Friday, May 21, 2010

How Can I Cubase 5 Mac Osx

Interesting article on ZDF Carders

It is hardly known to the Card has been hacked and a backup is public, and even the media were keen to have this issue. This time it is again the ZDF program.

Thus, available on the website of ZDF following * * Please click
this is funny this section

hackers party on YouTube

Who is behind the hacking attack on the Card Forum is not known. But it is apparently the same group that had already last year the German underground forum "Elite Crew hacked and stolen data published on the web. Using these data, the Federal Criminal Police arrest end of November 2009 several people associated with the elite crew. "

While the "Happy Ninjas" their "triumph" is already on YouTube with a video (External link - opens in new window) celebrating there with the operators of the Card Forum hangover. This was "a dark day for the scene," it said in a statement, published on the net.

I've never heard of the group "Happy Ninjas" is one and I doubt very strongly that this has something to do with the hack, but I think they meant the person who created this video and where download link's from the backup are related to.

This is just a video of ' " they are not responsible for the hack of Carders, these are just a news site, they also offered last year to download the 1337 crew of backup. And now once again makes enemies by publishing the Carders backup.

Jaja are our people by ZDF, too stupid to Find.

Pyth @ n

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Slipknot Touring With Mayhem

Carders Hacked few days ago, the carding forum, hacked by an unknown group of hackers, while the attackers were very specific. It is assumed that the same hacker group paralyzed and 1337 crew.

all started with the change of vBulletin to SMF (Simple Machines Forum), it first had the Attacker to access all of PM's board and rips so the board by 1-2 thousand euros. In this case, the PaySafeCards codes from the PM's the user read and usually on a ausgecasht Bwin account. Also one of my customers were affected, 20 € just gone! The administration decided
Carders eliminated then all the PM's with a simple encryption method to encrypt, the gap was still present.

The backup of Carders was released by the hacker group and is now found on various forums and Newseiten. The backup is from 03.05.2010, the marrow, but also that the IP addresses are 960 members in the backup, they were in a period of 11:05 to 12:05 Recorded the IP addresses of the administrators are provided in this backup that had apparently used socks or VPN, since all the IP's coming from the area of Germany. These sound administration of Carders this is an oversight of the administrator, this was first suspended by the card team. The IP of my nice neighbors can be found in the this backup.

can Luckily Carders from such a setback does not stop, and today or tomorrow to come back online, here's a statement from one of the administrators.

Dear users,

How did you all probably already noticed, was the victim of a hacker attack Carders. In my opinion, a dark day for the scene, although now many Schadenfroh Abblachen in the cellar. Sorry, know or do not understand what these people can have consequences for such a thing.

How Deface the text was already taken, some IPs have been logged, but not on purpose but by a defect in the (former) Techmins Zagerus. At this point a big apology to the users who were affected by the IP logging. This incident should remind you that you are using a VPN / socks5 / VicSocks, as should always be on the road. All users should of course change their passwords to their e-mails, other accounts, ICQ numbers, etc.! Even if now identified with the hacked database against us is what is prohibited under German law actually, (but the real criminals are the authorities anyway) the majority of users do not have to worry about. Of these investigations is largely the team be affected.

After KRON0S and I some time have entertained is, we realized that we take a tour of a few pre-adolescent hackers children, the mood does not let (it handlet is here btw. To the same hacker as in 1337-crew), and that is not the end of CARDS is. No! We will come back! But this will take several days, since we first Heihachi move to second move after the hack understandably Board Software and 3 to prevent future hacks do very many safety tests. GGF. However, the Jabber server is already running before. Furthermore Zagerus was suspended after the big mishap until further notice, and the technique was referred to erfahrenereren users. See you in a few days!

THANAT0S on behalf of the Administration

According Carders Administration changes its host, the new host will be Heihachi, explain that benefits from Cards to be seen. I think this step is wrong, because you still do not know exactly who is behind Heihachi and whether all the reports of bribes by Heihachi to be true. According to some customers, is to Heihachi have threatened in the past, customers with a publishing or deletion of the Space tab.

Carders will again change the board software, SMF was a shit idea is there much safer than vBulletin as SMF. If we wait to see which employ Board Software Carders this time, the good old has vBulletin or at WoltLab, more likely, I think, however, the board software IPB (Invision Power Board)

My respect the Carders Administration in any case that will make despite the hack further . Today or tomorrow is the forum to come back online, what will change in the future will surely show, but the fact is Carders probably disappear in the next 3-6 months by the network Is.

keeps a bust of the Card Admin possible, but claimed this was "under German law actually prohibited". Perhaps he referring to a prohibition of illegal evidence. THANAT0S stresses, even in the event of an investigation had "the largest part of the user not to be feared. Of these investigations, the team will largely be affected."

