The present Pope would probably prefer that the bright pink poster would remain with the gothic font out of sight in his museum drawer. Because Benedict is doing everything he can to the canonization of Pope Germanophile during the war, Pius XII. To advance. However, this poster shows a clear link between the Reich Concordat, which was negotiated by Pius and Hitler's rise to power on.
The poster was for the Reichstag elections on 12th November 1933 printed, as the voters already have a single list of candidates was submitted as a group to accept or reject, the "Hitler's List". The poster, entitled, "Why must choose a Catholic, the Reichstag, Adolf Hitler's List". It answers this question by listing the benefits of that Concordat for the Church, that of Pius XII. was negotiated and signed just months earlier.
course, the poster does not mention that the Reich Concordat also contained a secret annex, which provided for the future mobilization of Germany, in defiance of the Versailles Treaty. The secret portion of the Concordat suggests that the Pope in 1933 so calculated that Germany would go to war against Russia. And a recently discovered letter shows that ten Years later, when it actually occurred, Pius hoped for a German victory. It was a marriage of convenience: Pius received a favorable Concordat and a German army to fight Communism, Hitler during the "Catholic vote" was given to help him to power.
And it worked. The German voters had no idea that their leaders and their pope conspired to send her away to war. In the election of November 1933 supported 93% of the valid votes cast, the decision of the Nazis to withdraw from the League, and 92% approved of the "Hitler's List". This election condemned the Reichstag to political irrelevance. [... ]
"Why the Catholic must choose the Reichstag list Adolf Hitler? Because in the Nazi state itself and by the Reich Concordat
- religion is protected,
- the ecclesiastical peace is secured,
- is maintained to public morality,
- Sunday is sanctified,
- the denominational school is obtained
- the Catholic conscience is not burdened
- a Catholic before the law and in political life is equal,
- the Catholic associations and organizations, where she has sole. religious, charitable and cultural purposes serve, can work freely.
Therefore, the Catholic, on 12 choose Nov. way: people vote: Yes - Reichstag election: Adolf Hitler "
Source: German Historical Museum, Berlin, DHM 1988/284.41
source articles
The secret annex of the Reich Concordat
Reprinted in: alderman, Lothar, concordats since 1800, Frankfurt / M.-Berlin 1964, p.35
In the case of a reshuffle of the current German military system within the meaning of the introduction of universal military service is recourse to priests and other Members the secular and regular clergy to perform military duty in agreement with the Holy See in accordance with approximately the following guiding principles are settled:
a) they are in church institutions students of philosophy and theology, preparing themselves for the priesthood are from military service and the to free preliminaries, except in the case of general mobilization .
b) For the case of a general mobilization the clergy who are employed in the diocesan administration and in military chaplaincy, free from the presentation. This is defined as the full professors, members of the full professorships, the head of the seminars Church and Seminary, the seminary professors, pastors, curates, rectors, coadjutor and the clergy who preside over a church with a permanent public service.
c) The remaining clergy occurred, if they are declared fit, into the armed forces of the State, under the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of the Army Bishop in the pastoral care to pay for the troops if they are not drafted into the medical corps.
d) The other cleric in sacris or religious who are not priests, the Santitätsdienst allot. The same is to the extent possible with the happened under a) are candidates for the priesthood who have not the higher Harriers have received.