Sunday, February 28, 2010
Love Game Leather Jacket
In another review I've mentioned before that I will respond to the change in training. Now I've decided to do this because it
People often come to me with the request that they create a training plan.
you have the idea that they are only a Training plan would need to follow and would
it would be done with it. But this is not the case. A training plan should
be changed regularly. (on the importance of control of exercises, I'm not one, but would like to point out !!!;-))
The muscles need stimuli to grow.
This happens once
quantitatively - by varying the training load, ie by increasing the weight or repetitions and by the change of strength endurance, hypertrophy, maximal strength and explosive power (which is again a change the weight and repetition) gives
And quality - by changing the exercises.
muscles (or the body in general) always try to work as economically as possible.
If they get no new stimuli fit them on the situation and break down (to save energy).
this approach works against you raise, in which one is the body new stimuli, such as the weight and / or repetitions.
But muscles get used to this stimulus also increases. Who does not? - A particular exercise where you just can not get anywhere. It simply creates more no repetitions, the weight is not easy increase more (or both)!
stagnant Man.
This does not happen, you should periodically change his training schedule.
example as described above by alternating between strength endurance, hypertrophy, maximal strength and explosive strength or exercise classes.
How often should this change take place, is quite different, depending on the objective all
2-8 weeks. Although I would generally recommend 6 weeks. I personally do
eg between a maximum strength-training to failure. I'll be conducting more than 2-4 weeks, followed by a week of training / Regenarationspause.
Exercises can be changed after a strength endurance, hypertrophy, maximum strength and explosive power-cycle. Where the order is not mandatory. Depending on the objectives, the one or / and not other uses. It may, for example, even after a strength endurance & Hypetrophie-or hypertrophy-& explosive power cycle to change the exercises.
If you already have stagnated during a cycle in which one or other exercises, it may help to reduce the weight of something or to take an easier exercise and then to increase again. So you can trick the body and get something about the stagnation of time. If this fails, it is advisable to change the practice during a cycle.
So you realize : Create with just a training plan is not enough.
'm this, I still think that it absolutely straight for functional training is important to change the exercises regularly, so that it is not too used to certain movements. Because everyday life requires a variety of movements and has a variety of challenges for us. I would even recommend such a practice day completely different exercises to be completed. This may be a certain training program for other purposes or just a game day with exercises to that someone wants. One could also select a date on which they are working on a particular exercise or trying on a new exercise. Or you operate another sport that promotes the body again very different.
I myself almost always train on two days a week a solid plan and one day I make a plan with exercises to improve my martial arts skills or try out a final plan that I find on the internet. In addition to the martial arts (martial arts) I have such a good variety.
eg This week I only trained with kettlebells and workout to workout alternating between ballistic / dynamic exercises and isometric exercises made.
For beginners, however it is recommended that they first build a solid base with a plan that changes in the fixed cycle. And then expand it with accumulated experience ...
Train Hard Fight Easy & ....
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Difference Between Folliculitis And Warts
The perfect diet
What is the perfect diet? What does it best?
What is the most brilliant diet? What is the best diet for losing weight?
food combining? Atkins Diet? Apple cider vinegar diet? Low-carb? Low-Fat? Noodle diet? Slim in your sleep?
zero diet? Low carb? Weight Watchers? And many many more ...
The questions that I face as a trainer and nutritionist often!
My answer then is every time the same:
"The question should more be: What food / diet is for me (you) the best? What
with me or other work, you must still do not work with you long time! "
Why is this so?
We humans are all individuals that start differently to different things, biologically and psychologically.
So what?
gain experience and even taste what one fits best, so you have the best success! Of course, not everyone has
Human time, and especially not the desire to deal with everything to explore everything and to acquire vast amounts of knowledge that he will not need in the end. Just because he / she wants to get rid of kilos. I suggest those
can only get professional help. Find a dietician! If they are busy and do not have time, I offer as well as online consulting.
What should they look for in a nutritionist or a personal consultation?
Here are just a few things that I believe should be followed by ...
-First, the chemistry between the consultant and you vote. If that is not given is, the whole counseling situation not be optimal.
to find out if my clients with me and I can work with them, I always offer a free advisory unit, where we can then get to know first. Here we look together, among other things, what your goals are, whether and how to reach them and what position I occupy as a consultant here.
- Beware of statements such as "That always works!", "This is the best way", or "I guarantee you ...!"!
(Not that the people might not meet its guarantees could, I can guarantee you, that you will be removed, if you only have 500 calories. to eat their carbohydrates or have completely gone, but how healthy it is, is another story.)
I tell my clients always want a thousand ways lead to Rome. My job is to accompany each client on his way to help him find his own individual way.
the main part it has to do it yourself: be honest and work on yourself to it!
-Beware of recommendations for nutritional supplements that guarantee weight loss or muscle building!
I recommend my clients down and once again try some nutritional supplements. These represent only a supplement to the diet represent and should never replace it.
-absolute prohibitions express
course, the client should be the intention to change his diet.
This should result in cooperation, not as specified by the consultant.
The individual is the highest good and we should adapt to the diet most of us and not we look at the diet.
there to keep the balance, is the most difficult task. But it can be done!
Me too would be interested in your experience in the field.
Do you have a specific diet?