I advise the users to be cautious but nevertheless, are encrypted disk matter, the main hard drive, it's always shocking how many do not do this, one has seen in the recent case of xXfighterXx.

Update 1: The Card Forum to go back online on Saturday, if we may believe the message on htaccess. I personally am already the Carders again goes online.

Update 2: Carders is now back online!

Pyth @ n

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Named Driver Exclusionontario

xXfighterXx Busted

As some probably know already, was xXfighterXx yesterday by 10 clock of the nice people in green Busted. Even last year, xXfighterXx published in various forums that he was allegedly busted, but this turned out to be a quick lie, but this time does not seem to xXfighterXx lies, because the text is plausible, no one would talk to himself in such a bad way. Though with some Sun why not do more harm.

Hi, I wanted jo bins fighter
just clarify a few things or people warn, as I this morning at 10 clock
had a Hausdurchung, and my PC is gone and I am now in the INI
cafe and I have no ICQ and I probably have more urgent with the daily reading in custody, custodial judges come please!

"Today" morning at 10 clock kloppften 4 people from the criminal police at my front door
I did my stuff USB sticks etc no longer hide because all too quickly transition
or, I'm sick and in bed because of normal white I hide my
things but I forgot this time habs neija. now you Nehmten

3 PC's 4 disks 1 USB Stick Mobile's
On my PC you will not find much auser the current trace cms
script on the phone's not really but now comes

The flash drive has 8 GB memory - 4 GB TXT data which are Credit Cards - CC's dumps
then scripts minimum of 30k who like real data from known users
Scene and a few backups Ex. ntv] ...

What do I want? In this moment I can
sitting in the internet cafe to do anything and
I have to expect once the USB stick is seen that I will probably firing
However, I do not bereuhen -

now we come to the real
Since I currently do not have other opportunities to contact
Zb Pyth @ n Contacting other users and to write it here in the hope that someone reads it.

I kept time data protection to IP's - name-location etc
he deserves to be busted not because of me Deshlab
I ask this text continues to gebem.

data from
Pyt @ on
public fiction
The Don
Doc / zorro

we have more, but I know not all auswenidg
I know is shit I've done that, but who does not?
neija I just want to warn you if the data are found what I think because they are not crypted
etc ..

page carefully

Aso to search:

zettel 1 of 3
District Court XXXXXXX
born on xxxxx xxxxxx
investigation of violations of the uhrheberechtsgesetz

software companies "affiliate to date" which was for customers to download potenielle offers. Through the PHP script
the trial of the software offered by non-essential changes in the program code into a umbegrentze lauffäihe
converted version. Kuze time later, this was an Internet software a forum for a Donloadpreis
, each offered as 80 €. The vendor has performed with the Psyeudonym "xXfighterXx" on

that was the first note. I have only the important things without all the heir geschriebn
§ §

adnd The decision - is against the violation of private rights or something blabla
'm only here now taken into the cafe ini ...

neija if we do not hear us

Have fun

source Mfg: work

From xXfighterXx I would have expected more professionalism, because as you can from the text read out that beschlagnahmnten disks are not encrypted. There are websites in addition to backups also allegedly had 4Gb of credit card data on the disks, 4GB of credit card rates seems somewhat implausible that because a few Million CC's, xXfighterXx would be a made boy.

Now comes but the height, in addition to via public data will also RL data for some user scene are on the disks, they should be in txt format. My rl data should be lower, but what I tend not to believe because I always use data from others and am not so fell on my head. I knew that some xXfighterXx RL data from scene has user but I never thought that he is so stupid and stores them to disk unencrypted.

How many, he said data from the user scene or whether they are correct, nobody knows so precisely, or by The Don will e-mail, address and photos have been known but I think Don must be there to worry about. I honestly do not know what the BKA does with the data, we will probably learn in the future.

well as one or the other users in the air jumping for joy, because who has terrorized the scene as it did, and RL data xXfighterXx User Saves Another scene has to be nothing more than deserves to fly in the face. Personally, I find it unfortunate fighter deserves anything but a bust.

Pyth @ n

Naruto Shippuden Sprits

Blog Online

I have decided to reopen for another blog.
I would so much about life in the scene reports.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Thrombocytopenia 103,000

Big update on Facebook!

Our Facebook page has just received a major update! Lots of pictures, schedule and music in particular. Yes, indeed, we have finally made a few demo songs included. Now you can also hear something from us if you have not had the benefit since we see it live.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Making Bird Seed Cakes Gelatin

Paleo ...

Hello ...

Here two nice videos on theories of diet and exercise!
Nothing new ... But for one or another one probably. very interesting. This I find the clips made really nice;)

I would like to point out that I rate as a nutritionist, not all my clients to Paleo, or even strictly observed! The individual is always first;)

Find the attaching themselves but very "interesting" ...

