Gerhard Wisnewski has the merit, as one of the very first to have established conspiracy researchers specifically both the person of Józef H. Retinger as the eminence grise behind the Bilderbergers and the European Union and the Jesuit general highlights in detail the conspiracy behind events. This I personally would have hardly thought possible. His book "mastermind of Power - The Bilderbergers - conspiracy of the peaks of business, politics and media," which was published this year is, unfortunately, by the whole media hype about Daniel Estulin, also triggered by the Coadjutor Fidel Castro remained largely ignored. This should not remain so, because this publication is unique in this respect.
was the initiator of the Conference of Pole Dr. Joseph H. Retinger, who traveled widely through Europe and familiar with all the important people in Western Europe was . He was among other things, the cooperation with Prince Bernhard, the participants of the first conference was on.
(official leaflet of the Hotel "De Bilderberg")
Gerhard Wisnewski, "mastermind behind the power" , p. 30
Indeed Retinger a young man, priest and joined the novitiate of the Jesuits in Rome from , says Jan Chciuk-Celt, The son of a comrade Retinger [Tadeusz Chciuk-Celt]. Since his celibacy "appeared to be too big hurdle," he was a priest but again hung up. According to that report led Retinger two marriages, first with a Polish woman named Otylia Zubrzycka, then - after separation - in 1926 with a certain Stella Morel, "the daughter of a friend, the Labour trade unionist ED Morel" (Chciuk-Celt, Jan: Józef Hieronim Retinger updated 1888-1960, June 24th, 2009). But this lady died in 1933, and it looks very much as if the widower Retinger then started a new relationship more, but instead refocused on his Jesuit life himself into the conspiratorial work.
It would be naive to powerful teams such as the Bilderbergers have arisen before now forty-five years by a few calls out of nowhere. In reality, these images were based on Berger ancient structures, which give it a new appearance.
Gerhard Wisnewski, "mastermind behind the power" , p. 80-81 was
So our Jesuit Joseph Jerome Retinger a true pretender. He knew not only the Dutch Prince Bernhard, but also numerous sinister figures in the U.S., all the major imperialist and globalist his day, Nelson and David Rockefeller and CIA chief Allen Dulles (whose nephew, Avery Catholic cardinal and a Jesuit) was on Eisenhower's chief of staff and one of the first CIA director, Walter Bedell Smith , and the CIA Thomas Braden to the legendary CIA director William "Wild Bill" Donovan , who was incidentally also brought up to at least a strict Catholic school.
Gerhard Wisnewski, "mastermind behind the power" , p. 107
studied in Georgetown again later U.S. President Bill Clinton and Bilderbergers, and specifically at the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, named after the Jesuit priest Edmund A. Walsh. Taught there from the late seventies of the last century, Henry Kissinger as a professor. The EU commissioner (from 1985) Peter D. Sutherland, a member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission, was educated by the Jesuits of Gonzaga College in Dublin.
Gerhard Wisnewski, "mastermind behind the power" , p. 108
was hardly the first world war was over, he again appeared in Europe in order to pull his strings. His first approach to the unification of Europe was certainly rather crude. He had, as usual, but no trouble with the French Prime Minister Georges Clemenceau to get an appointment - to approve his plan a first "European Union" he was not. He suggested Clemenceau, Austria, Hungary and Poland to convert into a monarchy - under the direction of the Jesuits ! Maybe this plan, power and influence was to increase the Jesuits, some openly and directly. In any case, so a cat out of the bag, the Clemenceau was did not like - and Retinger was an agent of the Vatican branded . wanted
The United States of Europe
not repeat that mistake it. World War II spent Retinger as an agent of British in the battle for his country, Poland. After the collapse of the Third Reich Retinger finally saw his chance to start its unification plans again, but this time he was far more conservative and cautious. He wanted this time not just a finished tree planting in the landscape, but contented himself with a seedling. Together with the Belgian prime minister Paul van Zeeland he founded in 1946 the "European League for Economic Cooperation" (ELEC), and "thus the" European Movement. General Secretary: the Jesuit Joseph Jerome Retinger .
With his leadership position in the ELEC JHR one of - if not the - father of the European Union, and virtually the first Secretary of the European Union iG (in formation).
Gerhard Wisnewski, "mastermind behind the power" S., 113, 114
The founders and members of the ACUE ["American Committee for a United Europe"] were all good friends of our busy Jesuit Joseph Jerome Retinger. To you, among other things included:
- the infamous OSS and CIA veteran founder William "Wild Bill" Donovan [...]
