The book" conspiracy the sign of the Cross "by Egmont R. Koch and Oliver Schröm that deals with the Order of the Knights of Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, another major Catholic order, is another found object with some notable passages. They point to the one on the hypocrisy of the Vatican, as regards the action against injustice during and after the Second World War. Second, there is a reference to the since the Crusades existing "Zionist" desire of the Vatican, the Holy Places of Jerusalem and Palestine to have in his possession.
Franz von Papen, who is now Ambassador to Vienna, the annexation of Austria prepared, was promoted for his services to the pope lay Order of the Grand Cross Knight. His services Papen for Hitler himself did estimate: "had the" providence he intended to "essential to the birth of the government" to contribute to the national survey, he once said of him in front of the Catholic sponsored Working Group of German. "Because the structural elements of National Socialism is not only the Catholic View of life is not alien, but they correspond to it in almost all respects. "
p. 54
The bulwark against Bolshevism was Pope Pius XII. seems worth the destruction of 1,700 cities and 70,000 villages and the extermination of European Jews. The "defense of the foundations of Christian culture," as he described the attack on Russia, made homeless over 25 million people and cost millions of lives. At Auschwitz, Treblinka and other extermination camps was silent the "Vicar of Christ," was even as the Jewish community in Rome as it rounded up under his window: More than a thousand Roman Jews were the Nazis on 18 October 1943 deported to Auschwitz death camp - two thirds of them women and children. Only 14 men and one woman survived.
Ambassador Ernst von Weizsäcker reported then to Berlin, "The Pope, although reportedly assailed by various sides, to be carried away to no demonstrative utterance against the deportation of Jews from Rome,"
But he was decidedly against. establishment of the State of Israel and always pleaded for the international status of Jerusalem and the holy places of Palestine.
p. 59/60
Under the leadership of Cardinal Frings was issued six days later, on 26 August, a "Resolution of the Fulda Bishops' Conference of the American military government." In it the courts were accused of German "after a right that was previously unknown in Germany," to condemn. An absurd argument! Finally could it be any case law in Germany for crimes committed as they were previously never before: namely, the deliberate and planned state-organized mass murder of Jews.
On 14 September 1948 gave the U.S. Commission's report. It came to the conclusion that most death sentences should be enforced. Frings then sent "In the interest of international understanding," a protest telegram to the American military governor, General Lucius D. Clay. Help Protect got the zealous cardinal from Rome. Giovanni Battista Montini, the Pope's Secretary of State had to know the Cologne Cardinals, His Holiness had instructed him to take everything to the "go" to the death of the condemned "Germans to change" if possible. Montini, later Pope Paul VI., Intervened itself nor even the American president.
p. 74
The telegram to the State Department was "top secret". It reported U.S. agent Vincent La Vista, the Vatican is "the largest single organization that is involved in the illegal movement of emigrants' . La Vista, a lawyer by profession, was together with several undercover agents were sent to Rome, where they immediately set to work. On 15 La Vista in May 1947 reported to Washington: "There are a large group of Nazi Germans who come to Italy for the sole purpose of getting fictitious identification documents, passports and visas to travel further then most directly through Genoa and Barcelona to Latin America. "How were such problems
to Red Cross passports with false personal details, La Vista, knew from personal experience. He had accompanied two undercover agents, which the committee was the International Red Cross (IRK) was explained, they needed a written confirmation of their identity. This would in turn get to one of the Catholic Relief Committee. There would Monsignori, without asking many questions, issue the related documents. In this way came Adolf Eichmann, chief organizer of the Final Solution to his travel documents. He was under the alias Ricardo Klement flee to Argentina.
addition Adolf Eichmann, the Catholic priest of a series of Nazi-celebrities with false documents to flee helped:
• Alois Brunner, Eichmann's deportation and is responsible for specialist for the murder of 120 000 Jews. Destination: Syria.
• Franz Stangl, commandant of Treblinka concentration camp and charged with 700 000 times the murder was broken out of prison in Linz. Destination: Brazil.
• Walter Rauff , "inventor" of the mobile gas chambers, in which over 180 were killed 000 Jews. Destination: Chile.
• Josef Mengele , the infamous doctor at the Auschwitz concentration camp, wanted for hundreds of thousands of murders. Destination: Chile.
• Josef Schwammberger as camp leader in the Polish cities and Rozwadow Mielec as well as commander of the ghetto Przemysl responsible for countless murders. Destination: Argentina.
The visa came from the Vatican. "At first the" inexplicable, reported show La Vista, "but further investigations, that the Vatican simply put the missions of Latin American countries where the Church has traditionally had great influence, under such pressure until they have former Nazis and fascists in their country allow entry - as long as they are anti-communists. Currently this is in Rome with all Latin American consulates and missions, the common practice. "
Before the Nazis were able to sell to South America, had they usually solve a problem: They had only come once safely across the border into Italy. Attending them were priests to help. Along the major mountain passes had been set up loopholes, why these routes were called in intelligence lingo "rat line" . And because the numerous monasteries offered safe hiding places, the "rat line was also" convent route "called."
cynical enough that the Catholic Church helped many Nazis to escape, while for the Jewish victims in the Third Reich had done nothing worth mentioning.