Which diet you the best experience you done? etc. Just
email to fit4fight (at)
I would be happy.
I wish you every success in achieving their goals!
Remember: Be honest with yourself and working on your goals!
And for many employees, I offer my online counseling for weight reduction to online advice
Monday, February 15, 2010
Stouffers Outlet, Solon Ohio
I do not know about you?
But I love to train outdoors in nature!
Whether so my body goes into shape or to refine my combat skills.
Whether in a meadow, on the beach or in the woods. Just the basic facts necessary kettlebell, medicine ball, boxing gloves, clamps or the like packed and ready to go.
The problem is: I am a winter mold and do that really only in the summer.
In winter it is just too cold and too wet. Some may think now determines who has not got any idea, and others can understand that because they are doing exactly the same.
yesterday but everything was different.
I slept a little longer than usual Open your eyes, look out the window and what do I see?
comes out yes the sun!
I hope we not only in Hanover lucky that the sun seemed to have something out?
And suddenly I had to go out and uncanny desire to run!
I promptly got up, made me a bit chilly and took my breakfast to me!
250 grams Low fat natural yoghurt
1 banana 1 pear
1 tablespoon oatmeal polynuclear
A pair of almonds and walnuts
1 Teaspoon honey
mix everything well and a great cup of black tea.
After dinner, I read a bit in a book while I drank my tea.
Then I dressed warmly and off we went.
whole 45 minutes I was running out. It was wonderful! The sun was shining and for a change, no snow fell views from the sky. The roads were indeed some very smooth but relatively dry and after a few minutes it was no longer cold.
When I got home, I felt really good and was glad to have made this decision. It was not half as bad as I imagined it!
I hope I can rouse myself in the coming winter months, often and go out into nature to train.
And for all those who stay the winter even more at home: Dare! It is fun and feels incredibly good! The only important thing: Do not forget warm dressing and cap.
Then I spent a really relaxing (beautiful) Valentine's Day afternoon with my girlfriend.
But you know: Anyone who wants to achieve something, which must do something.
And Holidays (well, Valentine's Day is no holiday in the sense) is no reason to neglect his training. So the evening had
another her crisp short workout before it went to the Valentine's Day evening.
I made
(each as many reps that I would have done a good two pieces)
1X pullups underhand
1 X Plyometric push-ups with hands clap
1x per page Pistols
1 minute break
1 x pull-ups in the comb handle
1 X legs elevated pushups
1 X per page Pistols
2 min break
Swings 5 times in 1 minute, followed by one minute break.
After that it was going to go in the evening ...
At this point I would like to show you a clip!
This clip is the trailer clip JKD school for martial arts and more, but you can see there some beautiful places where we work out in the summer of love out there.
him a look at just some feedback I would be happy and also about your experience, training in nature. Just send mail to fit4fight (at)
But now the clip here and a lot of fun training
Addendum: I have just talked to my training partner Tobi said, is an avid runner. And it was again asked how he does it at this time.
He also discouraged before any weather now and runs all year round! And regularly.
my respect!
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Best Vaccuum For Tile
In this post I would like you roughly tell you about "functional fitness".
This Training is to train movements and therefore not isolated muscles, as it so often is common on machines in gyms and bodybuilding.
The advantage of functional training is the practicality.
is through the interaction of various muscle groups and the nerves of the body prepared for a lot more to the complex movements of everyday life, work or sport and you can also record really tremendous strength gains. Also in the weight loss Functional fitness has its importance. (On the importance of functional fitness in the weight reduction I will discuss in another moment :-))
are ideal for this purpose exercises with your own body weight (Body Weight Exercise = BWE), because is usually trained in these exercises, the interaction of various muscles.
course, there are exercises with tools that are suitable for functional training, such as kettlebells, barbell, dumbbell, gym ball, tubes, etc.
here once with a training plan for the whole body ( little emphasis on the upper body), with whom I am working at the moment!
(About the change in training, I also will discuss at another time:))
reverse dips (ranches legs)
Pistols (one legged squats)
A hand raised pushups (alternating)
lunges (alternating) with additional weight
feet elevated pushups
barbell calf raise (additional weight)
Tischklimmzüge with elevated feet (underhand grip)
Plank 1 min
I lead all the exercises consecutively (circles).
Pro exercise, I do 6-12 WDH. In exercises where a change takes place, I do 6-12 WDH per page. Of that I'm
3 passes between each pass 1 minute break! Planks I
vary in the degree of difficulty for each circle. In the first circle as I lift every 30 seconds alternating the arms, legs in the second and third I have 1 min. increased to the disk of the weight of the LH and so on. (May vary as more as you wish:))
The Pistols I consider myself partly / partly to support yet to be for balance: (
For beginners could the plan look like this:
Tischklimmzüge in the upper grip
reverse dips
deep knee bends (possibly with support assistance)
wall push-ups / Push-ups (as appropriate)
lunges, alternating
yoga pushups
calf raises
Tischklimmzüge underhand
3 X 5 sec. Plank (a short pause!)
2-3 rounds with 1 minute rest in between!
It can be used, the number of repetitions as in the first plan, or
Beginners can also try first in a step-down pyramid. And make
per 3WDH exercises, 3 sec pause, 2 WDH. 2 sec. Pause 1 WDH Exercise Exchange
I wish you all a lot of fun while exercising ...