- Donovan also notorious OSS subordinates and later CIA chief Allen Dulles , uncle the later Jesuit Cardinal Avery Dulles
- the first CIA director Walter Bedell Smith,
and do not forget
- the Jesuit and president of the Jesuit Fordham University, Robert Ignatius Gannon
The dark force called the " European Conference on Federation "to life [...] The Jesuit and Bilderberg founder, the public knows to this day, nobody made it, then, to call a meeting of eight hundred high-profile personalities in order to pave the way to a unification of Europe. In other words, said the Jesuit, and all came up to the royalty.
ACUE has long been a major donor of the European Movement. On 26 July 1950 signed a memorandum of the secret service William Donovan, with instructions to the establishment of the European Parliament.
The words are the real roots of Europe and also the honorable Bilderbergers. were
Gerhard Wisnewski, "mastermind behind the power" , p. 116 Painted
the Rome these milestones on the way to the European state, anywhere but at the Bilderberg of the Jesuit Retinger.
Gerhard Wisnewski, "mastermind behind the power" , p. 123
Thus it can be stated in conclusion that first and then the Bilderbergers, the European Community and its precursor, and thus a Jesuit Catholic project.
Gerhard Wisnewski, "mastermind behind the power" , p. 125
from over 80 states and city-states was "the salvation of souls and to spread the faith in accordance with instructions of the Pope - E sine ulla aut ergiversatione excusatione" 1540 officially recognized SJ Society of Jesus (popularly: Smart guys) expelled because of political intrigues and conspiracies, and [v] offered. The papal instructions to the resident in Rome General Order-priority goal: the cultural mission of the elite adapted so as to pave "behind a thousand masks" a global power to the church path. Worldwide there are now about 4,000 Jesuit educational institutions with 30 universities in the U.S. alone, including the prestigious "George Town", the Annals leading Bilderberger noted, such as Bill Clinton and Henry Kissinger. The whole thing financed by a sophisticated fund-raising by wealthy widows and orphans.
your specific weight now gets the Jesuit hypothesis of the book discussed here by the fact that establishing the ominous Bilderberg conferences of the Polish (ex?) Jesuit and intelligence Joseph Jerome Retinger was initiated, who had been invited along with Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands as chairman in 1954 at a first meeting of "like-minded 'representatives from around the world in the Dutch Hotel De Bilderberg in Oosterbeek.
"The initiator of the 'Bilderbergers', ..., the poles and Jesuit Joseph Jerome was . Retinger (1888-1960) "
Retinger" personality is represented by Alden Hatch (, HRH Prince of the Netherlands') thus: CD Jackson [special consultant for psychological warfare U.S. President Eisenhower and Director of the CIA-financed Radio Free Europe] says he is a kind of eminence grise, a Talleyrand without portfolio. [...] Jackson, who clashed frequently with Retinger, said he was a difficult person ', which asserted its intention ... often with very underhand means. 'Retinger had, as he called it CD Jackson, a built-in instinct for intrigue and a passionate love for Poland. Seine, Jesuit Conviction led him to that the end justifies the means. "
Retinger is generally regarded as a Polish agent of the Vatican, as the liaison negotiated between the Pope and the Jesuit Order. was during the Second World War Retinger in close political contact with General Wladyslaw Sikorski, the Prime Minister 'of the London-based Polish government in exile and commander of Polish troops.
The mysterious case of a plane crash killed Wladyslaw Sikorski, Joseph Retinger, Karol Wojtyla (aka Pope John Paul II) and Zbigniew Brzezinski (the first chairman of Rockefeller, Trilateral Commission ") formed in the history of supra-national movement, a powerful Polish axis that intentionally or unintentionally, contributed significantly to involve Germany globally and especially its legitimate Calls for return of the occupied by Poland German territories to this day to nip in the bud "
Conrad C. Stein, " The secret world power. - The creeping revolution against the peoples' , Chapter "The supra-national network" , Section "The Bilderbergers" , p. 71 ff
In fact, the Bilderberg Club in reality a creation of the International for MI6, under the guidance of the Royal Institute affairs. "It was the plan of the British secret service, Joseph Rettinger , the later one of the key founding fathers of European should be moving to move to reorganize the Bilderberg group as the real powerbrokers behind the various governments of Europe and the United States. " 19
" Rettinger was secretly with money from the [sic] U.S. State Department and fed by massive donations from Thomas Braden, head of the Department of International Organizations of the CIA, liquid hold. " 20
The idea came from Alastair Buchan, a board member of the RIIA and the so-called Round Table, who is also son of Lord Tweedsmuir and Duncan Sandys was - a prominent politician and son of the late Winston Churchill. This was again with Rettinger, a Jesuit priest and 33-degree Mason , friends. [Note: this source indicated only in the English version: 18]
18 Dr. John Coleman Conspirators Hierarchy : The Story of the Committee of 300 (The 300th Committee conspiratorial hierarchy , Michaels- Verlag, 1993), America West Publishers, 1992.
