we have to plan
-he goes on a business trip before it a first meeting is to come, goals of his trip are Spain, France and most recently Africa (Ivory Coast)
phone calls take over now you financially, with the promise to give you the money back
-he sends you still the most beautiful love letters that you have read jeh, talks a lot about God and your future together
-er the details sent out by his journey, and as the course of their business there is and reports on the transfer of the achieved amount of money to Ireland
-from Africa (Abidjan), he sends you a detailed flight plan when it arrives with you
-YOU will be at the airport ... but He will never arrive there
-a day later you will receive a message from him via email that he had on the way to the airport in a serious car accident involving the rebels, but he had lost everything, his laptop, his papers and documents
-this email he sent with the help of the doctor from his laptop
-he asks you to make contact with his doctor who treated him take
-the doctor you will respond to you and also details of his alleged injuries do (with x-rays), the doctor asks you to not talk about it because this man is in danger and he hides him in the hospital treated
-it is first money be calls for his treatments by about 800, - amount €, wanted a transfer by Monygram, recipient is a financial manager of this hospital
-will you emails via the successful operation obtained with X-ray images
- be the next step, he asks you to help him to leave this country because supposedly his papers in the accident have come off, he needs new and money, as he not in a position to buy new, this doctor offers his help to fly to Ghana and in the Irish Consulate, new to obtain documents (in Abidjan there is no Irish Consulate)
-out requests for more money (ca.1700, - €) is underlined again and again with the promise to get everything back, the transaction is effected as at the first
-in all that time, he often speaks of his great fear of violent attacks, so he gives you the feeling that he really is in danger and is therefore initiating the grand finale of a
-after his recovery and maintaining his new documents, he will tell you that the bank in Ireland all the profits from the business trip back to Abidjan sent was because he was not in Ireland (due to accident) for this sum of money to confirm
-er you will be told that there are no possibilities of this money to go to meet the costs incurred to settle
- He will ask you, you put up with the bank and tell you he has you listed as his wife is
-the bank to tell you that there is a possibility you to transfer the money, simply enter You are his wife, and the cost of fees to take
-ultimately, it is now does not matter how much that amount, he does everything he can get what the demands of the bank amounted to at least 12.300, - €
him and if you then no matter what amount, the money you sent ........
Will you two days later, the message received by the hospital that he in an attack the rebels on the hotel, was killed ....
This all sounds like a story, but it is not ..... I have been doing for the last 6 months, have believed for two weeks that this man in the I fell in love was dead and have fallen through the floor ... but the case went further than I realized it was all a lie.
I was at the German consulate in Abidjan garment and learn that there were already several women from Germany have asked for such a person or the incident.
All information to the bank and the hospital agree though, because I myself have considered in advance ... but on the internet anything is possible.
QUESTION ... PLEASE do not be fooled by fine words, promises, not by his voice, not of his songs which he Dir sings on the phone, not by vows in a beautiful future, there is not ....
power NIE information to YOU ... ..... no address no phone number ... not your family.
I do not know what are these "people" still in a position, if you are so cold and berechnent play with other people and their lives.
why I will not publish names of me here.
PLEASE care of yourselves and send the link to the women you know ... AGAIN ... THIS is no rush against all men but is only against the mentioned here.
espery-mail address: @ bicici_service_client hushmail.comthe Hospital Centre Hospitalier Universitaire CHU
emailadrresse: centre_hospitalier_universitaire@yahoo.fr
phone number: 0022506239512
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