19 Pierre Beaudry, Mennevee The Documents of the Synarchy (The Menneve documents to Synarchy), ICLC document, p. 68
20 libraries of the labor movement,
Daniel Estulin, " The True Story of the Bilderberg ", p. 47-48
MI6 needed a royal face in order to win public support and promotional opportunities for the Bilderbergers. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands was known for his numerous close ties to European royalty and high-ranking industrialists. He was an ideal liaison and was therefore the "diplomatic" Chairman of the club. fact, handled Rettinger the group until his death on 12th June 1960 from the back of the scenes out .
Daniel Estulin, "The True Story of the Bilderberg" , p. 49-50
Joseph H. Retinger (left), secretary-general of the European movement, is known as the "Godfather" of the Bilderberg Group meetings , along with Prince Bernhard, and attended the first meeting at Oosterbeek in 1954. Here, Retinger is shown meeting with former OSS chief William J. "Wild Bill" Donovan (center) and former OSS agent and then CIA agent Thomas Braden (right), director of the Committee for United Europe. All were Knights of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta , Braden played a major role in Operation Mockingbird, a CIA operation aimed at influencing and controlling news and news organizations . Braden and Knights of Malta member Pat Buchanan created and were the mainstays during the early years of Crossfire, a current events debate television program on CNN from 1989 to 2005, with Braden representing the political "left."
Daniel Estulin, „The Bilderberg Group” , pg. 238 picture caption
Geoff Matthews: Who was the most prominent individual involved with the founding of the Bilderbergers?
Daniel Estulin: Without a doubt, Joseph Retinger, a 33rd degree mason .
Geoff Matthews: Oh really!? I thought that it was Prince Bernhard of Holland who actually founded the secret Club.
Daniel Estulin: Bernhard was a poster boy. A pretty face and a facade. In 1952, Retinger approached Bernhard with a proposal for a secret conference to involve the NATO leaders in an open and frank discussion on international affairs behind closed doors. Prince Bernhard, at the time, was an important figure in the oil industry and held a major position in Royal Dutch Petroleum (Shell Oil), as well as Société Générale de Belgique — a powerful global corporation.
Perhaps the most important member of the Bilderbergers, a foreign policy body of the Committee, was Joseph Rettinger [sic], said to have been its founder and organizer, whose annual meetings have delighted conspiracy hunters for several decades.
Rettinger was a well-trained Jesuit priest and a 33rd Degree Freemason.
Rettinger, Joseph.
Dr. John Coleman, „Conspirators Hierarchy: The Commitee of 300”
"The single most important personality connected with the birth and creation of the Bilderberg Group is Joseph Retinger (also known as L'Eminence-His Grey Eminence). Retinger had a colourful, lifelong career that raised him to the top of the world power élites. ... Retinger, as a Catholic, was viewed by many as an agent of the Vatican, acting in liaison between the Pope and the Father-General of the Jesuit order " []
Though people persist in calling Retinger an eighteenth-century man functioning in the twentieth century, he was not that at all. He cam,e straight out of the Renaissance. Instead of the sceptical, précieuse attitude typical of the eighteenth century, his Jesuitical conviction that the end justified the means, and a Borgian aptitude for intrigue ; but the ends he sought were never selfish. They were good.
The elder Józef Retinger died suddenly in 1897 while JHR was still a lad, and Count Zamoyski took little Józio under his wing. JHR originally thought about becoming a priest and even enrolled in a seminary (he entered the Novitiate of the Jesuits in Rome) but withdrew after three months upon concluding that the requirement of celibacy was going to be a problematic hurdle.
1917 When Catholic Austria-Hungary was evidently about to fall, the Vatican sought to shore up the defenses against Orthodoxy. Bishop Jeglich of Ljubljana and the “Superior General” of the Jesuits, General Halke von Ledochowsky, tried to create a Slav Catholic empire. (The Ledochowsky Plan would become an obsession of Pius XII.) A similar plan was put to Clemenceau in 1918 by Josef Retinger, the Jesuit intriguer and founder of the European movement and the Bilderberg group. For such intrigues, mainly on behalf of the Vatican, Retinger was expelled from Allied countries during the First World War.
The single most important personality connected with the birth and creation of the Bilderberg Group is Joseph H. Retinger (also known as L'Eminence-His Grey Eminence). Retinger had a colourful, lifelong career that raised him to the top of the world power élites. At his funeral in 1960, Sir Edward Bedington-Behrens said:
"I remember Retinger in the United States picking up the telephone and immediately making an appointment with the President, and in Europe he had complete entrée in every political circle as a kind of right acquired through trust, devotion and loyalty he inspired."
Retinger, as a Catholic, was viewed by many as an agent of the Vatican, acting in liaison between the Pope and the Father-General of the Jesuit order.
One of Retinger's renowned achievements in European politics was the founding of the European Movement, leading to the establishment of the Council of Europe on 5th May 1949. With its headquarters in Strasbourg, the Council Executive Committee provided Retinger his first major platform for his expansive ideology. From his earlier days at the Sorbonne, Retinger believed in greater European unity, both in military and economic terms. It was also at the same time when his interest in the guidance of the Jesuit order manifested itself. He spent a great deal of his time fulfilling these ambitions. He suggested to Premier Georges Clemenceau a plan to unite Eastern Europe-involving the merging of Austria, Hungary and Poland as a tripartite monarchy under the guidance of the Jesuit order. Clemenceau, doubtful of the Vatican-inspired plan, rejected Retinger's proposal outright. This plan labelled Retinger, thereafter, as a Vatican agent.
* "Retinger was brought to America by Averell Harriman ( Council on Foreign Relations ), then U.S. ambassador to England, where he visited prominent citizens such as David and Nelson Rockefeller, John Foster Dulles , and then CIA Director Walter Bedell Smith. Previously, Retinger had formed the American Committee on a United Europe along with future CIA Director and CFR member [and Freemason] Allen Dulles , then CFR Director George Franklin, CIA official Thomas Braden, and William Donovan , former chief of the Office of Strategic Studies (OSS), forerunner of the CIA " [Marrs, Rule by Secrecy, p. 40]
Wie Conrad C. Stein 1 schreibt, representing the initiator of the Bilderbergers, the poles and Retinger Jesuit Joseph (1888-1960), early to give up the idea of a federal union of neighborly associated European countries in which these parts of their sovereignty. After the Second World War, General Secretary of the Economic Retinger League for European Cooperation, the forerunner of the European movement.
As the Cold War intensified, Knight of Malta Joseph H. Retinger, acting on behalf of the Vatican and the Priory of Sion, forged ties with the European Council of Princes (the respectable name for the Dragon Court), the CIA, and Britain's MI6 to create the New World Order think-tank "The Bilderberg Group", of which Henry Kissinger is a permanent member. It's first chairman was Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who held that position for the next 22 years, until a financial scandal forced him to resign. His daughter Queen Beatrix attended the year 2000 meeting, as did ample other European aristocratic players. The undemocratic "Bilderberg Group" continues to play a major part in international affairs, and remains closed to public scrutiny and participation.
Wlodzimierz Ledóchowski, S.J. (1866 - 1942)
28. September 2008 15:09
Let us introduce another Pole in the interesting history of Jospeh Retinger's life. General Wlodzmierz Ledóchowski, General of the Society of Jesus, the Jesuits.
In the earlier quoted letter from Ms. Taverne to Dr. Ian Paisley's magazine "The Revivalist" a close contact from Joseph Retinger with father Ledóchowski is assumed . Without any doubt those great Poles must have known about each other and possibly they even knew each other personally. Also without any doubt father Lédochowski will definitely have played his role as a mediator in World War I and it is very well possible that Retinger was a liaison.
Apart from Ms. Taverne's letter I did nof find any connection yet between the General and Joseph Retinger, but it is safe to assume there was one. Both being from the same Polish region, both being involved in affairs with world wide magnitude, both operating in the same timeframe.
See also:
show the origins of the Bilderberg meeting possible links to the Knights of Malta on
Józef Retinger and the Holy Roman Europe Jozef Retinger-and-the-holy-romische.html